Royal Palm Elementary School

School Parent/Student Handbook


Table of Contents

Title / Page Number
Vision Statement / 1
Mission Statement / 1
Message from the Principal / 2
A Note to Parents / 3
Crossing Guards / 4
Before & After School Care / 4
Breakfast & Lunch / 4-5
Arrival / 5
Dismissal / 5-6
Rainy Days / 6
Field Trips / 6-7
Dress Code / 7
Attendance & Absences / 8
Excused School Absence Rules / 9
Unexcused School Absence Rules / 10
Sign-Out Policy / 10
Withdrawals / 10
Change of Address / 11
Parent’s Right of Access to Student Records / 11
Telephone Usage / 11
Discipline / 12
Expulsion of Students / 12
Parent Conferences & Teacher Conferences / 13
Student Services / 13
Emergency Contact / 13-14
Administration Medications at School / 14-15
Health Procedures / 15-16
Safety Patrol / 16
Physical Education & Safety / 16-17
Transportation & Safety / 17
Proper Restraining of Children in Motor Vehicles / 18
Items to Leave at Home / 18-20
Personal Property / 20
Lost & Found / 20
Media Center / 20-21
Textbooks / 21
Special Area Classes / 21
Home Learning Assignments / 21
Home Learning Assignment Guidelines / 22
Interim Reports / 23
P.T.S.A. / 23
Volunteers / 23
Appendix / 24-26

Miami Dade County Public Schools

Vision Statement

We are committed to prepare our students with the skills to function successfully in a technology driven information age. Our goal is to provide the foundation that will enable them to succeed in school, to advance in their chosen careers, and to become informed citizens capable of making the critical decisions necessary in a democratic society.

Mission Statement

The mission of Royal Palm Elementary School teachers and staff is to provide students with the necessary skills to succeed in all academic areas. Technology will be utilized to support instruction across the curriculum in a comprehensive effort to enhance students’ critical thinking skills which are essential in a rapidly changing society.

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

We pride ourselves in having a warm and aesthetically inviting building. I take pride in having highly qualified teachers who are excited about teaching and who create a supportive climate in which each student is encouraged to develop academically to his/her fullest potential.

This handbook was developed to help you and your child become aware of the policies and procedures at our school and the District. We encourage you to carefully read this packet and share the information with your child.

We hope you will get involved in your child’s education and we look forward to having a fantastic school year.

If you have any additional questions or need assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us as (305)221-7961.


Marta Garcia

This handbook will be distributed only once. Please save it in order to refer to it periodically. Changes, deletions, or additions, will be distributed as they occur. You are responsible for the information disseminated in this handbook.

We make the following suggestions which may help parents in getting their children off to a good start and if followed, aid both school and home in providing educational success for our pupils.

  1. Promote a love of learning by encouraging his/her interests and questions. Be patient with your child.
  2. If possible, enrich your child’s environment with books. Take him/her on trips and visit places of interest. Always read to your child and encourage them to read to you. Make sure your child has a special time allotted with just you, where the attention can be his/her own.
  3. Assist your child in becoming independent by being responsible for his/her personal habits.
  4. Teach your child to be attentive and to listen to directions. Also, encourage your child to respect others and cooperate with the teacher.
  5. Take an interest in your child’s school experience. Such as joining the school’s P.T.A. meetings and functions.
  6. Inspect all of the papers your child brings home from school and aid him/her in correcting any careless errors that we made. If you have any questions about your child’s work or expectations, please communicate with their teacher via a note or by contacting the office where an arrangement will be made for either a return phone call or a conference.
  7. Please do not fax homework or personal messages to your child/children.
  8. Please avoid demanding the teacher’s attention when a class is being conducted or children are being supervised. Your understanding and cooperation with this request will be appreciated.
  9. Instill good habits of punctuality in your child.


Metro Crossing Guards direct pedestrians and auto traffic at our school. They are responsible for assisting students in crossing streets. We ask your cooperation in respecting the traffic signs and speed limits so that our children will arrive safely each day.


Royal Palm Elementary operates its own Before and After School Care Programs.

Hours of Operation:

Before Care 7:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m.

After School Care 1:50 a.m.-6:00p.m.


We encourage good manners and habits as part of our school instructional program. Such as, always being courteous to cafeteria workers and using appropriate table manners. Our cafeteria is part of the school lunch program of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. It is supervised by a qualified manager who is responsible for the planning and preparation of all meals. We are a school that is involved in teaching our students’ how to make healthy eating choices, so that they will be able to maximize their full potential in the classrooms. We are currently in a “Silver” standing with the Alliance of Healthier Schools. See the attached link for “Ways to Celebrate” with your child in a healthy way (

Hours of Operation:

Breakfast 7:45 a.m.-8:15 a.m. *Doors close promptly at 8:15 a.m.


We encourage all parents to PRE-PAY FOR LUNCH ON A WEEKLY BASIS. Checks for prepaid lunches are payable to Royal Palm Elementary. Lunches may be paid in advance on Monday morning ONLY or may be paid for daily. We encourage pre-paid lunches since this eliminates the problem of lost lunch money. Students are not charged if they are absent. Lunches may also be paid for daily. Free and reduced price lunches are available to families who qualify for them. Please inquire in the office for the necessary forms to apply for this assistance or through the following website: Lunch monies can be prepaid through Pay PAMS.


*Students must only be on school grounds when properly supervised.

School Hours:

Pre-K, K, & 1st 8:20 a.m.-1:50 p.m.

2nd through 5th 8:35 a.m.- 3:05 p.m.

Bell Schedule:

Pre-K, K, & 1st First bell rings at 8:10 a.m. and the second bell rings at 8:20 a.m. Therefore, all students must be seated by second bell.

2nd through 5th First bell rings at 8:20 a.m. and the second bell rings at 8:35 a.m. Therefore, all students must be seated by the second bell.


*Students who do not attend the ASC program are not to remain on school grounds or in the classroom. WE DO NOT PROVIDE SUPERVISION FOR STUDENTS WHO WAIT FOR OLDER SIBLINGS.

It is considered CHILD NEGLECT if you do not pick up your child on time. We are required by law to report any students, who are left after school unsupervised, to the Florida Department of Children and Families and the Police.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday:

Pre-K, K, & 1st 1:50 p.m.

2nd through 5th 3:05 p.m.


Pre-K through 5th 1:50 p.m.



The school has no way of caring for all of the children after dismissal time if it is raining; nor is it possible for large numbers of children to call home for instructions.


  • Keep in mind that going on a field trip is a privilege, not a right.
  • Students will not be allowed to go on a field trip if safety is a concern.
  • Please follow all the instructions the teacher will give you. This will ascertain that students will be safe and have fun at the same time.
  • Monies for field trips cannot be refunded. There will be no exception to this rule.
  • All parents must be an authorized volunteerin order to participate in any school activities. Parents must apply on line through or directly through If you have any questions you may call the main office at (305)221-7961.
  • Emergency contact information contained on the field trip form must be filled out completely with the name and phone numbers of relative, doctor/hospital before the field trip is approved.
  • Parent permission slips and money need to be sent to school by the deadline. No child will be allowed to go on the field trip without proper written parental permission. Students who do not bring in written permission forms on time will be assigned to another classroom on the day of the field trip.
  • If a student does not attend a field trip the money cannot be returned. Please make sure you consider this.
  • Siblings are not allowed to accompany brothers and sisters on field trips.


1.SCHOOL UNIFORMS ARE MANDATORY. Jeans and leggings are not part of the school uniform. Students who come to school without their uniform will be sent to the office to notify parents. If available, a change of uniform will be provided.

2.Shoes should be safe and appropriate for physical education activities. Students must wear sneakers or other closed toe and closed heel shoes. Students must not wear high heels, metal cleats, clogs, thongs, tap shoes, or sandals.

3.Due to sanitary measures (pediculosis or headlice) no hats or capsshould be worn at any grade levelunlessfor religious or medical reasons.

4.Make-upis too distracting and should not be worn in school.

5.Nojewelry is recommended. Jewelry may be lost while playing or during physical education.

6.Noperfumeor cologne should be worn by students. Many students have allergies, asthma, or respiratory problems. Since the classrooms are air conditioned, the fragrances might constitute a health problem for other students or the teachers.

7.Heelysare not allowed since they could constitute a safety hazard; please help us keep your child free from injury. Students will sit in the office until parent or guardian can bring another pair of shoes for his/her child.

8.Students whose personal attire or groomingdistracts the attention of students or teachers from their school work shall be required to make the necessary changes to such attire or grooming before entering the classroom.


The State of Florida and the Miami-Dade Public Schools have established learning goals for all students. For students to achieve success and reach these goals, they must be in school everyday and on time. Board Policy No. 5220

Our school provides an excellent learning experience for your child, and your child needs to be here on time. Help us encourage promptness by having your child arrive on time. Students arriving late will miss a major part of the instruction in basic skills. The student’s tardiness or early dismissals will affect the student’s grades in those particular subjects. In addition, continuous disruptions have a negative impact on the entire class. Therefore, please try to schedule doctor and dental appointments in the afternoon after dismissal time, as this can have a negative impact on the student’s grades. Any lesson missed is an opportunity for success that your child has missed. If continuous tardiness or early dismissals occur, parents will be asked to have a conference with a member of the administrative staff and/or the school social worker.

Also, students are to be counted in attendance only if they are actually present for at least two hours of the day or engaged in school approved educational activity which constitutes a part of the instructional program for the student (Board Policy No. 5200)


1. Student Illness:

Students missing 5 or more consecutive days of school due to illness or injury are required to provide a written statement from a health care provider. The written statement must include all days the student was absent from school. If a student is continually sick and repeatedly absent from school due to a specific medical condition, he or she must be under the supervision of ahealthcare provider in order to receive excused absences from school.

2.Medical Appointment:

If a student is absent from school due to a medicalappointment, a written statement from a health care provider indicating the date and time of the appointment,must be submitted to the principal.

3. Death:

Of animmediate family member

4. Observance:

Of a religious holiday or service when it is mandated for all members of afaith such as a holiday or service is observed.

5. School-Sponsored Event or Educational Enrichment Activity:

Anything that is not a school-sponsored event, as determined and approved by the principal or principal’s designee: The student must receive advance written permission from the principal or the principal’s designee. Examples of special events include: public functions, conferences, and region, state and national competitions.

  • Any absence that does not fall into one of the above excused absence categories is to be considered unexcused. Any student who has been absent from school will be marked unexcused until he/she submits required documentation as specified above. Failure to provide required documentation within three school days upon the return to school will result in an unexcused absence.


Unexcused Absences Include:

1. Absences due to vacations, personal services, local non-school event, program

or sporting activity

2. Absences due to older students providing daycareservices for siblings

3. Absences due to illness of others

4. Absences due to non-compliance withimmunization requirements (unless lawfullyexempted)


All students leaving the school grounds during school hours MUSTbe signed out by a parent and/or guardian with proper identification. Positively no one is allowed to leave the school grounds without first signing out in the office. Students will be released ONLY to authorized persons with proper identification.


If it is necessary to withdraw a child from school, the school should be notified at least two daysin advance if possible. We must be sure that all textbooks and library books are accounted for and that the student does not owe money to the school. The parent or guardianmust come to the office in person to obtain a transfer. We must have proof of your new address to complete the transfer papers. Call our office at (305) 221-7961.


If you change your address, phone number, or work location, please notify the school. It is important that the information on your child’s emergency contact card be kept current. In case of an emergency or accident we must be able to reach you immediately. Hospitals WILL NOTtreat a child without a parent or guardian present.


In accordance with the Parents’ Right and Privacy Act, no information should be provided about students unless parent permission has been obtained in writing, except as defined in Student Educational Records incorporated as part of Board Rule 6GX1-5B-1.07. This includes all vendors, i.e., photographers.

The Parents’ Right and Privacy Act became a Federal Law in November 1974. The intent of this law is to protect the accuracy and privacy of student educational records. Without prior consent, only you and authorized individuals having a legitimate educational interest will have access to your child’s educational records.


The office telephone is available only for emergency situations. All classrooms have a telephone which students may use in case of emergencies only.


We have a Discipline Planin our school for which each classroom has rules, rewards, and consequences for work and/or behavior. Positive rewards are incorporated into the discipline plans of each classroom. It is the teacher’s responsibility to explain the overall discipline plan to students and parents in their classroom.

The teachers at Royal Palm appreciate our parents because they have always worked with us to ensure excellent discipline in our school. If you have any further questions, please contact your child’s teacher.


Any student in a Miami-Dade County Public School shall be subject to EXPULSION by the School Board upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools when a student has:

  1. Possessed, used or transmitted a substance capable of modifying mood and/or behavior.
  1. Possessed, used or transmitted a weapon including, but not limited to, a gun, knife, razor, explosive, ice pick, or club.
  1. Used any article as a weapon or in a manner reasonably calculated to threaten a person.
  1. Committed a serious breach of conductincluding, but not limited to, an assault on school personnel or another student, a lewd or lascivious act, arson, vandalism or any other act which disrupts the orderly conduct of the school or school activity.
  1. Engaged in less serious but continuing misconductincluding, but not limited to, the use of profane, obscene or abusive language, or other acts that are detrimental to the educational function of the school.

Any expulsion recommended because of such misconduct shall include a detailed report by the principal on the corrective measures taken prior to the recommendation of expulsion.