Roundtable Discussion: Individual Plans of Study (IPS)

The following is a summary of Individual Plans of Study progress discussed during the Opening Session of the CTE Conference. These are written verbatim.


Recommended Requirements

·  Exit Senior Interviews

·  High School Graduation Checklist

·  IPS are highly recommended, but our students need to have a plan in place. Wichita is using a digital program (Career Cruising) to get JH students started to identify a path/direction.

·  Road Trip Nation (motivating for students to understand careers)

·  ACT Profile – free

·  Naviance $5/fee

·  IPS is a good place to keep track of communication with students.

Staff Involvement

·  English – using classrooms to do career planning

·  Also 4-yr plans – training staff on how to do them accurately

Grade level Group or Individual Participation

·  Student Interviews

·  Career Interest Inventory

·  Check and update student plan every year.

·  Every “advisory” teacher has a portfolio on each student in that class. Portfolio has their login info, Interest Inventory.

·  Career testing completed before Spring P-T conferences. Discuss this info at the P-T. Time spent totally on careers at this conference. If teacher needs to talk with parents about grades – teacher calls parent outside of class. Also do pre-enrollment at this time.

·  Intro Career Exploration earlier. IE K-6 1st grade explores Human Services fields – fireman, policeman. 2nd grade medical. MS – Explore pathways w/in field. HS – more intentional focus on one pathway.

·  Career & Life Planning – 8th or 9th grade year?


·  Review 4-yr plan/IPS every year 9-12 grades

Parental Involvement

·  Parent Nights on different things like IPS, Kuder, FAFSA.

·  How do we keep parents involved? Sending parents the file?

·  Career & Life Planning – required 9th grade year

Academic & Interest Assessments

·  Have PPS and Career searching (Pipeline) completed during MS. In HS – retook @ interest inventories at 10th grade.

·  Career Cruising – K-12, Can keep profile post HS

·  Kansas Career Pipeline vs Career Cruising

School/Community Involvement

·  Have seminar teachers use the IPS with their students. Same teacher stays with these students through HS. So continue this same group for 6 years.

·  WorkKeys – provided/paid for by Chamber (Topeka) wanted the data. Salina area/Dave Hansen offering to schools free.

·  Community involvement – Career Expos, internships

Post-Secondary Linkages

·  Career Lecture Series

·  What are you doing with students interested in gaming? Bring companies into the school


·  SB155 – high school kids can take courses through any school

·  Adding a plan keeps students thinking and is changing how they think/plan for education.

·  MS students visit tech colleges/and universities.

No Specific Performance Element Listed:

·  February Groundhog day 1 (Job Shadow Week) – Theme Elem. Schools.

·  Tie Tuesday – Professional Dress Day

·  Bring in speakers

·  Career presenters each month

·  Kids go to 4 a year are eligible for a $50 giftcard

·  Use info from kids to decide which presenters to get

·  Coast Guard Academy 0 Can we get them to come to the CTE or KCA Conference? If accepted all school is paid for. Kids are missing out on opportunities.