JobTitle / Assistant Director of AcademicServices
Faculty/School/Department / AcademicServices
Responsibleto: / Director of AcademicServices
Responsiblefor: / Academic ServicesDivision
Assistant Directors of Academic Services undertake senior managementroles, responsible for leading one or more key areas of work within Academic Services.Working closely with peers and colleagues they lead the provision of high quality services,continually enhancing processes and practices to ensure Academic Services provides aservice which is forward looking, responsive, innovative and maintains excellentstandards of compliance and good practice in order to meet targets, operational objectives andstrategicpriorities.
Assistant Directors will be required to demonstrate a high level of professionalcredibility underpinned by genuine expertise, with the ability to command respect and influence ata senior level across the University and external professionalnetworks.
Main activities andresponsibilities
1.Line manage and provide professional leadership to staff responsible for leadingAcademicServicesteams.This willinvolvedevelopingthem,managingandraisingtheirperformance, focusing them on delivery of objectives and on providing excellentcustomer service. Provide advice and guidance on new developments, significant staffing andstructural issues and on budgetarymatters.
2.Bethesourceofexpertiseonpolicymatterswithinownportfolioofworkanddevelopknowledgeand expertiseacrossallareasofAcademicServicesinorder toeffectivelydeputise for the Director of Academic Services when necessary and supportcolleagues across thedepartment.
3.Assist the Director of Academic Services in the preparation, implementation andupdating ofthe AcademicServicesStrategicPlan andin monitoringachievementagainsttheplan.Identify and assess risks which impact on the delivery of key objectives and take stepsto mitigate and manage suchrisks.
4.Workingcloselywithpeersand colleagues,ensurethatthe relevant division operates as a cohesive, integrated team which has a positive impact on Universityoperations and student experience. Plan activities and priorities on an annualbasis and beyond to ensure strategic objectives are achieved and deploy resources so thatoperational requirements are consistentlymet.
5.Develop understanding of all areas of work across academic services and work proactively with peers to ensure knowledge and expertise is effectively shared to support flexibility andresilience across the senior leadership team.
6.Ensure that policy and practice across different divisions of Academic Services' workdemonstrates a high degree of responsiveness and flexibility in finding innovative andprogressive approaches and solutions that meet statutory and governance requirements,reflects sector best practice and supports University priorities. This will include suchthings as ensuring compliance with UK Visa and Immigration requirements and the UK QualityCode for HigherEducation.
7.Take a lead role in continually reviewing, improving and updating policy and practiceacross.Academic Services. Adopt a responsive and proactive approach to policy development andimproving and updating systems of work. Ensure that new or changed processes areimplemented in a timely fashion and effectively communicated across AcademicServices, faculties and other Universitydepartments.

Additional KeyRequirements:
Communicate complex information to a wide variety of audiences in order toinfluence, achieve change where necessary and achieveresults
Teamwork and collaborativeworking
Lead teams within areas of responsibility and act to resolve conflicts within andbetween teams.
Ensure that different teams within Academic Services work effectivelytogether and that the faculty teams work collaboratively and effectively with other professional service departments.
Initiative, problem solving and decisionmaking
Provide advice on strategic issues affecting academic administration across theUniversity, Identify and drive forward opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness offaculty administrative operations.
Resolve problems affecting the delivery of registry services within area(s)managed. Influence University decisions through providing expertise on a wide range ofAcademic Services matters and leading or participating in relevant working group, committeesandconsultations.
Work environment
Be aware of the risks in the work environment and their potential impact on their ownwork and that ofothers.
Ensure that appropriate risk management processes are operational within own areasof responsibility.
  • A good honours degree or equivalent professionalqualification.
  • A higher degree and a management qualification would beadvantageous.
  • Prince2 or APM qualification isdesirable.
  • Significant experience in Higher Education at a managementlevel.
  • Experience of leading and managing large and complex service operations andteams, with evidence of successfully managingchange.
  • Experience of managing and successfully delivering projects, to schedule, to budgetand to quality isdesirable.
  • Demonstrable experience of managing a high performingteam.

Able to undertake duties at different premises including any University campus asrequired. National and international travel may be necessary from time to time in order toattend conferences and events and effectively represent the University in keyprofessional networks.
May be required to work outside normal office hours to effectively supportUniversity operations and events. This will require flexibility, especially at times of peakactivity.
Expectations of allstaff
All staff employed by Birmingham City University are expected to exhibit highprofessional standards which promote and demonstrate the University’s core values ofExcellence, People Focused, Partnership Working, Fairness andIntegrity.
All staff are expected to understand and enact the University’s commitment toensuring equality and diversity in all activities. This commitment is enshrined in the EqualityStatement and corevalues.
Dignity atwork
Every member of staff has a responsibility to ensure colleagues are treated with dignityand respect.
The University is committed to creating a work environment for all staff that is freefrom harassment, intimidation and any other forms of bullying at work, where everyone istreated with dignity, respect and professionalcourtesy.
Health andsafety
The arrangementsformeetingthe University’shealthandsafety objectivesare contained inthe Birmingham City University Health and Safety Policy. This includes the responsibilitiesof key staff and procedures covering the main activities of theUniversity.
All staff are expected to take reasonable care of themselves and those that may beaffected by theiractions.
TheUniversity doesnotoperateaformaldresscodeforitsemployees,other thanfor thosewhoareprovidedwithuniformand/orprotectiveclothing.However,employeesmustensurethat their dress is professional, reasonably smart and appropriate for the situation in whichthey are working. All staff should ensure that they present a professional image and onethat reflects sensitivity to customer perceptions. This may reflect their ethnicity and lifestyle, butshould not be provocative or cause offence to those with whom they havecontact.
All staff are expected to adhere to good citizenship, being generous with help and supportto others, collaborating with colleagues and working for the benefit of the University asa whole. In particular working to provide a positive student experience and achievingexcellence in all the University’sactivities.
This job description indicates the expectations of staff at this level. Job descriptions arenot exhaustive and you may be required to undertake other duties of a similar leveland responsibility.