Rosehall Wind Farm Community Liaison Group


Minutes of a meeting held at Lairg Community Centre,

Wednesday 16th NovemberMay 2011


Chair: Colin Gilmour (Rosehall Action Group) CG

David Walker (Lairg Community Council) DW

John White (Creich Community Council) JW

Russell Taylor (Creich Community Council) RT

Doreen Gibbs (Ardgay & District Community Council) DG

David Mudie (Planning, Highland Council) DM

Tom Harrison (E.ON Climate & Renewables) TH

Vicki Stacey (E.ON Climate & Renewables) VS

Chloe Constant (E.ON Climate & Renewables) CC

Derek Powell (Natural Power) DP

Ailsa Smith (Natural Power) AS

Andy Bailey (Morrison Construction) AB

Laurence Moore (Siemens (LM)

Chris McMath (Siemens) CM

Liz Fraser (Quietstorm Marketing) LF


As above plus;

Peter Campbell (Creich Community Council)

Hector Mclennan (Lairg Community Council)

Simon Young (TEC Services, Highland Council)

Joanne Sutherland (TEC Services, Highland Council)

Councillor George Farlow (Highland Council)

Martin Roberts (E.ON Climate & Renewables)

Steve Pears (Natural Power)

Steve Donaghue (Natural Power)

Ian Johnson (Morrison Construction)

Simon Hayes (Morrison Construction)

Alan Sutherland (Siemens)

Hytham Emam (Siemens)

1. Introductions

CG extended a welcome to the group which included new representatives:

David Mudie, Principal Planner, Highland Council

Chloe Constant, Stakeholder Engagement Executive, E.ON Climate & Renewables

Laurence Moore, Commercial Project Manager, Siemens

At this point CG explained that community council elections were taking place but that the make up of the Community Liaison Group should not be affected.

H Mclennan, J White, R Taylor and D Walker would continue to represent their respective communities and while D Gibbs was not standing for re-election, it was possible that she would continue to be the Ardgay & District representative.

2. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Simon Young and Joanne Sutherland (Highland Council TECS).

3. Matters arising from previous Minutes of 18 May 2011

3.1 Noise issues

CG told the group that a meeting had taken place on 6th October to discuss ongoing concerns of the Durcha residents about noise from the Achany turbines. The meeting involved representatives from SSE, Highland Ccouncillors, Ccommunity Ccouncillors and Durcha households. As a result, noise measuring devices had been left with JWplaced close to a Durcha house to monitor and record daily readings. The equipment will be left in place over the winter. However it was acknowledged that noise problems tend to arise only in certain weather conditions i.e. according to wind direction, whilst the and the presence of snow is apt to accentuate it. As a result the monitoring exercise may not provide an accurate and full assessment of the problem.

Another meeting has been scheduled for 24th January 2012. Prior to this,. SSE has agreed to liaise with E.ON and involve them in the talks. TH stressed that E.ON would like to be invited to the meeting and to get involved as soon as possible; the aim being to help, despite the mitigation onus being on SSE. DM agreed that is was imperative to have a joined up, collaborative approach and he will communicate this to SSE. He went on to emphasise the importance of understanding the issue in order to mitigate against potential noise from both SSE and E.ON windfarms.

Action: DM

3.2  Closure of the Sika trail

CG commented that the closure had been well managed and signposted and that no issues had arisen.

4. Project Overview

4.1 Work completed on site

DP talked through the works that had been undertaken during the summer period.

TH acknowledged the great job being carried out by Morrisons; stating that the site management and tidiness has been first rate.

4.2  Timetable for scheduled work

AS circulated an updated programme of the planned works.

Key points of note:

·  Over the winter months Morrisons will be operating a skeleton crew.

·  Scottish Woodlands will be extracting timber over the next few weeks.

Clearance work will be undertaken in line with the Conservation Management Plan; followed by a period of mulching. These processes are expected to be completed in January 2012.

·  The control building onsite is close to completion.

·  Work will continue on reclamation of the borrow pits.

·  Wayleaves are in the process of being finalised.

·  SSE intends to start cable installation work onsite in December, working back to Invershin. See 4.3.

·  Re-instatement work will get underway on the A839. JW asked if something other than peat could be used to avoid a repetition of the Achanay to Lairg situation. DP replied that Highland Council TECS stipulate the methodology but that it is likely to involve using a harder substance.

·  Turbine deliveries will start in March and continue through to May.


Route for Grid connection

There are 2 route options; the one being favoured runs across the shorter Forestry Commission route, following the Braemore line. The overhead cable is to be buried at the site access point. Works will be ongoing until April. TH explained that a temporary connection has been granted at the end of April for 3-4 months. This phase is to keep the turbines ticking over prior to exporting to full capacity.

5. Community issues

5.1 Timber Felling/Durcha

TH confirmed that E.ON was happy for the trees to remain as a potential noise barrier. The felling postponement should be viewed as a trial to see if that is indeed the case. If it is not proven to be so, then talks will resume with RSPB and SNH. To test the effectiveness of the Conservation Management argument, other areas that have been felled already will be monitored to see if they are doing the intended job. TH stressed the importance of liaising with the community and gave his assurance that no action would be taken without consultation.

5.2  The Sika trail and public access

After discussion, it was agreed by all that the trail should remain closed for the entire construction period. It was further agreed, on Health & Safety grounds, that this should extent up to, and include, the turbine erection phase. The signage will be updated accordingly. DP pointed out the recent issue of Highland Council insisting that the trail was remain kept open due to its core path status. DM agreed to discuss the internally. matter internally to ascertain that there are no issues.

Action: DP/AS (signage); DM (paths status)

5.3 Public relations

CG commented that the newsletter, published in June, had been well received.

LF stated that the next issue is underway and that it will be distributed in December.

LF told the group about the local projects that had benefited from E.ON’s Small Community Projects Fund over the summer:- . These were: Rosehall and District Action Group - £870 to reprint the Rosehall Trails leaflet; Rosehall Clay Pigeon Club - £1,000 towards the purchase of a new trap; Cassley Drive Play Park Group - £500 to purchase for new goalposts.

Action: LF/CC

6.0  Any other business

6.1 Turbine erection plan

LM told the group that Siemens will co-ordinate the planning of the turbine erection phase. The group will be informed once shipping arrangements have been made.

It was pointed out that while efforts will be made to work is expected to be within normal working hours, it would be advantageous to have a contingency option in place to allow the installation team to make the most efficient use of the changing wind conditions during turbine erection. . As the process would not be noisy, CG’s view was that it would not be a problem to extend the working day as long as Sunday working was avoided.

6.2 Siemens Community Support

LM informed the group that Siemens is interested in working with E.ON to support and jointly finance a community project(s). LM to progress and liaise with LF/CC.internally.

Action: LM/LF/CC

7.0 Date and location of next meeting T

The next meeting will bewas scheduled for on Tuesday 6th March 2012 at 10.30am in Lairg Community Centre.