Name ______Date ______
Geometry - Pd ____ Converse, Inverse & Contrapositive Logic
For Conditionals where p → q:
- Converse - you switch the order, so you get q → p
- Inverse - you negate the original, so you get ~p → ~q
- Contrapositive - you switch AND negate the original, so you get ~q → ~p
The original and the contrapositive are LOGICALLY EQUIVILANT (always the same truth value)
The only time a conditional is FALSE is when T → F.
1. Write in symbolic form, the converse 6. Which is logically equivalent to q → ~p
of r → t. (1) ~q →p (3) q → ~p
(2) q → p (4) ~q → ~p
2. Write in symbolic form, the inverse 7. If p → q is true, then ~q → ~p is
of q → t. (1) sometimes true (3) always true
(2) never true (4) truth value
______cannot be determined
8. Write out in words, the converse of
3. Write in symbolic form, the inverse "If it's raining, then it's cloudy".
of q → ~p.
4. Write in symbolic form the contrapositive 9. Write out the words the contrapositive of
of q → p. "If I passed the Math A exam, then I
achieved a grade of 65% or better."
5. Which statement represents the inverse
of the statement, "If I do not practice, 10. If a conditional sentence is true, then its
then I will lose the game"? converse must also be true. (Yes or No)
(1) If I practice, then I will not lose the game. ______
(2) If I lose the game, then I did not practice.
(3) If I practice, then I will lose the game. 11. Which is logically equivalent to p → ~q
(4) If I do not lose the game, then I did practice. (1) ~q → p (3) q → ~p
(2) ~q → ~p (4) ~p → q