Silver Spring Learning Center

Summer Program 2017

June 26 – August 18, 2017

►All families are required to sign up for the online electronic registration program to input important information such as emergency contact/authorized pickup names, health information, and other requiredstudent information. More information about the online system is included in the “welcome letter” included in the packet of materials.

Link to enroll in online program:

  • Any changes to your child’s program schedule or specific weeks of attendance for the Summer Program must be confirmed in writing (email or note) no later than May19, 2017. Tuition will be charged based on the schedule in place effective May 19. No refunds will be made for weeks/days/hours cancelled or altered after the May 20 deadline. There is no fee to add more weeks of the same program schedule after the deadline, [space is available.]
  • Full tuition for the Summer Program must be paid by cash or check no later than June 1, 2017for any family who is not enrolled in the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) debit program.
  • EFT withdrawalswill be made in two equal payments**on June1 and July 1(rather than the regular EFT schedule of the 5th or 15th.) All families must enter their bank information in the above referenced NEW online registration program, regardless of whether or not you have been paying via EFT.
  • Children enrolled in six weeks or less of the summer program will have the entire tuition amount debited in the first EFT payment. **The two payment schedule is for children enrolled seven or eight weeks**
  • All students need current medical records and updated immunizations, along withall other required SSLC forms [to be completed in the online registration program]The health inventory and immunization record must be filled out by a medical professional. (links to all forms are available on the SSLC website at
  • We do not offer a daily Hot Lunch Program for the Summer Program, however, we will continue with Friday pizza day, catered by Ben Yehuda Café. Orders must be placed at least one week in advance. Payment is due by cash or check (payable to SSLC) at the time the order is placed.An order form is included in this packet of information or can be downloaded from the SSLC website.
  • Please refer to the welcome letter for a list of items your child will need to bring for the summer. Please remember to label all items your child brings or wears to school.
  • Water play is every day. The teachers will keep the bathing suits and towels in the classroom and send them home at the end of the week. If you wish for these items to go home daily, please send a note to the teacher.

►Returning families: Ifyour first2016-2017school year tuition payment started in September 2016 or later, your final tuition payment for the school year is June 2017 (5th or 15th as designated.)Most families who use the EFT program started paying in August, so your last payment is in May 2017. Please keep in mind your (first) summer 2017payment still is due in June as well (June 1.)