1.  The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance to all employees involved in the recruitment and selection of employees within the Transport Executive.

2.  Section Two of the manual provides details of the specific responsibilities of employees directly involved in the recruitment process, including responsibilities to individual posts within the Human Resources Team.

3.  Section Three outlines the Recruitment and Selection Policy Statement together with the associated procedures to be followed in all cases. However, alternative arrangements may be required in exceptional circumstances and these should be agreed with the Head of Organisational Development.

4.  Section Four is a flowchart outlining the recruitment and selection process.

5.  Section Five outlines the procedure for dealing with permanent recruitment sourced through agencies.

6.  Section Six outlines the procedure for dealing with the recruitment of posts requiring police checks this should be used in conjunction with Section Three.

7.  Section Seven contains the relevant copies of the coded recruitment forms and documentation as indicated in bold throughout the manual. Copies of all forms are available from the Human Resources Team.


1.  The following areas of responsibility have been identified and should be taken into account in the recruitment procedures that follow.

For the purpose of this procedure the Line Manager is the person who has direct responsibility, i.e. carries out the ‘VALUED’ appraisal process.

In the event that the Line Manager is unavailable, the responsibility would then rest with their Line Manager, i.e. the Senior Manager.

Line Manager

2.  The Line Manager is responsible for the following aspects of the recruitment and selection process:

2.1 The initial request to recruit

2.2 a) Job Description (R1);

b) Employee specification (R2);

c) Approved draft advertisement (R3);

d)  Provision of additional information to be included in the

application packs;

e) Human Resources and Standards Committee Report (if applicable);

2.3 Proposed dates for shortlisting and assessment.

2.4 Selection of an assessment panel (to include a Human Resources Team representative).

2.5 Shortlisting of candidates, and signing off of the shortlisting form. (R10)

2.6 Preparation of presentation/selection exercises and interview questions. (R11)

2.7 Selection of a candidate and signing off of the assessment forms. (R13)

2.8 Feedback to candidates.

2.9 Departmental Induction Programme.

2.10 The setting of objectives and the monitoring of performance during the six month probationary period.

2.11 The Human Resources Team will provide advice on any of the above areas, if required.

Team Leader – Human Resources

3. The Team Leader – Human Resources is responsible for the following aspects of the recruitment and selection process:

3.1 Overall responsibility for the implementation of the recruitment


3.2 The provision of advice to the assessment panel and the Human Resources Team.

3.3 Responsibility for deciding on the inclusion of any member of the

assessment panel who has declared a potential conflict of interest.

3.4 Participation in the assessment process, particularly for Senior

Management posts, as required.

3.5 Assistance in the consideration of criminal convictions and their relevance to the post.

3.6 Advice and assistance in providing feedback to candidates.

3.7 Consultation with the Trade Unions.

Human Resources Officers

4. The Human Resources Officer is responsible for ensuring that the following aspects of the recruitment and selection process are undertaken:

4.1 Discussion with managers regarding the need to appoint.

4.2 Provision of advice to Line Managers and relevant staff as required. This area will include the decision as to whether new posts require a police check, advice on the format for Job Descriptions, the drafting of advertisements in liaison with managers, preparation of interview questions and assessment exercises including the collation of the Employee Specification.

4.3 Administration of the shortlisting packs to the assessment panel members, to include: -

a) Shortlisting Form; (R10)

b) Copies of completed application form; (R5)

c) Job Description; (R1)

d) Employee Specification. (R2)

4.4 Creation of an interview file to include the following documentation:

a) Interview schedule, detailing times and rooms booked; (R12)

b) Application forms of the short-listed applicants (R5);

c) Job Description (R1);

d) Short-listing Assessment Form; (R10)

e) Employee Specification (R2);

f)  Collation of any information and documentation required for assessment presentations/exercises/interview questions. (R11)

g) Interview summary Form (R14)

4.5 Participation on interview panels as requested.

4.6 Assistance in the feedback to candidates, as requested.

4.7 Obtaining references for the successful candidate(s).

4.8  Processing medical questionnaires for the successful candidate(s).

4.9  Processing the Application Form for obtaining disclosure from Criminal Record Bureau if required for the post.

4.10  Careful consideration of any criminal convictions and their relevance to the post.

4.11 The generation of recruitment letters as required.

4.12 Preparation of the Contract of Employment for new starters.

4.13 Closure of the recruitment file and storage.

4.14 Creation of a personal file for the successful applicants.

4.15 Ensuring that the recruitment procedures are adhered to.

4.16 Ensuring the induction of staff, in line with the organisational induction process, inclusive of probationary milestones.

4.17 Collation of the organisations induction pack in line with the induction checklist. (R16)

Human Resources Administrator

5. The Human Resources Administrator is responsible for the following aspects of the recruitment and selection process:

5.1  Assisting the Team Leader – Human Resources and Human Resources Officers.

5.2 Creating the vacancy file to include the following documentation:

a) Application Record (R9)

b) Job Description (R1)

c) Employee specification (R2)

d) Copy of advert (R3)

e) Copy of information pack sent to applicants;

5.3 Receipt of requests for information from potential applicants and collation of the records on the application record. (R9)

5.4 Ensuring that the vacancy monitoring sheet (R15) is completed and the equal opportunities monitoring spreadsheet is kept up to date.

5.5 Collation and despatch of information packs, as required. Packs to include the following:

a) Application Letter (R4)

b) Application Form (R5)

c) Job Description (R1)

d) Vision Statement (R7)

e) Role of the Transport Executive (R8)

f) Terms & Conditions sheet (R6)

g) Employee Specification (R2)

h) Other documents as determined by the Line Manager.



“Recruitment and selection allows organisational needs to be met by ensuring appropriate candidates are identified to match required job roles, in line with equality and diversity standards”


1 The Line Manager firstly identifies that a vacancy exists. If the vacancy is an addition to the establishment, the Line Manager will prepare a report and Job Description to submit to the Human Resources and Standards Committee to obtain authorisation. If the post is an existing post it must be examined to establish whether it:

a) is still necessary;

b) could be combined with other posts;

c) could be automated;

d) the hours allocated to the post are still relevant;

e) are the allowances allocated still relevant.

If any changes are proposed to an existing post’s function, allowances or grade, the Line Manager will submit a report and Job Description to the Human Resources and Standards Committee for authorisation.

The Line Manager will discuss any additional posts or changes to an existing post with a Representative of the Human Resources Team in order that full consultation with the Trade Union takes place.

2. Once a vacancy has been authorised and the Job Description and Employee Specification agreed as appropriate, the Line Manager and a Human Resources Team Representative will agree a draft advert and where it will be placed in order to target the most appropriate pool of candidates.

The following information will be provided within the advertisement:

a) A description of the work;

b) The grade and remuneration;

c) The essential qualities of the person required;

d) A contact number for application forms;

e) Hours of work;

f) Whether the post is permanent or temporary;

g) Whether the post requires disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau or if the post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act.

h) Closing date.

3.  The closing date for the vacancy is usually ten working days from the date that the advert is released.

4.  Most vacancies will be filled using internal/external advertisements.

5. Once the closing date is agreed a timetable for shortlisting and assessment will be agreed including the compilation of the assessment panel. The assessment panel should consist of at least the Line or Senior Manager of the department and also a Representative of the Human Resources Team. This is to ensure consistency in approach throughout the Transport Executive and to brief/train interviewers on the selection process.

6. All applications will be initially submitted to the Human Resources Team to allow effective monitoring to be carried out.

7. The Application Form is designed so that personal details are separated from skills, knowledge and experience in order that the assessment of Application Forms is based only on job related factors. Therefore, the assessment panel will receive Application Forms in this format.

8. In the event that a member of the chosen assessment panel becomes aware that there is a potential conflict of interest, they must declare this to a Human Resources Representative immediately. The Team Leader – Human Resources will then assess the conflict and decide whether or not it is appropriate for the member to remain on the assessment panel.

9. The Application Forms are assessed in a consistent manner to ensure equal treatment of all applicants. A Shortlisting Monitoring Form and Employee Specification is used which sets down key duties, necessary skills, knowledge and experience identified from the Job Description against which each application is assessed. The shortlisting of candidates is carried out and agreed at a shortlisting meeting, at which all members of the assessment panel are present. All members of the assessment panel sign the completed Shortlisting Monitoring Form.

10. Internal applicants that do not meet the criteria will be informed via telephone, and feedback given.

11. Late applications are generally not considered. However in exceptional circumstances, applications received after the closing date may be considered at the discretion of the assessment panel.

12. Selection techniques are consistent between candidates and are designed to gather the information necessary from the candidate to assess against the job requirements, which includes those identified on the Employee Specification.

13. Assessment Tests are used, where appropriate, to assist in assessing a candidate’s suitability for the post, these can include:

a)  Informal pre-interview sessions on a group / individual basis, e.g

departmental visit;

b) Skills testing, e.g shorthand and typing tests;

c) Occupational/ / Psychometric testing;

d)  Excercises to be completed by candidates in advance of the interview, e.g a prepared presentation or report;

e) Group test e.g discussions, problem solving.

14. Each candidate is assessed in a consistent and objective manner during the selection process. A Selection Assessment Form is used which sets down key duties, necessary skills, knowledge and experience identified from the Job Description against which each application is assessed. The most appropriate candidate is then selected on an objective basis. All the assessment panel members sign the Selection Assessment Form once completed.

15. Following the selection procedure a Summary of Interview Form (R14) should be completed stating the scores given to each candidate, reasons for selecting the successful candidate(s) and why any shortlisted candidates did not attend their interview

16. All candidates will be offered the opportunity to obtain feedback from both the line manager and a Human Resources Team representative.

17. Two professional referees, encompassing at least the last two years of employment, will be contacted to provide information on specific job related questions for external candidates. For internal candidates a reference will be obtained from the employee’s existing Line Manager, where an individual is appointed to a role within a different team or section. In addition external candidates will be required to complete a medical assessment (via a medical questionnaire) prior to confirmation of the appointment.

18. If a requirement of the post, disclosure should be obtained from the Criminal Records Bureau. Once disclosure has been received careful consideration should be given to any convictions using checklist, 2 section 6. Criminal convictions will only be taken into account if relevant to the post.

All employees will receive an organisational induction, delivered by a representative of the Human Resources Team in conjunction with a departmental induction, which is delivered by the line manager.

19. All appointments will be subject to a six-month probationary period during which time the line manager will monitor performance against agreed objectives.

20. The Transport Executive will monitor on an ongoing basis the effectiveness of the application of this procedure.

For and on behalf of UNISON


Chair, Branch Committee Date

For and on behalf of South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive


Passenger Services Director Date





Checklist for Enhanced Disclosure