GPSSupported CityBus Tracking & Smart Ticketing System
Ajay Shingare, AnkitaPendole,
Nikita Chaudhari and ParikshitDeshpande
Dept. of Computer Engineering
Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Center
Sandip Foundation, Mahiravani, Nasik, Maharashtra 422213
Prof. SamadhanSonavane
Dept. Of Computer Engineering
Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Center
Sandip Foundation, Mahiravani, Nasik, Maharashtra 422213
Now-a-days increasing density of vehicles on road is becoming the problem for the traffic control. Ultimately arising obstacle in the managing and tracking of the vehicle. Because of the problem state, it is necessary for every organizations and individuals to track the vehicle. People will monitor and track their vehicles for the safety concerns with the help of our Android app. Public transport and private buses tracked to citizens with traffic and transportation details like location, crowd, etc. The proposed system will be used for the positioning of the bus from remote location. The Smart Card based ticketing module which swaps the card to the smart hand held device for the transaction purpose.The smart ticketing device will also contain the dynamic routes as per the bus depot. The smart device has enhanced with the GSM and GPS technology and made available with required necessary configurations which makes it very efficient than that of the existing system.
Keyword: GPS, GSM, Smart Card, Android App, Dynamic Route.
Now-a-days, due to growing world & importance of the time in day to day life there is need of effortless transport [1]. So we are providing an Android application which will provide the information of vehicle location tracing and monitoring [3]. It also includes the feature of density measure for the user convenience and nearest bus available on the route and will make the user up to date as bus moves.
As we know the lots of work is done previously on this system to provide the user what they need & is to solve the various challenges. So to reduce the extra efforts to track the object and also to improve the previous demerits, we are developing new smart card based tracking and ticketing system. The Smart Card will include the authorization and authentication with data storage & application processing [12]. With the help of ticketing system using smart card, the people will get facilitate with moneyless traveling, which is more secure [11], [12].
The smart cards will also useful for conductor for fast issuing the tickets to the passengers. So, all in one this application will be very useful and convenient application for people in day-to-day life [11], [12].
II.Literature Review
[5] GPS is more popular technology which is used in many applications. This existing system gives information about vehicle position and route travelled by vehicle and this information can be monitor from any remote place or location. This system depends on GPS and GSM technology. This system lags in some features like its track vehicle only on PC not on mobile. And also there is no application depending on mobile device to track and get a real time and current view of target or vehicle [5].
[8]Tracking systems are rarely available in the market and available systems are not good and effective systems are costly. The above stated system is much economical than other system are currently available now in the market. This suggested system helps to getting information and location of college bus by using mobile or smart phone. But we got some lagging points in this system, there is only provision for tracking & this tracking is based only on SMS. There is no real time view of location for bus and also there is no any application based on mobile for tracking [8].
[13]The above mentioned paper includes the integrated use of the smart cards with GPS system. In today’s world smart cards became mostly used things which contains the user’s data and GPS used in many areas like tracking and monitoring or surveillance which is used in this system for finding the actual distance traveled by that passenger. The given system does not provide the facility like ticketing and also it has shortcoming like passengers can't buy tickets, who don’t have smart card. The system does not gives the dynamically changing the bus routes [13].
[1] The above stated existing system is based on the ticketing & identificationsin the public transports for bus passengers. There are many passengers having more confusion about fares and which leads to corruption. System will provide automatically fare collection of passengers according to traveled distance. This system uses RFID & GPS for transactions and it make traveling is very precise. This system has some shortcomings as like system provide only automated ticketing facilities not provision for tracking the bus. And also there is no provision for crowd (density) measurement. This system has not any kind of user application for passengers to track the bus and view the schedule of buses [1].
A. Introduction
Now-a-days, due to growing world & importance of the time in day to day life there is need of effortless transport. So we are also providing an Android application which will provide the all system information of vehicle tracking and monitoring. It also provides the feature of density measure for the user convenience and nearest bus available on the route and will make the user up to date as bus moves.
The location of the bus can be observed continuously using GPS system. The GPS satellites transmit signals to a GPS receiver. These receivers statically receive signals. GPS satellite transmits data that indicates the location and current time of the vehicle.
The Smart Card provides authentication, identification, application processing along with data storage. Every passenger will carry the smart card. The Smart Card holds information of the user such as available balance, identification number, user’s information. These smart cards are capable of recharge. By integrating both GPS technology and smart cards we are going to design a whole bus ticketing system.
Whenever the passengers will enter in the bus he/she will be asked by the conductor whether he/she wants to buy ticket by using smart card or money. If smart card, then the conductor will swipe smart card. Then validity and of smart card will be checked with server and then the ticket will be issued. According to Source and destination the distance covered by passenger is get calculated and according to that bus fare amount will be reduced from smart card. The smart cards will also useful for conductor for fast issuing the tickets to the passengers.
B. Architecture
ArchitectureofGPSsupportedcitybus tracking & Smart ticketing system includes
- Architecture of Tracking System
- Architecture of Ticketing System
Following figure1 shows the architecture of Bus tracking system:
Figure 1: Architecture of city bus tracking system
The fig.1 shows the tracking system architecture, which defines the intercommunication among these components. The basic level components include server, databases, and communication networks along with satellite.
User application is android based application which will include the GPS tracker, crowd measure algorithm. The general information feed is given by the user application which will send to the server for further operation. The general feed may include the current location, destination location, timing, etc.
In fig.1 the Server includes the database containing the vector table of location name and it’s coordinates along with the number of buses available at that location at a specific time. It also include the database of the Smart Card which holds the basic information of the user along with the balance just same as the credit card. This database on the server automatically updates using GSM.
The current location coordinates are directly taken by the application and search for the nearest bus. If the nearest bus is crowded then it again performs the search operation to locate the next available bus with its time and current location.
Following figure2 shows the architecture of Bus ticketing system:
Figure 2: Architecture of city bus ticketing system
Fig.2 shows the proposed ticketing system which consists of different parts like smart card, GPRS, palm tech machine, severs at the main station.
When the person is going to enter in the bus, he/she is going to choose the way to buying ticket like by cash or by smart card. If by smart card, the smart card is going to be swap by the conductor, the data related to customer along with his/her present route will be track down and as per the station associated with the route the ticket amount will be withdrawn from the smart card.
There is data, account storage capacity along with it. We can carry out the financial activity through it. The entire data will be stored on the server database which is located at the main station in the city. The entire database of will be centralized at head office server for the storage.
∆Smart Card
$Cash Payment
PmPayment Method
NNo. of Passengers
αSource Location
βDestination Location
ωCity Bus
UNUser Name
γVia Location
AsAmount Specified
№Vehicle number
NsNo. of seats
For Ticketing:-
Algorithm 1. Bus Ticketing System
Input: ∆, N, $
Output: Issued ticket
Problem Statement: To issue the ticket of desired destination location via ∆ or $
for p = 1 to N do
//loop will iterate for all passengers (p) from 1 to No. of passengers N
If Pm == $ then
Issue ticket by taking cash amount of desired location
If change_remain == true then
Insert remaining amount to ∆
End if
End if
If Pm == ∆ then
// the case when passenger doesn’t go for $
Swipe the ∆
If ∆ == valid then
Display passenger details
If Balance > 50 then
Issue Ticket of Desired Location
End if
End if
End if
End for
Return passenger_count
For Android App:-
Algorithm 2. Bus Tracking System (Client)
Input: α, β
Output: ω Route details
Problem Statement: To track the Bus Location
//Authentication Check
If(UN==valid & PW==valid) then
Enter α and β user wants to travel
Display the requested timetable
Search ω arriving on that ω route
Route details will be displayed on screen
Dynamic location of ω will be displayed
Next halt of ω is also announced
End if
End while
Algorithm 3. Bus Tracking System (Admin)
Input: α, β, γ, Ns, As, №
Output: Ticket Booking, Started Bus
Problem Statement: To start the bus, enter route details.
//Authentication Check
If(UN==valid & PW==valid) then
Display Menu
Start Bus
Book Tickets
Change Password
If(choice==1) then
Enter α, β, γ, & №
Click Start Bus
End if
If(choice==2) then
Enter Ns & As per seat
End if
If(choice==3) then
Enter current PW, new PW, confirm new PW
End if
End if
End while
C.Activity Diagrams
Bus Ticketing System:
Bus Tracking (User):
Bus tracking (admin):
D.Mathematical Model
(Bus Ticketing System):
The mathematical model specifies the overall system inputs and the respective responses we will be received based on the inputs given. It also defines several functions which describes the data flow, also the initial and final states of the system, the data which can be determined and the data which will be dynamic. General mathematical model can be stated as:-
{S, Fs, I, O, NoS, Fmain, DD, NDD, Ffriend, Memoryshared, CPU CoreCount}
4.1 Overall System Specification.
The specification of the mathematical model with respect to our system can be stated as:-
1.S- The Initial State:
The initial state of the system is the user registration.
2.Fs– The Final State:
Based on the transaction status the user will receive a notification depicting weather the transaction was successful or transaction was ceased at a particular point, the balance in user account is appropriate or weather it needs to be topped up.
3.I – Set of Inputs:
The set of inputs include the user details & the Smart Card.
4.O– Set of Outputs:
The set of outputs include the delivery of Smart Card to the commuter, the fare calculation output along with the transaction.
5.NoS – Number of Steps:
There are total 8 steps included for execution of the system. They include:-
- Registration
- Allotment of Smart Card to the user
- Fare Calculation
- Tapping of Smart Card on the reader Identification
- Exception (If Low on Balance)
- Transaction
- Notification
6.Fmain – Main Algorithm:
The main algorithm includes the Ticketing & Transaction algorithm.
7.DD – Deterministic Data:
The deterministic data with respect to our system is the data which the user will register to our system i.e. name, address, mobile-number, email-address, etc.
8.NDD – Non-Deterministic Data:
In our system, the user top up data is the non-deterministic data. It cannot be determined how much the user will recharge when his balance falls down below appropriate levels. Also, the transaction database is counted under the non-deterministic data.
9.Ffriend- Functions of the System:
Functions of the system can be stated as:-
- Registration () – Function for registration purposes.
- Authentication () – Socket Programming Function for connection with server.
- Identification () – For identification of an authorized user.
- Exception () – To throw exception if user balance falls below appropriate levels.
- Transaction (fare output) – Algorithm for deduction of balance from user account database.
- Notification () – To notify the user about transaction status as well as if the balance is low.
(Bus tracking system):
GPS Component:
The concept of GPS and the mathematical model associated with it is described. GPS is a radio based satellite positioning system. Radio signals emitted from transmitter are used to determine the position of the receiver. The positioning system consists of 3 spare satellites and 21 satellites orbiting at the period of 12 hours and at the height approximately 20,000 km above the earth’s surface in six orbital planes. GPS positioning system providing 24 hour world-wide coverage with the help of at least four satellites. GPS consists of three main components namely the control system, the satellite system, and the users (client). The system consists of monitoring stations which perform the role of monitoring the condition of satellites. These tracking stations receives and transmits the signals and collect data to the server station where new ephemerides are computed.
Z-Transform of Continuous Systems
In order to build software for digitized data, the continuous signals must be transferred into the discrete signals.
Where ts is a sampling interval,
Now above relation is substitute in the following equation,
Expression of Coordinates:
Figure 3.1: Generation of band signal
The launching of the geosynchronous satellites on earth has made it possible to determine tracking signal position on earth. This is done by measuring the time it take for a signal to travel between the users or station and any satellite and translating it into distance ribetween them.
To exact the desired coordinates of the observer from these measurements, we construct a sphere of radius ri about satellites. The equations these spheres are given by:
(x − x1)2 + (y − y1)2 + (z − z1)2 = r12 (x − x2)2 + (y − y2)2 + (z − z2)2 = r22
(x − x3)2 + (y − y3)2 + (z − z3)2 = r32
(x − x4)2 + (y − y4)2 + (z − z4)2 = r42
Where xi, yi, ziare the known coordinates of the satellites in the space and x, y, z are the unknown coordinate of observer on earth surface [15].
Bus tracking & ticketing system is very useful and important mainly in cities. This system has many advantages like easy to use, wide area range, easy to implement in vehicles, more effective, huge capacity etc. This system was made of a tracking module containing GPS-GSM model to access dynamic vehicle location and send it to server. Then people can access this information from their android mobile phones. Smart card based ticketing is also a very convenient option for traveling in bus. With the help of this facility, people can do moneyless traveling, which is secure one
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