Room 510-Carr Intermediate
Phone: (714) 480-4100 (ext. 64234)
Mrs. Eckes’Science Class
Welcome to seventh grade science! I’m excited to have you in my class. I look forward to our year of scientific collaboration and learning.
It is important to develop scientific skills that give you college and career choices. I hope that many of you will choose to pursue a college-based career in a science related field because we need bright, inquisitive people who will have a positive impact on our world and solve challenges of the future.
Classroom supply suggestions:
Single Subject spiral bound Notebook –this will be kept at school
Science section in binder; pencils; colored pencils, binder paper; markers; ruler
Life Science, Earth & Space Sciences, Physical Science, Engineering, and Technology will be covered as we explore the following units this year:
Living and Nonliving things are made of atoms.
Matter cycles and energy flows in systems of all scales within the Earth system.
Natural processes and human activities have shaped Earth’s resources and ecosystems.
Human activities help sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing world.
Classroom Management Policy: If a student is interfering with the learning opportunity of anyone else in our class, the following actions will be taken in the order described below.
- First, I will give a warning.
- If the warning does not work, a phone call home will be made and an after school detention will be assigned.
- If the issue is not resolved, I will refer the student to the school principal.
Grading:Your grade will include: classwork, homework, andassessments.
Not Passing
This is thefirst homework assignment in science this year:
Review this form with your parents or guardians and have them sign the form. Make sure it is filled out, signed and returned by Friday, 9/2/16 to receive full credit.
Students, please write down any information you feel will help you be successful in our science class:
Dear Parents and Guardians, Thank you for the opportunity to work with your cherished children. I believe in open communication and welcome you to contact me with any questions, concerns, or feedback.
I believe through open communication and by working together we will have a successful year! Please let me know if there is any information you feel I should know that will help your child have a successful year in science:
Feel free to contact me regarding any feedback, or questions!
I understand the classroom policy & procedures in my7th grade science class. If I had any questions, I have asked them. I understand the expectations of the teacher and I understand how to succeed in this class. I will do my best to develop my knowledge of science.
Signed, ______(student signs)
Parents-How can I contact you?
Parent/Guardian name:______
Phone number:______
I have read and I understand the expectations of my student’s science teacher. If I have questions I will contact the teacher. I will support my child’s learning so that they will succeed.
Signed, ______(Parent/Guardian signs)