Information for Selected RPPA Project

PI name______

Project Title______

Project description or brief abstract:

Species: Human ___ Mouse ______Other (specify)______

Sample Type: Tissue___ Cell Line_____ Other (specify)______

Estimate date of sample delivery ______

iLab project registration (see next page for details)______

Please fill the form below:

Group # / Sample Group Name / Number of samples


*please expand the table as needed.

Shixia Huang, Ph.D.
Director, Proteomics Core
Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center
Associate Professor, Dept. Molecular & Cellular Biology
Alkek Building forBiomedicalResearch, R507
Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza, MS130
Houston, TX 77030
713-798-8722 (Office)
713-798-8935/6740 (lab)
713-798-1370 (Fax)

Welcome to iLab Solutions at Baylor College of Medicine!

BCM is excited to launch a web-based tool to help manage central resources at the institute. We will be rolling out the software in several phases. The Protein Profiling + Quantitative Proteomics Core would like to invite you to register for an iLab account so you can access core services through the new on-line system. Please follow the instructions below to complete the one-time registration process and get started working with the core!

If you already have an account with iLab, you do not need to register again. Simply login and click on ‘core facilities’ link in the left menu to find the new core listed.

BCM Users: Register with iLab

1.  Click here to login and register: https://bcm.corefacilities.org/account/login (click BCM user link once on page).

2.  Login using your BCM username and password on the BCM single sign on page.

3.  Upon successful authentication, you will redirect into the iLab system. Select your lab from the pull-down list, provide your phone number.

4.  Submit the completed registration form. Submission will notify your PI of your lab membership request.

5.  You will be sent an email with basic instructions on using the system at this time. However, you will not be able to place orders with your new account until your PI has approved your lab membership request.

Non-BCM Users: Sign up for iLab Account

1.  Complete the account sign-up form here: https://bcm.corefacilities.org/account/signup/43?sc_id=3060

2.  You will receive an email with account information and basic instructions to get started using the system once your account has been approved.

You can also access the core's webpage directly, which has login and registration links for all users in the upper right corner.

●  https://bcm.corefacilities.org/service_center/show_external/3060/BCM_Proteomics

If you have any questions, concerns, comments or suggestions, please use the 'leave iLab feedback' link in the upper right hand corner once you are logged in. Alternatively, you can email us at .

Best wishes, The iLab - BCM Team