Computer Network Administration Michael Jameson, George Neal 2011 – 2013 Assessment Plan

Outcome 1 / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students will demonstrate an ability to convert base 10 numbers to binary and hexadecimal numbers. / Students will answer 80% of conversion questions correctly in CNA 101. / Numerical conversion test in CNA 101 / Winter 2012, Fall 2012, Winter 2013
Outcome 2 / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students will demonstrate an increasing ability to determine subnet and host identifiers. / The percentage of students answering subnetting questions correctly will increase as they progress from CNA 101 to CNA 221 / Subnetting questions in CNA 101 and CNA 221 / Winter 2012 – Fall 2013
Outcome 3 –Critical Thinking / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Network Administration Students will demonstrate their skills designing and implementing a client-server network. / 70% of students will pass the capstone course CNA 296 with a C+ or better, where they will design and implement a client-server network as a member of a design and implementation team.
Baseline critical thinking rubric scores will be determined during spring, 2012, with changes tracked during spring, 2013. / Project Evaluation
Peer Evaluation
College wide critical thinking rubric / Spring 2012, Spring 2013
Outcome 4 Ethics / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students should acquire a general perspective on the social and ethical impacts of individual actions in the information technology field. / Progression of ethics rubric scores from first time exam is administered to the second. / Use outcome A in the Ethics rubric: “Identify an ethical issue in a problem or case. / The exam will be administered twice during a 10 week quarter.
Spring 2012 and Spring 2013
Outcome 5 – Program level / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Network Administration Students will be employed as network support or technical support professionals. / 70 % of employed graduates surveyed will be employed in a technical support or network administration position within a year after graduation. / 1a) Graduate Survey / Summer 2012 for 2009 graduates
Outcome 6 – Program level / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Employers will indicate satisfaction with graduates’ skills obtained at SPSCC. / 80 % of employers surveyed of SPSCC graduates will indicate our graduates have good to excellent entry-level skills / Employer survey / Summer 2012

Natural and Applied Sciences Division