BSTG GEN ENGLISH / IELTSCOURSE 2017 - 2018 / Term: 1
Expected level: B1 / Christmas Term (14 Weeks) / Teacher:
Week / Topic / Skill / Grammar / Exam area / Recommended extra material
1 / Introduction to the IELTS course as a whole and an overview of the exam modules.
Topics & Vocabulary: You and Your Family
Language: Adverbs of Frequency.
Likes and dislikes
Comparatives and Superlatives / Students will be introduced to the IELTS course as a whole and the requirements of each exam skill.
Students will sit a full IELTS exam on arrival and be allocated to the correct class that can address their level and needs.
Exam skill focus: Speaking about personal information.
Expressing habits. / Students are encouraged to read newspapers (online or hard copy) so they begin to form a wider range of interests and challenge their vocabulary.
2 / Introduction to the reading module.
Topics & Vocabulary: Tourism & Technology
Language: Used to / didn’t use to be…
Past tenses / Students will look at methods of reading (scanning, skimming, etc.).
Exam skill focus: Reading for specific information / Chapters from travel novels i.e. Bill Bryson.
3 / Introduction to the Listening module.
Topics & Vocabulary: Design & Technology
Language: Future tenses
1st & 2nd Conditional
Expressing opinions / Students will look at methods of listening
(Specifics information, identifying main ideas, detail etc.)
Exam skill focus: Listening for detail / Watch/ read technology programmes, YouTube clips to build vocabulary.
4 / Introduction to the Writing module.
Topics & Vocabulary: Globalisation
Language: Conjunctions (and, but, although etc.)
Signposts (Firstly, finally)
Passives / Students will look at methods of writing (for and against, discussion, linking words etc.)
Exam skill focus: Writing a basic structure / Use of the Oxford iWriter Dictionary to illustrate essay formations.
5 / Speaking module continued.
Topics & Vocabulary: Hobbies and sports
Language: Conjunctions (and, but, although etc.)
Present tenses / Exam skills focus: Expressing and justifying views
6 / Assessment Week / Assessment Week / Assessment Week
8 / Writing module continued.
Topics & Vocabulary: Business
Language: Phrasal verbs and statistic expressions
Interpreting graphs
Figures, number, percentages / Students will look at how to compare statistics and use alternative language in reports.
Exam skills focus: Writing comparisons / Use of the Oxford iWriter Dictionary to illustrate report writing formations
9 / Listening module continued.
Topics & Vocabulary: The Environment
Language: Gerung vs infinitive
3rd Conditional / Mixed conditional / Exam skill focus: Listening for mail ideas / Use YouTube or other internet resources to listen for gist
10 / Reading module continued.
Topics & Vocabulary: The Media
Language: Agreeing and disagreeing
Comparatives and Superlatives revision
Past and Present tense revision / Exam skills focus: Reading to paraphrase main ideas / Read film magazine articles or online reviews to build vocabulary
11 / Speaking module continued.
Topics & vocabulary: The Future
Language: Future Tenses revision
Synonyms and Antonyms to describe
Feelings / Exam Skills focus: Speaking about abstract issues.
Sustaining a long turn without supporting.
12 / Writing module continued.
Topics & Vocabulary: Youth / Teenagers
Language: Offering opinions
Linking word revision / Exam Skills focus: Writing a pros and cons essay / Oxford iWriter Advantages and Disadvantages essay format.
13 / Listening module continued
Topics & Vocabulary: Global problems
Language: Prefixes and Suffixes
Word transformations / Exam Skills focus: Listening for specifics information
14 / Revise and Review: All topics, vocabulary, exam skills
  • Judgement of Teacher
  • Needs of Students
Prepare for following assessment week
End of term – Full IELTS mocks test, all skills.
Feedback from results. Students set study areas over the holidays
Expected level: B1 / Easter Term (11 weeks) / Teacher:
Week / Topic / Skill / Grammar / Assessment criteria / Recommended extra material
1 / Revision of skills from previous term
Overview of the IELTS EXAM. Grading, criteria for specific universities under guidance from tutors. / Students will sit a full IELTS exam on return and be allocated to correct classes if required.
All skills assessed
2 / Combined Reading and Speaking
Topics & Vocabulary: Politics
Language: Agreeing and Disagreeing.
Asking for opinions
Interrupting / Exam skills focus: Reading for main ideas.
Exam skills focus: Expressing opinions and asking for clarification. / Reading newspaper and BBC World Service news
3 / Combined Reading and Writing
Topics & Vocabulary: Crime
Language: Language of statistics revision
Interpreting graphs
Summarizing information / Exam skills focus: Reading for specific detail
Exam skills focus: Writing a formal on information. / Use the Oxford iWriter Dictionary to illustrate essay formations
Watching podcasts regarding law.
4 / Combined Listening and Speaking
Topics & Vocabulary: The Economy
Language: Tense revision
Tag question / Exam skills focus: Listening for gist
Exam skills focus: Giving opinions. Organising and expressing ideas. / Listening to economy broadcast – Radio 4
5 / Assessment Week / Assessment Week / Assessment Week
6 / Half Term Holiday – No Classes / Half Term Holiday – No Classes / Half Term Holiday – No Classes
7 / Combined Listening and Writing
Topics & Vocabulary: Employment & Volunteering
Language: Third person
Article revision
Prepositions / Exam skills focus: Listening to a presentation and taking notes in order to summarise information / Reading job descriptions online or in the newspapers.
8 / Combined Reading & Speaking.
Topics & Vocabulary: News
Language: Direct speech vs Reported speech
Reporting verbs
Narrative structures / Exam skill focus: Reading news articles and playing devil’s advocate in order to formulate opinions. Justifying views / Reading newspaper. Watch news broadcast and replay to check details. BBC World Service online.
9 / Listening.
Topics & Vocabulary: Human & Animal Rights
Language: Prepositions
Tense review / Exam skills focus: Listening for specific detail. Use of life listening. Matching headings to paragraphs. / Watching video clips ref animal testing, Greenpeace activists etc.
10 / Writing module continued
Topics & Vocabulary: Health, Diet & Fitness
Language: Comparisons
Reading module continued
Topics & Vocabulary: Religion
Language: Signposts in language revision
Use of the passive revision / Exam skills focus: Analysing data and writing report the information displayed.
Exam skills focus: Reading for specifics detail. / Reading information smoking, drugs and alcohol statistics
11 / Full IELTS mock exam.
Results fed back to students and discussion with tutor reference strong and weak skills areas.
Homework set for the term break.
Expected level: B1 / Summer Term ( 11 Weeks) / Teacher:
Week / Topic / Skill / Grammar / Assessment Criteria / Recommended extra material
1 / Revision of skills from previous term
Overview of the IELTS exam. Grading, criteria for specific universities under guidance from tutors. / Students will sit a full IELTS exam on return and be allocated to correct classes if required.
All skills assessed.
Final term will be based ensuring vocabulary level are high and skills are practiced
2 / Topic: History / Reading: for detail – extracts about famous people.
Speaking: presenting short piece on the most influential person in history. Sustaining a long turn without support.
Listening: to other presentations and summarizing overall content and specific information.
Writing: a discussion essay “History is not subject that is important in schools. Discuss.” / BBC World Service Learn English.
BBC iPlayer podcasts.
3 / Topic: Inventions / Reading: articles about invention. Scan and skim
Speaking: presenting short piece on the most important invention ever.
Organising ideas and justifying views.
Listening: to other presentations and summarizing overall content and specific information.
Writing: a descriptive report on how something work. / Newspapers and magazines on technology.
Considerer your own technology
4 / Topic: Superstitions / Supernatural / Reading: The history of superstitions. Reading for detail.
Speaking: presenting short piece on culturally known superstitions.
Sustaining a long turn.
Listening: to recording – multiple choice task
Writing: a discussion essay “Superstitions are more popular than religious beliefs”. / Use of the Oxford iWriter Dictionary to illustrate essay formations.
5 / Topic: Childhood – Role of Men & Women / Reading: article about mortality rates in countries. Reading for detail.
Speaking: questions and answers regarding student’s childhood and memories. Talking about familiar habits and giving personal information.
Listening: to a teacher (live listening) describing a series of childhood events. Listening for specific information.
Writing: a report comparing the birth and death rates around the world / Notes about earliest memories, birthdays, holidays etc.
6 / Assessment Week / Assessment Week / Assessment Week
8 / Topic: Crime and Punishment / Reading: articles about prison sentences around the world. Reading for opinion.
Speaking: Expressing opinions and entering discussions.
Listening: to news items about crime, identifying facts.
Writing: a discussion essay “Current punishment guidelines are not a deterrent for criminals”. / Read articles (online or hard copy). Political prisoners, crime statistics etc.
9 / Topic: Architecture & Buildings / Reading: information about architecture in an area. Reading for opinion.
Speaking: Discussing issues surrounding modern vs ancient architecture, grading language for and against arguments.
Listening: to documentary clips for specific detail. Multiple choice task.
Writing: a for against essay “Should old buildings be replaced by environmentally friendly modern constructions?” / Use of the Oxford iWriter Dictionary to illustrate essay formations.
10 / Topic: Arts & Advertising / Reading: article about artist. Reading for opinion.
Speaking: Talking about abstract work.
Listening: to a lecture. Understanding people’s opinions.
Writing: an essay comparing and contrasting. “Modern art is not as skillful as the art of centuries ago” / Look at images use in advertising, build vocabulary to describe them.
11 / Revise and Review: All topics, vocabulary, exam skills
  • Judgement of Teacher
  • Needs of Students
Prepare for following assessment week
Full IELTS mock exams
Results fed back to students and discussion with tutor reference strong and weak skills areas.
Individual prep for exams.