


May 30th – An updateon the Kitsap Literacy Council from their executive director, Olga Federovski.

June 6th - Dave Kircher, Air Resources Manager for Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, with some observations and insight on what’s up with air quality in our Puget Sound area.

June 13th – Rick MacLennan, VP of Student Services at Olympic College witha look at the Semester At Sea program for on-board education. Arranged by Dick Sims.

June 20th – The book titled Iowa By Yard Signs is frequently absent from any discussion with a common focus toward this early display of eloquence. Arranged by Cris Larsen.

Feedback and suggestionsregarding programs are always welcome. Feel free to contact Vic Ulsh at (360) 479-6900 or .


June is Rotary Fellowships month and did you know that you along and your family members are eligible to participate. Fellowships range from Accounting to Yoga, there is some thing for everyone. Fellowships go back to 1928 when a group of Rotarians with a shared interest in Esperanto joined together. Rotary Fellowships are to unite Rotarians and their families in friendship and provide venues for enjoying their favorite recreational or professional activities.

Join a Fellowship and make new friends from around the world

Membership Matters: The Board has just agreed to take a “broader view” of make-ups. We are adopting the Rotary International standard that any absence can be made up by going to the Rotary International website and doing a “web make-up.” In the past, our Board had said that you had to be traveling outside our district for a web make-up to count.

We do have a handful of members with less than 60% attendance and this is a great way for Rotarians to stay connected (it takes about 30 minutes) and help our club with its required attendance figures.


June 4, 5 Olympic High School Senior Culminating Exams. Board Members needed, see Bob Barnes for details. A very rewarding experience!

June 27, July 25, August 29, September 26, and October 31: Cardiac Tour. Take an informative tour of the Harrison Medical Center Cardiac facilities. Each tour starts at 3:45 at the Harrison Medical Center Lobby, Bremerton Campus. See Bill Benson for the signup sheet.

June 1, 2, 3 – Together in Tacoma, District Conference

June 29 – Installation Dinner. Olympic Lodge on PSNS. Bill Benson will be passing on more details along with a sign up sheet.


We talked about the ability of Rotarians to leave a bequest to our local non-profit EBR Foundation last week. The Foundation has an Endowment account with a balance of about $19,000. You do have options of how you choose to give after you pass on to that great Rotary meeting in the sky (another make-up opportunity!) We are in the process of creating two distinct tracts in our Endowment account. Please consider leaving a bequest to our local EBR Foundation for its Scholarship Endowment or for our Community Fund.

Rotary International Foundation

Please remember to send in your annual Sustaining Member or Paul Harris Fellow contribution as soon as you are able. June 30 is the end of the Fund drive.

Do you want to check to see what deposits have been made in your name this year? Simply go to and click on the member access link. Your membership number is on the second line of your mailing label for the Rotarian magazine. District # is 5020. Club number is 62.

District Conference in Tacoma ‘TOGETHER IN TACOMA”, June 1-3, 2007

Rotarians in District 5020 are invited to gather and celebrate the 2006-2007
Rotary year by attending the District Conference in Tacoma, June 1-3, 2007.
District 5020 is the fifth largest International District in the Rotary World and Rotarians from Port Hardy to Woodland are invited celebrate how Rotary Serves Peace and Leads the Way in our communities. 'Together in Tacoma' will allow everyone the opportunity to renew friendships, build networks and celebrate the hard work and successes for this Rotary Year under the leadership of District Governor Erik Frederickson <>.

All Rotarians who wish to learn more about Rotary should plan to attend this
conference. Plenary sessions will offer inspiring speakers and breakout
sessions will include topics that are important to the Rotary mission of
Service Above Self.
Rotary International Vice President Jerry Hall and his wife Tasha have agreed to attend "Together in Tacoma". Jerry will present a plenary address and conduct break out sessions entitled "Questions and Answers with the RIVP" where you'll have an opportunity to ask anything you'd like about current RI function. Please join us and meet two gracious and dedicated Rotary leaders.

See Larry Iverson for more details.


Thanks to the combined efforts of area Rotary Clubs, the Olympic College Rotaract Club has made a significant contribution to service above self during their two years of existence. As a two year college, the challenge each year is to keep new members coming in to replace thosewho move off to four year venues. Students headed to Olympic College with Rotary scholarships are important potential members, since they require little orientation to the opportunity that Rotary provides. Also any of your family members or friends who attend OC should be considered for club membership. PLEASE CALL PRESIDENT CALEB MURRAY AT 475 7290 for further information. The club meets every Tuesday at 2pm in the Bremer Student Center club room...Roger Meyer MD East Bremerton andSue Longstreth, Rotaract Advisors..

Community Events

Wings of Freedom Tour - In case you didn't get the details at the last weekly meeting, there will be B17's, B-24, and B-25. They arrive 6/13 and are here through 6/15.Tours will be available for $10 ($5 children) with discounts for groups (no details yet). See Doug O for more details.

Olympic High School Senior Culmination Board - Bob Barnes will circulate a sign-up sheet for any members willing to contribute their time to serve on culminating boards to review student projects. The meetings are May 23 and June 4 and 5. Training is provided. Your time could have a great impact on the life of a promising student and you might learn about something new in the process!

We will keep this running list of information updated on a weekly basis and e-mail it once a week to those of you who have provided their e-mail addresses to the club. If you don’t have e-mail capabilities, there will be a

handful of copies available at the front desk each week.

E-mail information that you would like to distribute to