Monthly Newsletter of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bridgewater (LCMC)

8805 Austin Road, P.O. Box 13, Bridgewater, Michigan 48115, (734) 429-7434

Pastor Drex Morton, 734-968-7113
Summer Worship, 10:30 a.m. with Holy Communion
Mission Statement:
Dedicating ourselves to God through Prayer & Study, Fellowship & Service.


In celebration of the four Baptisms for which I've been privileged to preside and the reception of New Members into our "Faith Family," I was inspired by my muse to write the following poem.

I hope you enjoy the reading as much as I did the writing...

Watery Love

by: Drex Morton

There are many watery moments, But none better than the moment

When water is poured from a vase into a crockery Basin,

Which will be cherished through years of The unpredictable.

A Cousin asks, “Is the water special?”

The one who presumes to stand in for a Patriarchal Priest,

Who received this Sign from Countless others…He assures each hearer that

It is only the Promise of Ancient Words spoken

Over stirring water that really matters. Waters of Watery, Lavish Love.

So the Prayers of the Family transform each one of them

Into The Faithful Congregation, In the warm air outside…

In a Chapel of Home and Hearth, More sacred than any edifice.

Here, where Generations of Sacrifice and Love abound.

This splashing, Lavish Love of the Baptizer

From countless Generations before is echoed in the pronouncement…

“I Baptize YOU, Malia.”, “I Baptize YOU, Alexa.”

And the poured and stirred Waters of Lavish Love,

Secured through Wounds and Blood, Draw yet two more of the Beloved

Through an unknown future with the support, Of those here and those gone on before into, Not an abyss

But into an Abundance – insurmountable, And indescribable with mere words beyond

These that are spoken under a canopy of the Warming Sun and Son.

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

And may you each be blessed by the warmth of a July

that seems to never end,

+ Pastor Drex


I wrote the attached to honor my Grandfather three years ago...

June 15, 2014

Granddaddy Fornes was a superb father figure. He taught me that ushering in Church is as valuable as preaching. I learned that following him around in the orchard on a Summer's evening was a little slice of Heaven. I learned that stepping on the vines was not recommended and that baby chicks need heat from a pot bellied stove in the early Spring. I learned at an early age that gathering the eggs had it's hazards when a rooster scratched my leg. Granddaddy made sure we ate that rooster the following Sunday in quick retribution. I learned that salve can heal most wounds and that a man can look sharp - even in his work clothes - as long as he doffs his Sunday hat - if even just for a moment. I went with Granddaddy to Mrs. Shores' fruit stand and learned the art of barter when he traded plums and such for the best watermelon ever, which we devoured outside and threw the rine to the pig, who ate most anything... Most of all I learned that hard work and travel to a whole new Continent at age 19 pointed to the values of a self-sacrificial family back in Spain who fought fascism, paid a high price, & always treasured him - even when separated by many miles…


DATES/EVENTS coming up….at ST. JOHN’S………

Saturday, July 15th –

·  The Fellowship Circle and Men’s Group will sponsor a Congregational Picnic and Campfire, beginning at 5:30pm. Hot dogs, hamburgers, beans, potato salad and drinks will be provided. Enjoy marshmallows and s’mores over the campfire along with games and fun. Pastor Drex will lead singing around the campfire. Additional information will be available in July’s lamplighter. Please contact Ralph Myers or Sue Eversole with any questions.

Sunday, July 16th

·  Contemporary Worship Service, 10:30am, held outside under the Pavilion w/ the Blessing of the Animals. We invite you to bring your animal(s) for a blessing. Feel free to bring a photo if your animal can’t attend. For everyone’s safety, all cats, dogs, horses, cows, reptiles and birds must be restrained by a halter, leash, carrier or stock trailer. Pastor Drex will be happy to do “trailer calls.” Please come, invite your friends! Also, please be aware that no animals will be allowed inside the church.

August 4th & 5th –

·  LCMC Great Lakes Event – with Jetti Rae in concert. LCMC Youth event grades 6-12 “24 hours of Praise, Fellowship and Friends” Friday noon to Saturday, 1pm – The days will be filled with recreation time, workshops, opening and closing worship – food, fun, fellowship! Workshops will be made up from various volunteers. More info and details will be coming soon. We will need volunteers – so think about how you can help out on these days!

August 18th-20th –

·  Kids & Co. Summer Camp-out at Myers Lake – Contact Lisa Klager, 645-2318, if interested in attending or with any questions.


Sauerkraut Supper. The sauerkraut supper will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2017. We will be holding the tickets to 300. There will be more information later.

We are looking for someone to take over for Sue Weidmayer and Shirley Kruger next year. Lynda Poet has graciously come forward but we need at least one more person to help. Ideally we would like these people to shadow us this year and then be able to take over next year. If anyone is interested, please let Sue or Shirley know.



We will be holding our annual picnic on Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 6:30pm. Chicken and drinks willbe provided. We ask that you bring a dish to pass. This is open to all the women in the church and will be held outside in the pavilion. Please let Shirley Kruger know by Sunday, August 6 if you are planning on coming. We hope to see all of you there!

Then in September we will be starting up our Bible Study with Pastor Drex again. Please join us for study and a short business meeting and LOTS of fellowship. We meet the second Thursday night of the month at 7pm


Received into membership Sunday, June 11, 2017 – by Reaffirmation of Faith:

Robert Stanley and Lynda Marie Bunyea Poet Daughter & Family:

Rob: DOB, December 18, 1964 Deborah Suzanne Poet Rickard

Lynda: DOB, October 22, 1963 DOB: January 30, 1988

Sons: Rance Calvin Rickard

William Thomas Poet, DOB, February 1, 1995 DOB: September 2, 1988

Richard Douglas Poet, DOB, April 10, 2000 Baptized Children: SarahLyn & Jamey Rickard
10135 Burmeister Rd SarahLyn Patricia Poet Rickard, DOB: April 9, 2009
Manchester, MI 48158 James Robert Rickard, DOB: April 24, 2016
734-260-5503 10135 Burmeister Rd, Manchester, MI 48158

Patricia Ann Welle Bunyea

DOB: January 2, 1939
460 W. Russell St, Apt 102, Saline, MI 48176

We recognized people that became members in 2016 – but were never recognized/honored at a coffee hour:

By Reaffirmation of Faith- June, 2016:

Kreg Norgaard, spouse of Laura Klager Norgaard

Dad of Jackson & Cole

DOB: July 3, 1981

1802 Chandler Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105

(734) 646-6165

Baptized, June 12, 2016, As Adult

Thomas Stadler, spouse of Jaime Rymanowicz Stadler

DOB: April 12, 1982

31317 West Chicago, Livonia, MI 48150

(734) 892-8529

We are excited to have you wonderful people formally affiliate with St. John’s. . We look forward to sharing the mission of the church with you as we work together to spread the Good News of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ – with our family at St. John’s!


NURSERY…at St. John’s…….

There is a nursery now in place at St. John’s. Thanks to our members who volunteered to participate in this ministry. Children are invited to go to our facility downstairs after Time for Children – and return at the Sharing of the Peace. Any questions, please contact Beth Renner.


Pastor Drex’s office hours – Wednesdays – Noon to 6:30pm. Fridays –pm- by appointment. Please feel free to contact Pastor Drex anytime you wish to share a joy, sorrow or concern at 734-968-7113 or by email –

·  Weekly Bulletin News – needs to be in the church office by Friday, 9:00 a.m.

·  To reserve the basement and/or pavilion and/or reserve tables & chairs to be taken outside of the church – you need to contact Betty Weidmayer, Office Secretary. You can contact her by email, – church office phone, 734-429-7434, home phone (734) 665-9942 or leave a note in her office door box, or talk to her (but make sure she writes it down!) She will check it out and get back with you as soon as possible – and will mark it on our master calendar located in the library. Requests are on a first come/first serve basis. Thanks!

·  Our Website – – Check it out! Our monthly Lamplighter and Calendar is now on the web, along with other announcements. We invite you to see what we are up to at St. John’s. Our new website will be adding upcoming events throughout the year. From community events to special holiday services, we welcome you all!!!!! Remember, there are forms by the office door, for you to take and add to website. We welcome your news! Complete & give to Wendy Aho.

·  St. John’s Facebook page – St. John’s now has a Facebook page - Church/540418029405242?ref=aymt_homepage_panel – feel free to like our page and share with other friends. Also Pastor Drex has a Facebook page - – feel free to friend request Pastor Drex.