Guidance document

Round 2 RACGP Selection Process

Frequently asked questions

What is the interview structure?

The RACGP stage 2 assessment with MCCC GP Training will be in the format of Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs).

Applicants will be required to answer five interview questions, asked by five different interviewers. Applicants will have eight minutes to answer each question and will have two minutes reading time.

For information about the interview content and how to prepare, please contact theRACGP.

If I already attended an MMI in Round 1, do I have to participate again?

Yes. All applicants who are shortlisted to Round 2 are required by the RACGP to attend the round 2 MMI.

Can I preference an interview time now?

We are unable to accept preference requests in advance. Interview bookings will be made via a doodle poll booking platform on a first come first served basis.

Can I attend an interview by Skype?

No, all interviews with MCCC will be held face to face.

What happens if I am late to my interview?

If you are late to your interview you will not be able to join your allocated timeslot. Allocation to another time/date cannot be guaranteed.

What happens if I can’t attend my allocated interview time?

If you experience exceptional circumstances and you cannot attend your allocated interview time you must contact MCCC GP Training ASAP on the contact details provided in your interview request email. Please note: We cannot guarantee additional interview spaces at other times will be available.

Can I commence in a practice in 2018?

Due to the timing of these interviews, it will not be possible to be matched to a practice for 2018.

All second round and second intake applicants will be expected to undertake their first year in the program undertaking a hospital year in an approved training environment or undertake a pre-approved ARST or AST.

How will training offers and subregion allocations be determined?

Applicants who are successful in being offered a training place will be allocated to a subregion on offer, and will be required to complete their GP term training within this subregion.

Training offers, and subregion allocation, will be made by based onyour score and the number of training places available.

When will I know if I have been made an offer?

Applicants will be advised if they have been successful in being made an offer by5pm on the 2nd October 2017.

Z:\Training Ops\ADMIN\Selection\Admin Documents\Round-2-Frequently-Asked-Questions v1.0 18.09.2017.doc.docx