Roswell Adult Learning Center (RALC)

Summer quarter Volunteer’s Meeting

May 30, 2013

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Frank Padula in President Miriam DePriest’ absence.

The minutes of the March 21, 2013, meeting as posted on the web site were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: John Rittenburg

·  Current account balances are $19,795.52 in checking and $7,941.33 in savings. The full report will be posted to the web site. Net worth report. Income & Expense report.

President’s Report: Miriam DePriest. Frank Padula reported:

·  The class schedules for summer, fall, winter and spring 2014 are available. New courses added are: Windows 8 workshop (3 hr. class); How to make a DVD using Windows DVD Maker; iPad workshop will begin in the fall (Sept. 5) and is a 2 hour class and will be taught by Miriam DePriest.

·  The Windows 7 summer course will be taught by Elizabeth Woodward.

·  The Excel class needs a summer instructor but so far there is only one student that has signed up so there is a possibility that it may be cancelled; however, Gordon Williams may instruct in the absence of Gene Staton.

·  New Computers: Since Microsoft may release an update on Windows 8, we need to wait before replacing the computers. Ed Glynn cautioned about updating to Windows 8 since he had heard of many problems with it and companies have decided to stay with Windows 7. There is; however, an option that allows the touch screen to convert to desk-top mode.

·  Status of Server Options: George Fuller is looking into this and is in contact with a firm but no decision has yet to be made.

·  George also needs to know the number of manuals needed for each course. If managers don’t get a note from George asking for the quantity, please let him know


·  Since Tony has been trying to work with the IRS, and they are not very responsive, it has been difficult to get a letter addressed to and certifying our name change from SeniorNet to Roswell Adult Learning Center. IBM needs this certification before we can receive a grant. Our tax code has not been changed, only our name and we probably have lost $9,000 - $15,000 in grants. All documents have been sent at least four times. Tony is in a waiting mode.

Curriculum Committee Report: Bill Buttrick

·  Bill reported that Bill Startt will teach the Quicken class this fall. Don Hogan will update the student manual for the Quicken Premier 2013 upgrade.

·  John Rittenburg will teach two more workshops which have been scheduled for fall 2013 and winter 2014.

·  Microsoft Office 2013 will be installed on lab computers and ready to go for the January, 2014 term.

·  Student manuals for Word, Excel, and Power Point should be updated by December, 2013, in time for printing.

·  Office 2013 CD’s will be given to Frank, Gene Staton and Tom Frazee for use in updating the manuals.

·  Office 2007 will be removed from the lab computers but 2010 will remain in the computers.

·  Feedback Forms: Fifty students turned in feedback forms and all of the courses received good reviews. The students listed a number of new courses and suggestions that should be considered by us:


Roswell Adult Learning Center (RALC)

Summer quarter Volunteer’s Meeting

May 30, 2013

ü  How to make newsletters

ü  Publishing

ü  Use of an IPad

ü  How to make a web page

ü  Digital Photography

ü  How to purchase a new computer

ü  Turbo Tax

ü  How to load pictures from camera to computer

ü  Table of contents for all courses

ü  Number pages in student manuals

ü  Add multi-media and new computers to avoid past computer problems


Roswell Adult Learning Center (RALC)

Summer quarter Volunteer’s Meeting

May 30, 2013

·  Students listed a number of courses that they would like to take. These are listed below and only those with the highest numbers are listed:


Roswell Adult Learning Center (RALC)

Summer quarter Volunteer’s Meeting

May 30, 2013

ü  Adobe Photoshop (12)

ü  Digital Cameras (11)

ü  Internet/Email (11)

ü  Windows 7 (11)

ü  Genealogy (7)

ü  Quicken (7)


Roswell Adult Learning Center (RALC)

Summer quarter Volunteer’s Meeting

May 30, 2013

Tech/Website Report: Don Hogan

·  Don reported that changes have been made to the course manager page and the course schedules have been posted to the web site.

Manuals Report:

·  Don reported that the manuals will be printed on time by June 10.

Staffing Report: Jack Thompson

·  Frank Padula reported Miriam will switch to coaching Internet and Email for the summer course.

Lab Report: Will Christopher

·  A few people have been asking for help with Windows 8 and he referred them to the Windows 8 Workshop. There is an average of 1-2 people who attend the lab.

·  Please let Miriam or Frank know what anyone needs. Example: blank flash drives.

Other Issues/New Business:

·  Gene Staton asked everyone to be careful when they turn the projector on/off because sometimes they press the channel button by mistake.

·  Sally White suggested using CD’s instead of flash drives for various reasons; have a class to show the difference between older systems vs. newer systems (conversion).

·  Ann Tilly announced there have been 3 students taking the typing class on Fridays.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 AM.

Respectfully Submitted by Marge DeBenedetto, substituting for Secretary Helen Reese