
Hello my name is Ms. Waites and I am the Librarian as well as the Instructor of Research Development. I am excited to have a fun filled year!This year the class will be focusing on writing research papers.

By the end of the year, students will understand how to write research papers, cite sources,navigate through the internet safely, as well using search engines to find sources.


My grading scale and weights are predetermined by Lancaster ISD and are as follows:

100-90 A

89-80 B

79-70 C

69 & below Failing

A standardized grading policy has also been assigned to various aspects of classroom performance. Grade weight parameters are as follows:

Tests or Major Assignments: 40%

Class work, assignments, and activities: 40%

Homework: 20%


Homework is designed for students to practice and review the concepts covered in class. It is also a way for students to discover problem areas within those concepts. Students may expect to have homework nightly, including weekends. Assignments will be graded in one of two ways:

1. Completion - based only on whether or not the student completed the activity

2. Accuracy - based on the actual accuracy of the student’s answers.

Class work and Quizzes

Class work grades are determined by activities completed within the classroom. Quizzes are administered approximately once every two to three weeks and will be both announced and unannounced.


Classroom tests will be administered. Many times, students will have a review in class the day before the test. This review will let the students know exactly what is on the test.

Late Homework Policy

1. If you are absent from class, you are responsible for figuring out what you missed and turning in all assignments. Any class work or homework that you have missed must be made up when you return to school. You will have one day to turn things in for each day absent. Tests may be made up during class.

2. Late assignments will be accepted 3 days past the due date. There will be a 10 point deduction for each day the paper is late. No late work will be accepted past the third day.

3. Extra credit may be earned, when available, only if you have no missing work

Please view the Research Development Course calendar. These are the subjects/assignments we will be covering this semester.

Supply List

1. Spiral Notebook

2. Crayons or Color Pencils

3. Pencils & Pens (1 red pen)

4. Glue

5. Scissors

6. Notebook Paper

7. Color Construction Paper

8. Box of Kleenex

9. Hand Sanitizer

Contact Information

Marla Waites

Email address:

Phone: 972-218-1577

Room: Media Center