London Borough of Newham

Initial Equality Impact Assessment Form

Title of

The Royal Docks Co-operative Learning Partnership

Purpose for Initial EQIA

Pick from listCabinet ReportNew Policy/Strategy/Service?FunctionNew Project/Scheme/initiativeAdapted Policy/Strategy/Service/FunctionPolicy/Service/Function reviewProject/Scheme/Initiative reviewOther If other, please specify

Officer Responsible (to be completed by the report author)

Name: Jane Noble / Ext: 32974
Directorate: Pick from ListResourcesEnvironmentChildren & Young People Chief Executive'sRegeneration, Planning & PropertyCustomer ServicesAdults, Community & Leisure / Division Service and Performance Improvement

Form must be signed and dated by the relevant Executive Director

Executive Director: Kim Bromley-Derry Date: June 2010

Corporate Planning & Partnerships

Signed off by: David Hodgkins Date:June 2010


1.  What are the aims, objectives and purpose of the including desired outcomes:

To form a foundation school with a charitable Trust at The Royal Docks Community School (TRDCS) in order to raise student achievement and attainment by improving the following: standards, teaching and learning and leadership and management.

2.  Who are the main people that will be affected?

Students who currently attend the school, teachers and support staff, the local community and prospective students attending link primary schools.
Teachers and non teaching staff employed at the school.
The Governing Body.

3.  How relevant is the to the following equality strands

Age / Disability / Gender / Race / Religion / Belief / Sexual
Relevance / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow

4.  What positive impact could the have overall and on different groups? (Please provide evidence e.g. consultation, monitoring etc)

The transition to a Foundation School with charitable Co-operative Trust status will provide the necessary impetus to consolidate the school's recovery. The partnership consists of St Clere's School, Thurrock; University of East London (UEL), the London Borough of Newham and the Co-operative College. They will provide TRDCS with the necessary strength, expertise, drive, ethos and support to deliver durable high quality educational outcomes for its students and the community. It is anticipated that the co-operative values and ethical framework will inform the ethos of the new school, promote community cohesion and raise standards. Performance in external examinations has been consistently below the National Challenge floor targets. Although the school is in an Ofsted category (special measures) the most recent exam results and HMI monitoring report have signalled that the school is making a positive recovery. The move to Trust and Foundation status will build on this.
As a foundation school it is responsible for setting its own admissions arrangements, however, it complies with the statutory code of practice. It is a fair and straightforward admissions system that promotes equity and fair access for all. The school is the employer of all its staff but must comply with School Teachers' Pay and Conditions. All staff on transferring have a right to retain their terms and conditions of employment and the LA retains some statutory responsibility e.g. funding redundancies, defence costs in employment tribunals, early retirment costs.
The school monitors racist incidents by logging them internally. The Governing Body and the Local Authority are informed and the school makes a return on a termly basis to the LA . All incidents (there were 6 incidents in 2009/10) are followed up and appropriate actions agreed. The equalities policy is reviewed on an annual basis. Ofsted inspections judge the extent to which the school makes a contribution to the wider community, whether or not children feel safe and the extent the school promotes equality and tackles discrimination. The school was judged 'satisfactory' for these areas in its last section 5 inspection. The work of the Trust will support the school to improve its Ofsted judgements by helping to support and maintain excellent progression and outcomes for all learners.
The Trust partners are not involved in activities that may be considered inappropriate for children and young people, their reputation is in keeping with the charitable objectives of the trust and they are not involved in activities which could bring the school into disrepute.
a) Age
The school is an 11-16 age school and the project will have a significant impact in helping young people achieve their potential. / b) Disability
The school is an inclusive school and has a high number of students with a special educational need. The school has a resourced provision for Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty (PMLD) students. The move to Trust status will enhance the school's capacity to promote inclusion by bringing together the skills and expertise of the partnership.
c) Gender
Groups of students have been identified as underachieving in some subjects. For example, Y9 upper ability girls in English and upper ability boys in maths. The new school will focus on individual pupil attainment so that gender bias is minimised in the school's pursuit of excellence and gender performance is improved so that student life chances are enhanced. This information will inform the curriculum diet the students receive. / d) Race
Groups of pupils have been identified as underachieving in some subjects. For example, Y10 white British and black African students. The new school will focus on individual pupil attainment so that race bias is challenged and minimised in the school's pursuit of excellence for its pupils and student life chances are enhanced. In order for attainment to rise, differences need to be recognised and bias in expectations reduced. The vision and values of the charitable Trust promotes community cohesion and encourages diversity.
e) Religion / Belief
The values and ethos of the Trust partners will strengthen diversity, tolerance and global understanding. Trust partners have all agreed to work by the values of self help of the Cooperative movement : self responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity; and the ethical values of the movement: honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others. / f) Sexual Orientation
Homophobic bullying is confidently addressed, dealt with quickly, sensitively and effectively in a safe and inclusive atmosphere using a preventative approach. Strategies are identified in the school's behaviour policy. An ethos of respect is encouraged, support is available for students and there are formal and informal curriculum opportunities. The ethical values of the charitable Trust are based on equality, equity, honesty, openess, social responsibility and caring for others.
g) Other groups
The benefits of a high achieving strong neighbourhood school will challenge parental low expectations and provide alternative adult routes that are not restricted to low pay work or unemployment. Local stakeholders, community organisations and parent/carers will be engaged and empowered through democratic involvement in the trust and the stakeholders forum.

5.  What negative impact could the have overall and on different groups and (if possible) how can it be justified and / or eliminated? (Please provide evidence e.g. consultation, complaints, monitoring etc)

If the partnership is unsuccessful this could impact on the quality of teaching (staff) and learning (pupils) and negatively affect standards. As a trust school there are two new responsibilities . 1) The governing body becomes the employer of staff. However, in this model, the exisiting rights of teaching and non teaching staff will be fully protected. 2) The governing body is responsible for setting admissions arrangements, however, the school will remain part of the LA's family of schools and will continue to have a fair admissions policy and not introduce selection by ability.
a) Age / b) Disability
c) Gender / d) Race
e) Religion / Belief / f) Sexual Orientation
g) Other groups

6.  If you have undertaken any internal / external research or consultation(s) please list them below (including purpose and summary of analysis)

The Governing Body has to comply with the requirements of School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2007 in respect of the consultation on proposals. The Governing Body has consulted with the following: parent/carers, staff, unions, students, and the community. Stage 1 of the consultation period: November 16 - December 14 and Stage 2: April 21 - May 19.
The following have also been consulted.
Neighbouring secondary schools (Cumberland, Brampton Manor, Eastlea and secondary schools TRDCS are a partner with e.g specialist schools.
Local Authorities: Directors of CYPS: Newham, Redbridge, Barking and Dagenham, Tower Hamlets and Hackney (Learning Trust)
LSC London East
MP Jim Fitzpatrick
The three local ward councillors: Connor McAuley, Pat Holland and James Butler
Community groups including nurseries and child care providers; the local sports and leisure facility: Newham Leisure Centre
Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT): Chief Executive
The principals and head teachers of NewVic 6th Form, Newham College of Further Education (NCFE) and the joint 6th Form at St Angela's and St Bonaventure's joint 6th Form
Chobham Academy: Principal
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Director of Education Brentwood Diocese
Director of Education Chelmsford Diocese
Potentially hard to reach groups have been consulted: students via school council meetings, parents via parent meetings and school communications (newsletters etc)and the community via a meeting and leaflets

7.  Do you need to undertake any further consultation? If so what and with whom?


8.  Has a full impact assessment been planned or completed?

Yes No
If yes please state timescales


9.  Action Planning

No / Identified Impact (positive or negative) / Objective / Actions / Outcomes / Timescales / Milestones / Lead Officer
1 / Establish the Royal Docks Co-operative Learning Partnership in order to raise aspirations and achievement for all pupils / Underachieving groups targeted. All students successfully achieving.
Families empowered to support the learning and career aspirations of their children / See Memorandum of Understanding of the Trust Partners; the school's 5 year strategic plan and the Ofsted action plan / Underachieving groups achieve national standards: 5+ A*-C GCSE grades including maths and English. Estimate for 2010 results: 41% (target: 37%) / Annual GCSE results (August)
Pupil progress in Key Stages 3 & 4 is monitored regularly and reported on, throughout the school year. / R.Martin (headteacher)
10 Have the above actions been incorporated into your Service Plan?
Yes No
If No how will these actions be monitored?


Contact: David Hodgkins 020 337 39932

Head of Corporate Planning & Partnerships

Chief Executive Directorate