Implementation Certification Request

MVD System Modernization

Project Governance

Project Name

/ MVD System Modernization
Date / 12/18/2013
Lead Agency / Taxation and Revenue
Other Agencies / None

Executive Sponsor

/ John Monforte, Deputy Cabinet Secretary
Agency Head / Demesia Padilla, CPA
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Greg Saunders
Project Manager / Contract PM Team
Project Abstract(Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
MVD is operating a series of hybrid mainframe/Web application systems that are outdated and difficult to maintain as the tools, operating systems, and languages date back to the 1970s and 1980s. A complicated process extracts data from all 90 individual field offices, performs required batch processing in the mainframe environment and relevant data is then replicated back to SQL Server for the next day’s processing. Connectivity issues and other events produce times when the data is out of synch causing errors and delaying customer transactions.
Many states are moving to a customer-centric model for driver license, vehicle titling and registration systems, and financial (POS) systems. In this model, each person (e.g. person, company) has a customer record. Driver license, vehicle title and registration, and payment records all relate to the appropriate customer record. This linking of the various records provides significant benefits to our customers, to our employees, and to users such as the law enforcement community. This model is our vision for the state of New Mexico.
The scope of the MVD System Modernization (MVD System Modernization) Project is to procure and Implement a integrated Driver and Vehicle system inclusive of the 769 requirements elaborated in RFP #30-333-12-12463.
In Fiscal Year 2013, TRD contracted with an external party to create the MVD Vision of the Future. Specific requirements were added to ensure that MVD’s goal of performing 80% of the transactions via virtual channels with only 20% of transactions in Field or partner offices. These additional requirements were incorporated into RFP#30-333-12-12463. This RFP was issued January, 2013. At the present time contract negotiations are occurring with the ‘tentatively selected vendor’.
This Implementation Certification Request is only for the funds to complete project activities to the end of FY14. The funds requested in this certification request will only be enough to complete the first four deliverables of 11 necessary to provide the first release, Driver Services. The entire project for both Driver and Vehicle will extend to the end of FY16.
Start Date / August 28, 2013 / Planned End Date / June 30, 2016
Amount Requested this Certification / $9,916,010
Amount Previously Certified / $742,100
Remaining Appropriation not Certified / $6,406,490
Total Appropriated Amount / $16,342,500

Certification History(Include any previous project or phasecertifications)

/ Amount / Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.)
08/28/2013 / $542,500 / Laws 2012, Chapter 19, Section 7(3)
10/23/2013 / $199,600 / Laws 2012, Chapter 19, Section 7(3)
12/18/2013 / $7,577,900 / Laws of 2012, Chapter 19, Section 7, extended through fiscal year 2014
12/18/2013 / $2,358,110 / Laws of 2013, Chapter 227, Section 7, extended through fiscal year 2015
Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)
Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source and Appropriation language
2012 / $8,300,000 / Laws of 2012 Chapter 19, Section 7(3),
2013 / $8,042,500 / Laws of 2013, Chapter 227, Section 7(3),
Total / $16,342,500

Major Deliverable Schedule (systems integrator only)

Funds requested this Certification only fund the project to the end of FY14.

Systems Integrator Budget / End*** / Cost
Purchase Application Software / 1/31/2014 / $4,000,000
Purchase Hardware and System Software / 1/31/2014 / 729,000
1. Refine PM Plan / 01/31/14 / 30,000
2 Definition / 06/30/14 / 712,500
3 Base Configuration / 06/30/14 / 1,485,000
No other Driver Services tasks will be completed during FY14.
No Vehicle Services tasks will be completed during FY14

Fiscal year 14 budget. Total budget estimated to complete $40,507,200 .

BUDGET: Implementation
Description / FY14
Non-recurring COTS Software / 4,000.0
Non-recurring Hwr/Swr / 729.0
Non-recurring Fac. & Eqp / 464.0
Recurring Software – annual Licensing / 200.0
Level 3 Support
Recurring Personnel / 1,771.8
Implementation Services / 2,227.5
Contract IV&V/PM Team,Contract dev, Data Cleanup / 1101.4
Project Facility & Travel (misc) / 164.4
TOTAL / 10,658.1

IT System Analysis(On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summarydescription of the technical architecture)

The MVD System Modernization project will possess four environments and an offsite Disaster Recovery facility. The four environments will be hosted at SIMMS.
  1. Development
  2. Test
  3. Staging
  4. Production

Interoperability (Describe If/how this project interfaces with existing systems/Applications)

The technical requirements of the RFP very specifically state the level of interoperability between existing MVD COTS or COTS-CRM packages, hardware, and interfaces; and the MVD System Modernization system. There was no mandatory requirement for interoperability that the finalists rejected.

Independent Verification & Validation (Include summary of the latestIV Vreport)

IV&V contract is ready for the signature process.

Significant Risks and Mitigation Strategy

Risk 1: MVD System Modernization is not delivered on-time, on-Budget, and in-scope.

Mitigation 1:

The vendor selected has an excellent on-time, on-budget record, with high customer satisfaction ratings.

Mitigation 2:

An external project team will be hired to provide three functions: Project Management, Business Architecture, and Technical (System) Architectural services. The PM function will be responsible for ensuring the project is on-time and on-budget. The Business Architecture function will be responsible for continuous verification and validation of scope.

Risk 2: NEAR TERM, COTS architecture will constrain MVD’s Vision of the Future

Underlying architecture could prevent or constrain MVD reaching the ‘Vision of the Future’ as outlined in the RFP over the near term.

Mitigation 3:

The Technical (Systems) Architecture function, within the Contract PM Team, will be responsible for ensuring the best decisions are made regarding architectural options available within the COTS architecture, and ensuring compliance with the previously selected options during development and implementation.
Transition to Operations: (Describe agency plan to migrate project solution to production. include agency plans to fund and maintain this project after deployment. )
The SI contract, currently being reviewed by the vendor post-eReview, includes installation of all COTS software upgrades, and manpower sufficient to continually upgrade interfaces and any custom system components, as well as a separate‘Hot’ Disaster Recovery site, created by TRD.
Expenses for all of these deliverables are covered by the non-reverting Record Sales revenue, and are therefore self-funded.

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