Nov 5, 2017 –NOV 9, 2017

التقويم الأول لمادة اللغة العربية في الدروس
(أ ،ب ،ت ،ث ) /
Dictation List- 6
6/11/2017 / التقويم الأول لمادة التربية الاسلامية
( الصدق طريق الجنة ، سورة الفيل ، أ ركان الاسلام ) .
ENGLISH / Family & Friends – Class book: Review 1 Pages 28 & 29
Family & Friends- Work book: Review 1 Pages 28 & 29
Grammar Friends: Review 1 Pages 20 and 21
Story: Benny and the Biscuits pages 20, 21, 22
Homework: Revise Vocabulary from Units 1,2,3
Practice dictation list-6
Listening practice - Recordings: 15,25,35 (Phonics)
Story - Read Benny and the Biscuits pages 20,21,22
Work book page 22,23, 25 (EX II) ,66 Text book page 7,8,9,10,11,12,13
Home Work
Workbook page 24 Q ( 10-14) Workbook page 25 Ex II Q ( 7- 10)
SCIENCE / Unit 2: Plant Life
Lesson 3: Food from plants
·  Revise plants give us fruits and vegetables pg. 18
H.W- Draw a fruit basket with your favourite fruits in copy book
·  Revise plants give us cereals, pulses and spices pg.19
HW – Pg. 21: Task
·  Revise plants give us sugar, oil and refreshing drink pg. 20 Ex. D
HW- pg. 20: Eexercise. C
MORAL EDUCATION / PILLAR: Character and Morality UNIT: Fairness, Affection
®What is affection? It is a feeling of care or love.
® To whom and how can you show your affection?
Family, friends, classmates, etc. are important people in our life and necessary to be able to show how much you care for the other person through conversation (words), your actions, and during a problem. Be a good listener, try not to argue or fight, help others, perform acts of kindness, etc.
®Talk about others and yourself in positive ways.
ARABIC / -  التقويم الأول : يوم الأحد 5-11-2017 في الدروس الاتية : ( أ – ب – ت – ث )
-  الدرس الثامن : حرف الدال – قصة مدرسة دودي الجديدة .
-  واجب من كتاب النشاط (أدرس في البيت ) . درس ( الحاء – الخاء – الدال )
-  تسميع نشيد المدرسة صفحة (67) (العلامة (10) خلال الاسبوع ).
RELIGION / -  التقويم الأول : يوم الخميس 9-11-2017 درس ( الصدق طريق الجنة ) و درس ( سورة الفيل ) ودرس (أركان الاسلام ).
SOCIAL STUDIES / -  درس : يوم الإتحاد . واجب 75 – 76 .
COMPUTER / Lab Activity
( -put ON the Computer
- open MS word
- type a document giving by the teacher .
- student have to use the special keys , space bar, enter, backspace, caps lock .
- close the MS word program.
- switch off the computer system)
FRENCH / Le livre: page 10 : la lettre (e).
Cahier d’exercices page: 1o
Les chiffres: un -deux