The Icelandic Economic Collapse, Smoking and the Role of Labor-Market Changes.

Supplementary material.

Appendix 1. Table 10 Summary Statistics (unweighted)
N / 2007 / 2009 / t
Dependent Variables
Smoker / 2708 / 0.20 / 0.17 / 3.22
Daily Amount of Cigarettes/other Tobacco / 468 / 13.24 / 12.32 / 1.49
Independent Variables
Yearly Individual Income / 2708 / 4.60 / 3.81 / 11.82
Weekly Work Hours / 2708 / 29.27 / 27.28 / 3.61
Age / 2708 / 48.71 / 50.71
Female / 2708 / 0.52 / 0.53
Child / 2708 / 0.73 / 0.75 / -1.63
Cohabiting / 2708 / 0.17 / 0.15 / 1.8
Married / 2708 / 0.61 / 0.62 / -1.28
Highschool or less / 2708 / 0.31 / 0.31
Some College / 2708 / 0.15 / 0.15
College Graduate / 2708 / 0.22 / 0.22
University Degree / 2708 / 0.32 / 0.32
Population>1000 / 2708 / 0.84 / 0.85 / -0.81
t-statistics are calculated for difference in means between years 2007 and 2009
Appendix 2. Table 11 Pooled OLS Regression
Dependent Variable / Number of Cigarettes pr. Day (log)
Independent Variables / (1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
2009 / -0.13156*** / -0.17852*** / -0.15344*** / -0.18169***
(0.04900) / (0.05715) / (0.05025) / (0.05724)
Income / -0.06041** / -0.04391
(0.03017) / (0.03153)
Workhours / -0.00551** / -0.00403*
(0.00230) / (0.00239)
Age / 0.09209*** / 0.10514*** / 0.10132*** / 0.10832***
(0.02771) / (0.02795) / (0.02747) / (0.02791)
Age squared / -0.00090*** / -0.00103*** / -0.00102*** / -0.00109***
(0.00027) / (0.00028) / (0.00027) / (0.00028)
Female / -0.19210 / -0.25860* / -0.21703* / -0.25866*
(0.13212) / (0.13736) / (0.13062) / (0.13666)
Married / -0.27730** / -0.25051* / -0.28844** / -0.26597**
(0.13637) / (0.13545) / (0.13454) / (0.13456)
Urban / -0.00840 / 0.00509 / 0.00092 / 0.00821
(0.13514) / (0.13526) / (0.13526) / (0.13550)
Some College / -0.48255*** / -0.44295*** / -0.44351*** / -0.42522***
(0.16096) / (0.16219) / (0.16200) / (0.16291)
College Graduate / -0.59535*** / -0.54182*** / -0.57568*** / -0.54206***
(0.14895) / (0.15496) / (0.15041) / (0.15450)
University Degree / -1.15391*** / -1.03360*** / -1.09798*** / -1.02557***
(0.15851) / (0.16834) / (0.16244) / (0.16914)
Cohabiting / -0.27075* / -0.24355 / -0.27480* / -0.25394*
(0.15335) / (0.15080) / (0.15238) / (0.14961)
Children / -0.22617 / -0.19220 / -0.19588 / -0.17933
(0.16102) / (0.15811) / (0.16009) / (0.15844)
N / 936 / 936 / 936 / 936
Adj. R squared / 0.16725 / 0.17452 / 0.17460 / 0.17743
Standard errors in parentheses * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Appendix 2. Table 12 Pooled OLS Regression by Gender: Men
Dependent Variable / Number of Cigarettes/Tobacco pr. Day (log)
Independent Variables
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
2009 / -0.13413* / -0.19192** / -0.15638** / -0.19493**
(0.07637) / (0.09017) / (0.07832) / (0.09071)
Income / -0.06120 / -0.04731
(0.04174) / (0.04393)
Workhours / -0.00517* / -0.00375
(0.00298) / (0.00312)
Age / 0.07101* / 0.08974** / 0.08002* / 0.09202**
(0.04041) / (0.04266) / (0.04064) / (0.04307)
Age squared / -0.00064* / -0.00084** / -0.00077** / -0.00089**
(0.00039) / (0.00041) / (0.00039) / (0.00041)
Married / -0.22118 / -0.17030 / -0.22735 / -0.18632
(0.22716) / (0.22757) / (0.22419) / (0.22647)
Urban / -0.18214 / -0.16669 / -0.17447 / -0.16463
(0.21005) / (0.20923) / (0.20963) / (0.20928)
Some College / -0.60312*** / -0.57774*** / -0.56346*** / -0.55475***
(0.18691) / (0.18823) / (0.19053) / (0.19146)
College Graduate / -0.91713*** / -0.88457*** / -0.88870*** / -0.87135***
(0.29102) / (0.29331) / (0.29069) / (0.29262)
University Degree / -1.12783*** / -1.01993*** / -1.08447*** / -1.01300***
(0.22884) / (0.23343) / (0.23491) / (0.23536)
Cohabiting / -0.25385 / -0.21925 / -0.24611 / -0.22150
(0.19914) / (0.19261) / (0.19670) / (0.19101)
Children / -0.38516 / -0.33023 / -0.32916 / -0.30211
(0.24789) / (0.23978) / (0.24742) / (0.24229)
N / 436 / 436 / 436 / 436
Adj. R squared / 0.17671 / 0.18338 / 0.18235 / 0.18500
Standard errors in parentheses * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Appendix 2. Table 13 Pooled OLS Regression by Gender: Women
Dependent Variable / Number of Cigarettes/Tobacco pr. Day (log)
Independent Variables
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
2009 / -0.14394** / -0.17343** / -0.16145** / -0.17662**
(0.06500) / (0.07274) / (0.06631) / (0.07292)
Income / -0.04744 / -0.03073
(0.04335) / (0.04388)
Workhours / -0.00480 / -0.00372
(0.00360) / (0.00363)
Age / 0.13071*** / 0.13553*** / 0.13632*** / 0.13818***
(0.04060) / (0.04011) / (0.03958) / (0.03964)
Age squared / -0.00132*** / -0.00137*** / -0.00139*** / -0.00141***
(0.00041) / (0.00041) / (0.00040) / (0.00040)
Married / -0.27385* / -0.27317* / -0.28831* / -0.28462*
(0.16431) / (0.16360) / (0.16286) / (0.16334)
Urban / 0.16278 / 0.16920 / 0.17282 / 0.17473
(0.18604) / (0.18896) / (0.18891) / (0.19027)
Some College / -0.19715 / -0.14598 / -0.14286 / -0.12192
(0.26803) / (0.28232) / (0.27216) / (0.28113)
College Graduate / -0.38315** / -0.33709* / -0.36657** / -0.34046*
(0.17087) / (0.18038) / (0.17569) / (0.18057)
University Degree / -1.20970*** / -1.10361*** / -1.15257*** / -1.09670***
(0.22367) / (0.25515) / (0.23144) / (0.25519)
Cohabiting / -0.26916 / -0.25579 / -0.28212 / -0.27055
(0.22560) / (0.22652) / (0.22525) / (0.22438)
Children / -0.11961 / -0.11325 / -0.11954 / -0.11544
(0.21813) / (0.21783) / (0.21729) / (0.21764)
N / 500 / 500 / 500 / 500
Adj. R squared / 0.16893 / 0.17169 / 0.17307 / 0.17295
Standard errors in parentheses * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Appendix 2. Table 14 Pooled LPM Regression
Dependent Variable / Smoking Participation
Independent Variables
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
2009 / -0.03075*** / -0.03928*** / -0.03120*** / -0.03935***
(0.00733) / (0.00799) / (0.00736) / (0.00798)
Income / -0.00929** / -0.00991**
(0.00385) / (0.00400)
Workhours / -0.00017 / 0.00019
(0.00038) / (0.00039)
Age / 0.01909*** / 0.02222*** / 0.01962*** / 0.02184***
(0.00352) / (0.00376) / (0.00380) / (0.00391)
Age squared / -0.00022*** / -0.00025*** / -0.00022*** / -0.00024***
(0.00003) / (0.00004) / (0.00004) / (0.00004)
Female / 0.00883 / -0.00756 / 0.00757 / -0.00729
(0.01745) / (0.02008) / (0.01785) / (0.02008)
Married / -0.14188*** / -0.13722*** / -0.14175*** / -0.13705***
(0.02303) / (0.02292) / (0.02303) / (0.02291)
Urban / 0.02435 / 0.02858 / 0.02420 / 0.02903
(0.02265) / (0.02279) / (0.02267) / (0.02288)
Some College / -0.08892*** / -0.08689*** / -0.08819*** / -0.08756***
(0.03022) / (0.03005) / (0.03025) / (0.03017)
College Graduate / -0.10842*** / -0.10414*** / -0.10836*** / -0.10391***
(0.02539) / (0.02534) / (0.02539) / (0.02534)
University Degree / -0.14927*** / -0.13408*** / -0.14823*** / -0.13420***
(0.02320) / (0.02431) / (0.02333) / (0.02431)
Cohabiting / -0.08790*** / -0.08507*** / -0.08790*** / -0.08488***
(0.02565) / (0.02554) / (0.02565) / (0.02555)
Children / 0.01279 / 0.01571 / 0.01289 / 0.01580
(0.02300) / (0.02279) / (0.02297) / (0.02281)
N / 5413 / 5413 / 5413 / 5413
Adj. R squared / 0.04323 / 0.04532 / 0.04313 / 0.04522
Standard errors in parentheses * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Appendix 2. Table 15 Pooled LPM Regression by Gender: Men
Dependent Variable / Smoking Participation
Independent Variables
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
2009 / -0.02627** / -0.04331*** / -0.02941** / -0.04325***
(0.01146) / (0.01305) / (0.01170) / (0.01306)
Income / -0.01413*** / -0.01288**
(0.00527) / (0.00551)
Workhours / -0.00085 / -0.00039
(0.00052) / (0.00055)
Age / 0.01721*** / 0.02204*** / 0.01982*** / 0.02281***
(0.00545) / (0.00571) / (0.00580) / (0.00590)
Age squared / -0.00019*** / -0.00024*** / -0.00022*** / -0.00025***
(0.00005) / (0.00006) / (0.00006) / (0.00006)
Married / -0.12660*** / -0.11084*** / -0.12239*** / -0.11030***
(0.03813) / (0.03816) / (0.03831) / (0.03823)
Urban / 0.02211 / 0.02741 / 0.01997 / 0.02596
(0.03473) / (0.03476) / (0.03482) / (0.03500)
Some College / -0.08984** / -0.08688** / -0.08562** / -0.08520**
(0.03890) / (0.03871) / (0.03885) / (0.03882)
College Graduate / -0.14902*** / -0.14310*** / -0.14841*** / -0.14334***
(0.03949) / (0.03930) / (0.03941) / (0.03928)
University Degree / -0.13445*** / -0.10997*** / -0.12878*** / -0.10953***
(0.03811) / (0.04001) / (0.03830) / (0.04001)
Cohabiting / -0.07922* / -0.07365* / -0.07602* / -0.07267*
(0.04198) / (0.04162) / (0.04192) / (0.04165)
Children / -0.01203 / -0.00185 / -0.00946 / -0.00157
(0.03495) / (0.03422) / (0.03468) / (0.03419)
N / 2562 / 2562 / 2562 / 2562
Adj. R squared / 0.03693 / 0.04240 / 0.03845 / 0.04238
Standard errors in parentheses * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Appendix 2. Table 16 Pooled LPM Regression by Gender: Women
Dependent Variable / Smoking Participation
Independent Variables
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
2009 / -0.03582*** / -0.03782*** / -0.03475*** / -0.03829***
(0.00901) / (0.00950) / (0.00893) / (0.00949)
Income / -0.00330 / -0.00634
(0.00545) / (0.00552)
Workhours / 0.00070 / 0.00091
(0.00055) / (0.00056)
Age / 0.02108*** / 0.02212*** / 0.01902*** / 0.02042***
(0.00448) / (0.00487) / (0.00484) / (0.00507)
Age squared / -0.00025*** / -0.00026*** / -0.00022*** / -0.00024***
(0.00005) / (0.00005) / (0.00005) / (0.00005)
Married / -0.15717*** / -0.15738*** / -0.15541*** / -0.15530***
(0.02862) / (0.02859) / (0.02864) / (0.02858)
Urban / 0.02685 / 0.02820 / 0.02687 / 0.02947
(0.02832) / (0.02851) / (0.02834) / (0.02858)
Some College / -0.11781** / -0.11689** / -0.12037** / -0.11933**
(0.05819) / (0.05819) / (0.05802) / (0.05797)
College Graduate / -0.07798** / -0.07630** / -0.07830** / -0.07517**
(0.03274) / (0.03278) / (0.03273) / (0.03276)
University Degree / -0.16970*** / -0.16457*** / -0.17399*** / -0.16539***
(0.02943) / (0.03086) / (0.02972) / (0.03085)
Cohabiting / -0.09808*** / -0.09748*** / -0.09574*** / -0.09389***
(0.03108) / (0.03107) / (0.03111) / (0.03109)
Children / 0.03707 / 0.03649 / 0.03870 / 0.03805
(0.02990) / (0.02992) / (0.02999) / (0.02997)
N / 2851 / 2851 / 2851 / 2851
Adj. R squared / 0.05356 / 0.05346 / 0.05429 / 0.05471
Standard errors in parentheses * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Appendix 3. Table 17 Probit regressions on attrition from sample between waves 2007 and 2009
Dependent Variable / Attrition / Attrition
Independent Variables / Sample: Smoking Participation / Sample: Smoking Intensity
Smoking Intensity / -0.14174***
Smoking Participation / 0.09560
Age / 0.02521*** / 0.01779***
(0.00278) / (0.00473)
Female / 0.11495 / 0.04391
(0.08563) / (0.13134)
Married / -0.11504 / 0.28309**
(0.10082) / (0.14033)
Some College / -0.06391 / -0.03236
(0.11243) / (0.15838)
College Graduate / -0.20272* / -0.04276
(0.10495) / (0.16000)
University Degree / -0.15746 / -0.24678
(0.10382) / (0.17094)
Urban / 0.04306 / 0.09197
(0.08660) / (0.15002)
Cohabiting / 0.08245 / -0.02764
(0.13516) / (0.18515)
Children / -0.00998 / -0.27475*
(0.09946) / (0.14354)
Income / -0.03284* / 0.03137
(0.01791) / (0.02845)
Workhours / -0.00095 / -0.00240
(0.00187) / (0.00272)
N / 3135 / 811
Adj. R squared / 0.0911 / 0.0561
Standard errors in parentheses * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Appendix 3. Table 18 Regressions on Smoking Participation: Total vs. Always In
Dependent Variable
Smoking Participation
Independent Variables / (1) / (2)
Total / Always in / Total / Always In
2009 / -0.03032*** / -0.03087*** / -0.04277*** / -0.03950***
(0.00906) / (0.01049) / (0.01009) / (0.01074)
Income / 0.02210*** / 0.02186***
(0.00239) / (0.00261)
Workhours / -0.00024*** / -0.00024***
(0.00003) / (0.00003)
Age / 0.01856*** / 0.01909*** / -0.01354 / -0.00738
(0.00192) / (0.00239) / (0.01114) / (0.01187)
Age squared / -0.00020*** / -0.00022*** / -0.13625*** / -0.13699***
(0.00002) / (0.00003) / (0.01407) / (0.01511)
Female / 0.00333 / 0.00880 / 0.03099* / 0.02909*
(0.00949) / (0.01095) / (0.01606) / (0.01723)
Married / -0.13377*** / -0.14184*** / -0.08507*** / -0.08725***
(0.01277) / (0.01507) / (0.01738) / (0.01870)
Urban / 0.02382* / 0.02440 / -0.09465*** / -0.10388***
(0.01439) / (0.01719) / (0.01459) / (0.01562)
Some College / -0.07976*** / -0.08862*** / -0.13206*** / -0.13412***
(0.01568) / (0.01869) / (0.01411) / (0.01512)
College Graduate / -0.08701*** / -0.10840*** / -0.08429*** / -0.08487***
(0.01327) / (0.01559) / (0.01475) / (0.01561)
University Degree / -0.13915*** / -0.14926*** / 0.01149 / 0.01581
(0.01244) / (0.01453) / (0.01375) / (0.01460)
Cohabiting / -0.07630*** / -0.08789*** / -0.00965*** / -0.00994***
(0.01376) / (0.01560) / (0.00261) / (0.00277)
Children / 0.00223 / 0.01280 / 0.00009 / 0.00018
(0.01265) / (0.01459) / (0.00027) / (0.00029)
N / 7255 / 5415 / 6155 / 5415
Adj. R squared / 0.0419 / 0.0432 / 0.0457 / 0.0452
Standard errors in parentheses* p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. The difference between the coefficients in regressions (1) without mediators and (2) with mediators is never statistically significant.
Appendix 3. Table 19 Regressions on Smoking Intensity: Total vs. Always In
Dependent Variable
Smoking Intensity
Independent Variables / (1) / (2)
Total / Always in / Total / Always In
2009 / -0.13181** / -0.13156* / -0.19117*** / -0.18169**
(0.05554) / (0.07432) / (0.06328) / (0.07549)
Income / -0.05512*** / -0.04391**
(0.01713) / (0.02150)
Workhours / 0.00135 / -0.00403**
(0.00161) / (0.00195)
Age / 0.11519*** / 0.09209*** / 0.13254*** / 0.10832***
(0.01203) / (0.01815) / (0.01476) / (0.01861)
Age squared / -0.00104*** / -0.00090*** / -0.00122*** / -0.00109***
(0.00012) / (0.00019) / (0.00015) / (0.00020)
Female / -0.14806** / -0.19210** / -0.20472*** / -0.25866***
(0.05853) / (0.07943) / (0.06894) / (0.08194)
Married / -0.13867* / -0.27730*** / -0.15265* / -0.26597***
(0.07374) / (0.10009) / (0.08311) / (0.10015)
Urban / -0.14759* / -0.00840 / -0.13249 / 0.00821
(0.08558) / (0.11681) / (0.09786) / (0.11619)
Some College / -0.32323*** / -0.48255*** / -0.29996*** / -0.42522***
(0.09009) / (0.12514) / (0.10124) / (0.12536)
College Graduate / -0.41229*** / -0.59535*** / -0.43227*** / -0.54206***
(0.07646) / (0.10183) / (0.08536) / (0.10274)
University Degree / -0.94777*** / -1.15391*** / -0.88700*** / -1.02557***
(0.07424) / (0.09741) / (0.08640) / (0.10473)
Cohabiting / -0.13237 / -0.27075*** / -0.13340 / -0.25394**
(0.08213) / (0.10350) / (0.09029) / (0.10338)
Children / -0.28924*** / -0.22617** / -0.27297*** / -0.17933*
(0.07565) / (0.09874) / (0.08430) / (0.09897)
N / 1867 / 936 / 1562 / 936
Adj. R squared / 0.1519 / 0.1673 / 0.1578 / 0.1774
Standard errors in parentheses*p<0.10, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01. The difference between the coefficients in regressions (1) without mediators is never statistically significant and (2) with mediators the only significant difference between coefficients is for work hours which is significant at the 1% significance level.