Montana Association
State Executive Board of Directors Meeting
August 6th, 2017
Call to Order and Welcome
The meeting was called to order by President Samantha Humphrey at 12:40 at the Wingate Hotel in Helena, Montana.
Adopt Agenda
Carolyn Stone moved and Shelby Moody seconded to adopt the agenda. Motion passed.
The following Board members were present and introduced themselves: Lisa Parker, Executive Director, Anza Ketterman, Executive Secretary; Cheri Hobbs, Glacier, Region 1 via phone; Jamie Toivonen, Superior, Region 2; Carolyn Stone, Moore Region 3; Samantha Humphrey, Chairman, Helena, Region 4, Reid Lined, Livingston, Region 5; Jacquie Bymatters, Broadview, Region 6; Julie O’Dell, Secretary, Hardin, Region 7; Becky Card, Lambert Region 8; Jeannette Barreto, Colstrip, CEAC Secondary Representative; Lanny Wilke, MSU Northern, Post-Secondary Representative; Shelby Moody, Cut Bank, State Officer Coordinator.
Eric Swenson, OPI Business Specialist was also in attendance.
Approval of 2016 Meeting Minutes:
On page 2 of the 2016 minutes TJ Eyre’s name to be corrected from Ayers to Eyre. Jacquie Bymaster moved and Carolyn Stone seconded to approve the minutes with correction. Motion Passed.
Unfinished Business
There was none.
New Business
State Executive Board Business
Reimbursement Forms—Anza reminded those present to submit forms by Monday morning so reimbursement checks could be written by the end of the meeting.
Rotation Schedule—The 2017-18 Executive Board officer rotation was reviewed. Lisa remined the members that there was a list of duties in the notebook. She asked that everyone review them.
State Officers
Lisa mentioned that a list of the state officers and advisors was included in the Executive Board notebook.
The Montana Advisor Manual & Updates.
Lisa included the updates in the manual given at the Board meeting. The changes will also be posted to the website.
BPA Cares document has been changed a little bit. Lisa has created a “How to submit BPA Cares in 7 pages or less” document to help advisors when submitting the Cares Awards. This will also be on the Website and was included in the Board notebook.
Updates for Quality Chapter, Corporate Sponsor Program, Montana State Nomination Form 2017-18 Advisor of the Year Award, Silver Star, Member Recruiter, Trading Pin Design Contest, Conference Logo Design Contest, T-Shirt Design Contest, State Officer Candidate materials were included in notebooks. Lisa ask that Board members go over these with their regions.
New Website Request:
Shelby Moody discussed making the state BPA website more relevant. Anza has been coding in the information for the website. Samantha mentioned that she uses WIX for a website. Other members have made websites with Weebly and Muse. Three Rivers sponsors the BPA website now
Shelby Moody said that she would create the website and Laura Bakich might be willing to help her with the site. Carolyn Stone moved and Jeannette Barreto seconded to change to a WIX website and Shelby will make the changes. Motion passed. Both sites will be kept up while the changes are being made. Go Daddy has been paid for three years to keep our domain name. We want to keep the name since we own it. Anza will call 3Rivers to see how we can convert the BPA site and continue to have them sponsor the website.
State of the State Report
Lisa summarized her report for the HB#86. The report included an annual calendar of activities completed by the Montana BPA chapters, awards and recognition earned by students, chapters and Montana BPA, and participation number for the 2016-2017 year.
Strengthening Montana’s Career & Technical Student Organizations
Lisa submitted the quarterly reports.
Lisa mention a few areas that Montana BPA could improve. Those areas were: Quality Chapter, Increasing membership, Montana Silver Star, and Member Recruitment Award. It was suggested that a Google form be created to make submission for the Silver Star Award easier. Shelby will create a google form for the State Individual Recruiter Award. Lisa asked that the Board member review these areas at the regional meetings.
Rocky Mountain College is starting a Post-Secondary Chapter in 2017-18. Karen Berser will be the advisor.
Rocky Mountain College will be offering a BPA scholarship at state BPA in 2018. Lisa is going to send some letters to encourage colleges to have a booth at the state conference.
This year BPA received 12.4 out of 15 points on the grant evaluation. The grant will continue for the 2017-18 year. We will need to submit a new grant for the 2018. Lisa asked if we should add or change our objectives for the grant. The Board thought that we should keep the current objectives and try to increase our participation in the Next Step Academy for additional advisor certification and work on the low scoring areas of the grant. Lisa is going to continue to reach out to the post-secondary institutions.
2016-2017 Membership Report
Total Membership increased by 16 in 2016-2017 to a total membership of 1725. (Student members 1605, Advisors 120, and total chapter were 137.)
Postsecondary Division 16 members (-5), 3 advisors from Virtual, MSU-Northern, FVCC)
Lisa contacted UM-Western, MCC, Rocky Mountain College, UGF.
Secondary membership included 1589 student members (+15) and 118 advisors (+7). There were three new chapters: Lincoln, Granite County, Drummond.
Superior received the Membership Diplomat Program Award
Lisa reviewed the chapter and advisor list and pointed out potential new chapters by region. Contact information for potential new chapter is included in the advisor list. Turner HS has submitted a request for a new chapter. Lynn Beach from Baker will not be an advisor this year.
Requests for region changes
There was a discussion about requests for chapters to change regions. Carolyn Stone moved that if an advisor wants to change regions, they need to submit a written request and a rationale for the change in writing that is signed by the school administrator to the regional coordinator prior to July 15. Reid Lende seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Mentor/mentee program will continue for the 2017-18 year. A current list of mentors/mentees was included in the Board notebook.
Financial Reports
Anza reviewed the profit and loss statement for 2016-2017 year and explained the differences from the previous year. Anza mentioned that a $6,000 CD was cashed to help defer costs. State membership dues income (#1030) was increased due to receiving money from national office.
The proposed 2017-2018 budget was discussed. Grant money was based on 2016-2017 Grant as Grant monies have not been allocated. A discussion on way to help cut back on the expenses. Suggestions included having the advisor breakfast at the Red Lion Hotel since their meal cost is lower and deleting the President’s Breakfast and recognizing the Presidents at the Ice Cream Social with the Ambassador Award recipients.
Supplemental Grant Application
Lisa has applied for the Altria Group Distribution Company grant for $1,000 and the Butte Silver Bow (TBID) grant and received $4,000. She applied to the Montana Financial Education Coalition but did not receive the grant. She also applied to the MDU Foundation. Lisa is waiting feedback from them. Northwestern Energy and the Greg Gianforte Foundation Grants were additional grant suggestions.
Personnel Reports
Executive Secretary and State Director’s Contracts and Evaluation Forms
Samantha Humphrey collected the Executive Secretary and State Director evaluation forms. She will compile the results and get them back to Anza and Lisa.
State Contracts
Shelby Moody moved to renew the contracts for Lisa Parker the State Director and Anza Ketterman, Executive Secretary. Carolyn Stone seconded. Motion passed.
Jacquie Bymaster moved and Carolyn Stone seconded to give Anza Ketterman and Lisa Parker a 2% increase in salary. Motion passed unanimously.
State Officer Coordinator
Carolyn Stone moved to give Shelby Moody, State Office Coordinator, a contract for 2017-2020. Jamie Toivonen seconded. Motion passed.
State Officers Report
Shelby Moody, State Office Coordinator, read the letter from State BPA President Jacob Martin. The state officer team’s goals including revamping the state website, improving social interaction with members, reaching out to younger members, creating a promotion video, and revamping workshops at FLC and SLC. The SLC theme will be “Dream Big”. The SLC focus will be a global image, with each state officer representing a different part of the world.
The Buddy Chapters program will be renamed the Chapter Check-Ins. State officers will now be assigned their Montana BPA region and communicate with students directly through email.
SLC Coordinator Contracts
Shelby Moody moved and Carolyn Stone seconded to renew the contracts for Becky, Julie Molly, and Elaine. Motion Passed.
State Leadership Conference Registration Coordinator--Becky DePudyt
Competitive Event Administrator—Julie O’Dell
Judged Events Recruiter—Molly Barta
Judged Events Coordinator—Elaine Steadman.
Local and Regional Issues
Regional Alignment
There were no issues.
Membership Verification
Verification of membership issues should be solved because all regions register for regionals, state and nationals using the DLG system which does not allow the member to register for a contest, if they have not paid dues. Lisa will notify each region of the number of members in the region so that the region may advance the correct number of individuals to the state conference. Email the regional results to Lisa after conference for verification.
Lisa suggested that everyone look at the Region 4 website.
2017 Regional Fall Advisor Meetings
Tentative dates for the Fall Advisor meetings are as follows:
Region 1 To be determined
Region 3 Sept 26 or 27 in Great Falls
Region 4 Sept 15 Helena
Region 5 Sept 20 Big Timber
Region 6 Sept 19 MSU B
Region 7 Sept 18 Hardin
Region 8 To be determined
2018 Regional Conferences
The following are the tentative dates for the Regional Leadership Conferences
Region 1 To be determined
Region 2 & 8 January 10 Missoula
Region 3 January 15 Great Falls
Region 4 To be announced
Region 5 December 5 Livingston
Region 6 December 19-20 Billings MSU-B
Region 7 December 4 Baker
Region 8 January 10 Lambert
If you are going to use the DLG registration for Regional conference registration, a request must be sent to DLG via e-mail. or to setup the registration for the regional conference.
National dues have increased by $2. Nationals $14.00, state dues $8; Total of $22 per member.
2017 Fall Leadership Conference
The Executive Board reviewed the feedback from the 2016 Fall Leadership Conference. The Fall Conference will stay at Fairmont because of the Butte Silver Bow (TBID) $4,000 grant. Lisa looked into Chico and learned that there would not be enough meeting space and that there is a charge of $3,000 a meeting room.
Fall Leadership will be held October 8-9, 2017 at Fairmont Hot Springs. Registration cost is $50. Four students plus advisor(s) per school may attend. Registration is due September 15. Anza is working with the hotel to speed up hotel registration. Students will be in workshops until 5 p.m. Advisors need to send in the bus drivers names so that they can have the rooms ready for the drivers.
Agenda for conference will include a guest speaker, Gus Chancy who is a Helena graduate, a Shark Tank competition, Fundraising, Torch awards, BPA Cares, and Social Media 500. The Shark Tank contest is a pre-register event. Guidelines for the competition was included in the Board notebooks. Jim Masker from ONE MONTANA will be a shark and will give a presentation for the round tables.
Round Table Discussions
The following advisors will be asked to give round table presentations:
Jodi Sandru-- Next Gen Personal Finance; Jeaneatte; Lisa Parker--What’s New in BPA, Jacquie Bymaster--Mentor-Mentee Table, Julie O’Dell--Competitive Events Grading and Proctoring.
Advisors will earn CTE Renewal Credits for attendance at Fall Leadership.
REGION THAT ROCKS Award will be given prior to the Quiz Bowl at Fall Leadership. Criteria for the “REGION THAT ROCKS” trophy is Statesman Torch Awards winners, have earned the Silver Star Award, participated in the member recruitment award, BPA scholarship, completed 4 quarterly reports, and had a State office candidate. It is a traveling trophy. The chapter gets a plaque when they return the trophy the following year.
The Board suggested that members of the Executive Board sit at tables at the fall leadership conference breakfast to field questions and generate some conversation.
State Leadership Conference
Comments and e-mails were reviewed and discussed by the Board. Suggestions were made to have more signage, contest packets should be placed in the buildings in which they are given, the proctor grader schedule needs to be revamped, the use of the Slack app for communication and the use of the DLG the scheduler.
Julie O’Dell moved and Shelby Moody seconded using the DLG Schedule app for the state conference. Motion passed. The cost to use the scheduler will be $600 annually. The app has the following capabilities: Torch Awards with pictures, membership card, event schedule, My schedule, finalists, results, notifications, maps of conference location, and session scanning for session attendance.
Changes in the proctor grader responsibilities
Suggestions were made to have a check in person at each contest and a runner to trouble shoot, to work in blocks of 4 hours (8-12 and 1-4) in the events and lunches provided to proctors/graders who are working all day in one event. May give tickets to those people for lunch.
Officer dress for the award session was discussed. This year the ladies will wear a black dress and the gentleman the Tux.
Meal Functions
Meal functions were discussed. In order to keep the costs down advisors will need to pre-register for the Monday lunch on the website. The Advisors Breakfast will be held at Red Lion. The Presidents Breakfast needs a speaker or a Board member at the tables, if the breakfast continues. The Board recommended dropping the state officers breakfast and combining it with the Torch Awards ice cream social. The presidents could be recognized at that time.
General State Leadership Conference Recommendations
It was recommended that all parliamentary procedure teams take the written parliamentary procedure test on Sunday as a group.
Students should take only the open contests in which they have knowledge. We have had students just come in to take the tests because “their advisor told them to take all the tests.”
Schedule people for test grading.
Judges sheets will be returned with only the judges’ comments.
2018: March 11-13, 2018 Billings
2019: March 11-13
2020: March 8-10
2012: March 14-16
Discussion was held about the condition of the Radisson Hotel in Billings and other possible locations. There was a question as to whether to sign a three-year contract with the Radisson Hotel. Carolyn moved to let Anza and Lisa use their discretion in signing a contract with the Radisson. Motion was seconded by Lyle. Motion passed.
Testing and Meeting Rom Issues
The printing issues will be addressed with MSU-B. A technician will be requested to be at the site during the testing on Sunday.
Design Contests
All designed should be submitted to Shelby Moody. The theme for the State Leadership Conference is “Think Big”.
Due Dates
Trading Pins—October 27, 2017
Conference Logo Design—December 1, 2017
T-Shirt—December 1, 2017
Activities at SLC 2018
The special Torch Award Ceremony will be held again.
Day of Service will be held Monday afternoon and will be a Special Olympics Walk
Dance--Drew Manual mentioned that you can rent headphones for a silent dance. Headphones have a play list. Advisors can pre-select a playlist. Headphones are colored to see who you would dance with. Lisa and Anza will explore this option.
Campaign Rally will remain the same
Showcase of Virtual Events and Fair Trade will remain the same as last year.
College Fair—Education sponsors will be encouraged to have a booth.
2018 SLC Registration Fee & Late Registration Fee
The registration fee is $60 with the late registration fee of $90.
2018 Datelines
January 31, 2018
- Member Recruiter Award
- Advisor of the Year Nominations
February 5, 2018
- SLC Registration
- Judged Event Early Submission (Elaine)
- Statesman Torch Awards
- Scholarship
- State Interns
- State Officer Application
February 16, 2018