Rotary Club of St. Albert
Saint City Rotary Club
Summary 2013/2014 Student Awards and Career Adventures Series
Rotary Youth Leadership Award Institute (RYLA) – 3 Recipients Deadline: March 14, 2014
Date: September 26 - 29, 2014 Where: Edmonton
Rotary Youth Leadership Experience (RYLE) – 3 Recipients Deadline: March 14, 2014
Date: May 1 - 4, 2014 Where: Edmonton
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) – 4 recipients Deadline: March 14, 2014
Date: May 7 – 11, 2014 Where: Edmonton Area
Rotary Student Awards – Deadline for all awards is May 2, 2014
Stephen Barr Memorial Award – Deadline for all awards is May 2, 2014
Rotary “Service Above Self” Awards – Deadline for all awards is May 2, 2014
Adventure in Technology – 1 recipient Deadline: February 15, 2014
Date: April 27 – May 2, 2014 Where: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
MusiCamp – 2 recipients Deadline: April 15, 2014
Date: July 27 – August 9, 2014 Where: Red Deer College
Adventure in Citizenship – 1 recipient Deadline: December 31, 2014
Date: May 4- 7, 2014 Where: Ottawa, Ontario
For further details contact
By mail: P. O Box 132
St Albert, AB T8N 1N2
By Phone: 780 233 6401 – leave message
By Email:
Google: Rotary Club of St Albert
All information is downloadable and found on the bottom left of the site
Rotary Club of St. Albert
Saint City Rotary Club
2013/2014 Student Awards and Career Adventures Series
Rotary Youth Leadership Award Institute (RYLA) – 3 Recipients Deadline: March 14, 2014
The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Institute (RYLA Institute) is a continuation of RYLE. It is a leadership conference targeted at students, specifically Interact, Rotaract and Rotex members. This conference consists of several workshops and lectures led by past Interact and Rotaract members, Rotarians, and other influential members of our communities. The purpose of the RYLA Institute is to better prepare youth so that they may become more effective leaders in their schools and communities.
Date: September 26 - 29, 2014 Where: Edmonton
Rotary Youth Leadership Experience (RYLE) – 3 Recipients Deadline: March 14, 2014
For students who are in high school (grades 10 to 12) between the ages of 15 to 17 and who have the ambition to develop leadership skills and become active members of their community. RYLE is a part of RYLA that focuses on the basics of student leadership; we start with the basics of motivation, communication, goal-setting, etc. We introduce students to Rotary International, the clubs in their area, how they can get involved, and what Rotary can do for them.
Date: May 1 - 4, 2014 Where: Edmonton
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) – 4 recipients Deadline: March 14, 2014
Are you 15-18? Would you like to meet new friends? Are you looking for ways to build self confidence, self esteem, and develop a variety of personal skills? If the answer to these questions is YES, RYPEN may be for you. RYPEN is a four-day Rotary camp created for young people who want to grow but have limited opportunities to attend other development programs. You will learn new things about yourself and the world around you.
Date: May 7 – 11, 2014 Where: Edmonton Area
Rotary Student Awards – Deadline for all awards is May 2, 2014
The Rotary Club of St. Albert offers four $1000 awards, awarded annually to Grade 12 students attending Bellerose, Paul Kane, St. Albert Catholic and Ecole Secondaire Sainte Marguerite D’Youville high schools.
The Rotary Club of St. Albert and the Saint City Rotary Club offer five $500 awards awarded annually to students of Ecole Alexandre-Tache (1), St. Gabriel’s Storefront School (2) and Outreach High School (1).
Criteria - Presented to a student who has been accepted by a post-secondary institution, has a minimum 65% general overall average and has demonstrated active involvement in volunteer extra-curricular services in school or in the community. Funds are paid to the institution.
Stephen Barr Memorial Award
One $1000 award is awarded to a student applying for post-secondary studies in either of the fields of visual arts or architecture.
To qualify, a student must be currently enrolled in or have successfully completed the Alberta Education Art 30 curriculum and is applying to a post-secondary program in either of the fields of interest. Funds are paid to the institution.
Rotary “Service Above Self” Awards
Students in Grades10, 11 and 12 are eligible to receive 0ne of 18 $250 awards. Applicants must have a minimum 65% general overall average and whose dedication and service to others is worthy of note and who will not be receiving any other Rotary Club award.
Rotary Career Adventure Series – Check below for date deadlines
These awards are offered by way of funding to students who qualify to attend these career or enrichment programs. Rotary covers the registration fee, meals, accommodation and transportation. There is an expectation that recipients will attend a regular meeting of the Rotary Club to report on their experience. Generally these adventures are limited to one individual.
1. Adventure in Technology – 1 recipient Deadline: February 15, 2014
This is an intense four and one-half day exploration of advanced technology, research, development and applications. Participants will be able to open the doors to an exciting array of some of Canada’s finest corporations and research facilities including the University of Saskatchewan, Areva Resources Ltd, Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan & the Canadian Light Source Synchrotron.
Date: April 27 – May 2, 2014 Where: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
2. MusiCamp – 2 recipients Deadline: April 15, 2014
This uniquely challenging program will appeal to students who are currently in a jazz band, junior level orchestra or concert band and would like to advance their skills.
In each case, students receive private lessons and coaching.
Musicamp is for students in grade 9, 10 & 11 who are participating in a school or private music program. Students will have a minimum of three years experience in a school band program for jazz, Instrumental Studies or Percussion. Students must be prepared to continue musical studies upon returning home.
When: July 27 – August 9, 2014 Where: Red Deer College
3. Adventure in Citizenship – 1 recipient Deadline: December 31, 2014
This adventure provides a unique opportunity for a selected group of young Canadians to come together and gain a better understanding of our country. Through meetings with political leaders, senior officials and others, they learn a great deal about the workings of our democratic institutions. Meeting with one another and having discussions among themselves they learn to appreciate the diversity of Canada and the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship.
Students for this adventure are aged 16 to 19. Students must be comfortable in a discussion group atmosphere and be prepared to fully participate.
Date: May 4- 7, 2014 Where: Ottawa, Ontario
Rotary Youth Exchange
As a Rotary Youth Exchange student, you’ll spend up to a year living with a few host families and attending school in a different country. As a participant in Rotary’s Youth Exchange program, you’ll learn a new way of living, a great deal about yourself, and maybe even a new language. You’ll also be an ambassador, teaching people you meet about your country, culture, and ideas. You can help bring the world closer – and make some good friends in the process.
Does this experience excite you? Contact the Rotary for more information.
Reaching Out
The purpose of this program, sponsored by our club, is to assist young people who cannot participate in developing talents and life long interests because of the family financial situation. This could be any activity from music lessons, to a sports registration, to art lessons, to joining Girl Guides or Scouts, etc.
For further details contact
By mail: P. O Box 132
St Albert, AB T8N 1N2
By Phone: 780 233 6401 – leave message
By Email:
Google: Rotary Club of St Albert
SECTION ONE: Personal Information
Name ______Date of Birth ______
Address: ______Postal Code ______
(___) ______(___) ______E-mail______
Home Tel. Number Contact/Message Number
SECTION TWO: Award Information – see deadlines on Program Summary
Rotary Awards for the amount of $1,000 may be awarded to a student pursuing post-secondary education.
Criteria for these awards are:
1. A minimum of 65% general overall average
2. The student must have been actively involved in extra curricular service either in school or in the community
3. Note that the Rotary Club writes the cheque to the institution you will be attending.
Please indicate the award for which you would like to be considered.
____Roy Swanson Memorial Awards, Bellerose Composite High School
____Barry Welsh Memorial Award, Paul Kane High School
____Mike Mathisen Memorial Award, St. Albert Catholic High School
____Grace L'Hirondelle Memorial Award, Ecole Secondaire Sainte Marguerite D'Youville
____Isla Christiensen Memorial Award (2), $500 each awarded to Storefront School and Outreach HS
____Saint City Rotary Club Award (2), $500 each awarded to Storefront School and Outreach HS
____Rotary Club of St. Albert Club Award (1) $500 to Ecole Alexandre-Tache
There are 18 Service Above Self Awards in the value of $250 each awarded to students in grades 10, 11 and 12 for all St. Albert High Schools. Criteria for this award include:
1. a minimum of 65% general overall average
2. The recipient is a student whose dedication and service to others is worthy of note and who will NOT be receiving any other Rotary Club Awards.
If you would like to be considered for this award, please indicate the school attended and the grade completed in the last academic year.
School ______Last Grade Completed______
SECTION THREE: Academic Information
Memorial Award Applicants Only
Proposed Discipline of Study: ______
University or College: ______
Language of Study: ______
All Applicants
Average received in last grade completed:______[copy of transcript attached or signature of principal / guidance counsellor]
SECTION FOUR: Community Service
Please list the community service or volunteer school activities in which you were involved.
Name of community / school organization or club When What you did
SECTION FIVE: Letters of Reference
· attach two letters of reference to this application
· these letters should include comments on applicant’s personal qualities and service activities
Please forward completed application forms to the address below or submit application to your school counsellor
Rotary Club of St. Albert
Award Appication
P.O. Box 132
St. Albert, Alberta
T8N 1N2
How did you learn about these awards? ______
(NOTE: Awards and Service Above Self Awards are applied through your high school)
Technology Music RYLA
Citizenship RYPEN RYLE
SECTION ONE: Personal Information
Name ______Date of Birth ______
Address: ______Postal Code ______
(___) ______(___) ______E-mail______
Home Tel. Number Contact/Message Number
SECTION TWO: School Information
School ______Current Grade ______
Note: For Adventures in Music you must be participating in a school or private music program. Have a minimum of three years experience in a school band program for jazz, Instrumental Studies or Percussion. You must commit to continue musical studies upon returning home.
SECTION THREE: Why you want to be considered for this program?
Must be completed. (100 words or less) Should cover why you want to go, the career or skills you want to develop and how you will use the skills in the future.
SECTION FOUR Community Service
Please list the community service or volunteer school activities in which you have been involved.
Name of community / school organization or club When What you did
SECTION FIVE: References
List two references, one of which should be your current high school counsellor or teacher. The references will be checked to insure you demonstrate the personal qualities, service activities and skills required. You should always ask permission of your references to use their name.
Name ______Person is ______
(teacher, counsellor)
Address: ______Postal Code ______
(___) ______(___) ______E-mail______
Home Tel. Number Contact/Message Number
Name ______Person is ______
Address: ______Postal Code ______
(___) ______(___) ______E-mail______
Home Tel. Number Contact/Message Number
Please forward completed application forms to the address below or submit application to your school counsellor
Rotary Club of St. Albert
Adventure Series Application
P.O. Box 132
St. Albert, Alberta
T8N 1N2
How did you learn about these opportunities? ______