We, the students of Wahlquist Junior High School, in order to encourage students to recognize and discharge their responsibilities to themselves and their school, to maintain a positive relationship with faculty and staff; to promote academic excellence, good sportsmanship and citizenship; and to aid in the development of loyal and constructive school spirit, do ordain and establish this constitution for Wahlquist Junior High School.
Name, Purpose, Mascot, and Colors
Section 1:The name of this organization shall be: The Associated Student Body of Wahlquist Junior High School.
Section 2:Its purpose shall be to promote scholastic achievement, school spirit, citizenship and sportsmanship, and to plan and conduct school activities and stimulate loyalty to the school.
Section 3:The mascot shall be the Eagle.
Section 4:The school colors shall be Green and gold.
Section 1:Any registered student of WahlquistJunior High School shall become a member of the student body organization.
Section 2:The members shall have all rights and privileges set forth in this constitution and shall be governed by its limitations.
Section 1:Officers of WahlquistJunior High School shall consist of:
- Officers of the student body shall consist of a President and three Vice Presidents.
- Officers of ninth, eighth, and seventh grades shall consist of a president, and fourvice-presidents.
Qualifications for Office
Section 1:All candidates for office must be full-time, registered students at WahlquistJunior High School at the time of nomination and during the term of office. A candidate for any student body office must be from the eighth grade at the time of election. Candidates for class officers must be a member of the class they represent.
Section 2:Candidates for office must maintain a record of good standing at the school during the year of nomination, which includes the following: A candidate will be ineligible for nomination if he/she has accumulated more than one (1) “N’” per quarter or any “U’s” in citizenship during the year of nomination. Known truancies, poor attendance, a record of general misconduct or any behavior that could be damaging to the reputation of the organization, will bar a student from nomination for an official position in student government, cheerleading or any major appointed position in the school.
Section 3:All candidates for office must have signed and be in compliance with the Weber School District Code of Conduct Contract.
Section 4: An Eligibility Committee must approve all candidates for office. The Eligibility Committee will consist of the Principal, Vice-Principal and Student Council Advisor(s).
Section 5:A student desiring to run for office, but who does not meet the established eligibility qualifications, may submit an applicationto the School Standards Committee, for consideration of any extenuating circumstances which may have caused a student to be ineligible for nomination. The decision of this committee will determine whether or not the studentmay be eligible to run for office. Students may not proceed with the campaign process until cleared.
Section 6:No student will be allowed to hold more than one elected, appointed or adjudicated major leadership position in the school during a single school year, so that no one student is overloaded and so that many students are given the opportunity to serve.
Election of Officers
Section 1:Candidates for student body and class officers shall take part in elections and run-offs as needed, held during the months of April and/or May each year.
Section 2:The Eligibility Committee will select a president from the elected candidates of each slate. The other elected officers will hold the office of Vice-President and will have duties and/or responsibilities as assigned.
Section 3:For purposes of continuing eligibility, “term of office” will begin on the day of election and continue until the end of the year of office.
Section 3:The oath of office administered to incoming Student Body and Class officers shall be:
“I, ______(full name of student having been elected to the office), hereby promise to uphold the Wahlquist Junior High School Constitution, set a high standard and example for the Students of Wahlquist Junior High School, and do my best to carry out the duties of my office.”
Section 4:Duties of the Student Body Officers:
- President
- Preside at meetings of the Student Council and Student Body Assemblies
- Call extra meetings when necessary
- Vote only in case of a tie
- Perform other duties as assigned by the Student Government Advisor or others as the office may require
- Vice-Presidents
- Officiate in the absence of the President or if appointed by the President
- Execute duties delegated by the President, or asassigned by the Student Government Advisor.
- Keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Council and attend to all correspondence of the Council
- Perform other such duties as the office may require
Section 5:Office Vacancies:
A.Any officer of this organization will be removed if qualifications for office are not maintained.
B.In case of a vacancy in the office of the President during the term of office, the vacancy will be filled, by appointment, by one of the Vice- Presidents. If a vacancy occurs in the office of vice president prior to the beginning of the school year, the vacancy may be filled by appointment. Appointments will be made by the Eligibility Committee and currently elected Student Body Officers.
Student Council
Section 1:Organization:
A.The Student Council shall be composed of the Student Body Officers, Seventh Grade Officers, Eighth Grade Officers, and Ninth Grade Officers and other representatives from school organizations as determined by the administration and Student Government Advisor.
B. One or moredesignated staff members will act as advisor(s) to the Student Council.
Section 2:Standards, Probation and Dismissal:
A.Members of the Student Council must be regularly enrolled, full-time students atWahlquistJunior High School during the term of office. Each must abide by and uphold the rules and policies of the school, may not have any incidence of truancy, and must maintain a high standard of personal conduct at all times. Officers must adhere to the Weber School District Code of Conduct Contract.
B.During the term of office, any officer whose GPA falls below a “3.O” in any quarter, who receives any failing grade in any quarter, who receives more than one (1) “N” per quarter, or who receives any “U’s” in any quarter will be placed on probation for a nine week period.
- During the term of office, an officer who violates school or district policy or acceptable standards of conduct including truancy and/or incidents of illegal, dishonest or immoral behaviormay be placed on probation for a nine-week period. A student will be reinstated at the end of the probationary period if behavior has improved to the level required to hold office.
D.During the time of probation, the Student Council member will be ineligible to participate in any group representation, or to wear any emblem or office related clothing. The member will, however, be expected to attend and participate in all Student Governmentmeetings, classroom related and school activities. The member will continue to abide by all rules and regulations governed by the school constitution. While on probation, officers may not serve as a representative of their office in any manner or activity.
E.An Officer will only be allowed one probation during the term of office. A circumstance for a second probation will result in termination from office.
F.Removal from office: An officer who violates District or school policy,acceptable standards of conduct including truancy and/or incidents of dishonest, illegal or immoral behavior, may be terminated from office.
G. An officer and his/her parent/guardian will be notified of a suspension or dismissal within five school days of such decision.
H. The Officer and/or his/her parents may request a hearing to appeal a decision for suspension or dismissal to a Review Committee by contacting the Student Council Advisor or an Administrator within five school days of the notification.
Section 3:The Student Council has responsibility to:
- Supervise and promote the activities and programs of the school
- Appoint students to committees, task forces, etc. as needed to assist in school-sponsored events and activities. All appointments must be approved by the Advisor(s), and/or administration.
- Deliberate and advise on matters referred to it by entities within the school
- Recommend changes which are in conformity with existing school policies and which are necessary for the betterment of the student body
- Schedule Student Council meetings as needed. Council meetings may be called by the officers and/or advisors and shall be ruled by an Agenda and Parliamentary Procedure
- Plan and organize school-sponsored activities which have been approved by the advisor and/or the administration.
- Promote academic pride and school spirit
- Serve as representatives ofthe student body at designated events and activities both in and outside the school
SafeSchool Policy
Section 1:The Student Council supports all District and school policies including the Safe School Policy, the Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy, the Standards of Conduct Policy and the Attendance Policy and will do its part to help enforce these policies.
Constitution Changes
Section 1:Proposed amendments to this documentmust be approved by the Principal, Vice-Principal, and the Advisors. The Constitution may be changed by a majority vote of the membership of the Student Council and the approval of the administration.
This Constitution was ratified, as revised, March 23, 2010 at a formal Student Council Meeting.
Congratulations upon your selection as a Student Government Officer for the coming school year! Your election to office to is a tribute to your character and to the confidence your fellow students have placed in you. Our success in student government next year lies in your commitment to provide the most effective leadership possible to the students of our school. We look forward to working with you in an effort to plan a very exciting and productive year at WahlquistJunior High School.
As with every opportunity, comes responsibility. To avoid any problems or misunderstandings, it is important that you fully understand the rules and regulations that govern the behavior of all Student Council members. Basically you will be expected to comply with the standards outlined in the Wahlquist Junior High School Constitution, follow all rules and policies of the school, support the decisions of the Student Council, Administration and staff, and promote good citizenship and school spirit among the students. Because you represent so many students, your example (positive or negative) will always be a strong influence in our school.
Attached is a copy of the Wahlquist Junior High School Constitution. Please read it carefully. Share it with your parent(s) and ask them to read it also. Any questions may be directed to your Student Council Advisors, Mrs. Hansen or Mr. Jackson, or to administrators Mrs. Sweet or Mr. Anderson.
Thank you for your interest in student government and your willingness to serve your classmates in working to make Wahlquist Junior High the very best we can be!
I have read the Wahlquist Junior High School Constitution and the Weber School District Code of Conduct. I understand the standards and expectations of members of the Wahlquist Junior High Student Council and commit to follow all guidelines and be a positive influence at WHJS.
I have read the Wahlquist Junior High School Constitution and understand the standards and expectations of members WJHS School Student Council and agree to support the organization and my student in this activity.
WeberSchool District
Code of Conduct Contract(53A-11-908)
The Utah State Legislature recognizes that participation in student government and extracurricular activities may confer important education and lifetime benefits upon students. WeberSchool District encourages a variety of opportunities for all students to participate in such activities in meaningful ways; there is no constitutional right to participate in these types of activities and does not create such a right. The Legislature and District further note that those who participate in student government and extracurricular activities including coaches and advisors become role models for others in the school and community.
It is of the utmost importance that those involved in student government, whether as officers or advisors, and those involved in competitive athletics and related activities, whether students or staff, comply with all state laws and school rules of behavior and conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their positions and responsibilities. Extracurricular participants who do not abide by established community and school rules, laws and standards may lose their opportunity to represent their school in extracurricular activities.
In addition, the State Legislation, State Board of Education, and Weber School Board prohibit the following:
- The use of foul, abusive or profane language;
- The use, possession or distribution of controlled substances or drug paraphernalia, and the use, possession of distribution of tobacco or alcoholic beverages contrary to law; and
- Hazing, demeaning or assaultive behavior.
This piece of legislation (53A-11-908) makes clear that its prohibitions relate not only to students and District employees, but also all adult coaches, advisors and assistants. It also requires all school employees who reasonably believe that there has been a violation of the above prohibitions to report the violation to the principal or District Athletic Director. Failure to report by a person who holds a professional certificate constitutes an unprofessional practice under the statute.
Please take time to review with all of your advisors and coaches the requirements of the statute and pay particular attention to make sure the requirements are communicated to students and any volunteers or para-professionals who are not regular employees of the District. The District will vigorously enforce the provisions of statute and Board policies adopted to enforce the statute.
I have read and understand the preceding regarding inappropriate behavior, foul, abusive or profane language; hazing, demeaning or assaulting behavior; and the use of controlled substances.
Student Signature Student Name (Print) Date
Parent Signature Parent Name (Print) Date