Present: / Booth, Steve / Judkins, Jack / Stocker, Bill
Dickerson, Josh / Long-Voelkner, Kurt / Sweeney, Dee
Eaton, Lynn / Morin, Craig / Wang, Tim
Jernigan, Cindi / Nelson, Amy
Guests:Heather RichardsonPete Paquette
Meeting Called to Order at 6:34 pm by Stocker
Topic:Nomination of New Board Members
Motion: Nomination of Pete Paquette by Nelson; seconded by Sweeney: motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Motion to nominate Heather Richardson to the board by Judkins;seconded by Long-Voelkner: motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
Topic:Nomination of Officers
Discussion:Discussion about the need to replace officers on the board and the current duties involved occurred.
Motion: A motion to nominate Jernigan to continue as Secretary by Morin; second: Long-Voelkner
A motion to nominate Sweeney as Treasure by Nelson; second; Long-Volker
A motion to nominate Nelson as Vice-Chair by Sweeney: second; Long-Voelkner
A motion to nominate Stocker as Chair by Sweeney: second; Long-Voelkner
Slate of officers carried by unanimous voice vote.
Topic:Treasurer’s Report
Discussion:At the end of our fiscal year (August 31) our balance was $33,983.52.Wang reminded board members that the Neilson funds are being held separately in a money market account. An additional $12,111.94 is remaining in the money market account at that time after the supplemental grant for $6,000 was deposited.Wang reported that we have a $7,000 outstanding check to Play it Again Sports that is already reflected in the reports as paid but at this time Play it Again has still not cashed the check. This check was for uniforms and equipment purchased for the Soccer in the School Program with Neilson funding. Wang reported that as of today, September 26th, our checkbook balance is $39,082.20. Thirty-five refund checks for the Fall Soccer in the Schools will have to be paid out by check. Judkins has stated that the fees associated with these refunds due to the payments being made online will be charged out to the Neilson grant.
Motion:Motion to accept the Treasure’s Report by Long-Voelkner; seconded by Sweeney: motion approved by unanimous voice vote.
Topic:Concussion Training
Discussion:The board discussed the policy by MYSA that all coaches to have at least the minimum training. Toward had reported via an email to the board that several of our coaches have completed this through the MinnesotaHigh school League. After discussion, the board decided that all coaches for BYS will need to complete the minimum concussion training by October 31st this year and each year following by September 3oth. This is mandatory or they will not be able to coach. Upon completion, the coaches are asked to turn in their certificates of completion to a member of the coaching committee (Mitchell, Stone or Toward). All Parent Reps are encouraged to complete this online training by October 31 and should print out their certificate of completion and turn it in to the Registrar, Nelson.
See link:
Topic:Back nets/fence
Discussion: Stocker brought to the board the subject of supporting the addition of back nets/fence to go behind the goals at the High School Fields. The board discussed the need to see about having the addition of either nets or a fence behind the goals at both the JV boys and Varsity field. The board would be interested in making a payment towards this cause but asked Stocker to gather more information about cost, additional support, and need for this if the nets are replaced with a different style.
Topic: Soccer in The Schools/Rec Soccer Report
Report:Judkins reported that the goal installation project is complete. He would like the board to take a look at donating new soccer balls to the schools for use each year. The Fall Soccer in the Schools program ran into an issue when the sign up information did not get out in a timely manner through the schools. At the deadline for sign up there was only 82 children registered throughout the district. As a consequence, Judkins made the decision to offer an alternative of having all children come to the Middle School Complex at 5:30 pm after Middle School soccer was finished. Registrations continued to come in well past the deadline and now there are 94 attending at the Middle School Complex. Of the total registrations we now need to do 35 refunds. The board discussed how we should have set a threshold minimum at each school knowing feel well that Fall Soccer in the Schools number would be lower as this season has always historically been lower in numbers. A work group was formed to work with Judkins and the Rec Soccer program of Sweeney, Paquette, Long-Voelkner and Nelson. The issue of having an addition to the registration to include both permission for picture to be posted on the website or on other BYS promotional materials and also permission to have players go over to the BHS Varsity fields was discussed. The consensus was to have these items added to all Rec Soccer registrations.
Topic:Extreme/ additional soccer training sessions
Discussion:The board discussed the need to make sure that any players attending additional/Extreme practices and are not rostered on the Extreme Team rosters need to be paying the additional $20 a month. Players are to be encouraged to attend the extra training sessions that are most appropriate. Our minimum goal is that Extreme Team/extra training sessions are offered weekly. If there are issues at these practices such as who has paid or not paid, coaches are encouraged to ask the Registrar. If there are other concerns the board would ask that coaches feel free to share these with the board.
Topic:Additional Items
Discussion:Discussion occurred about the need to put all minutes on the website. Jernigan will send a reminder to Booth. Richardson handed out a draft of her Tournament Coordinator job description. Judkins asked to have the idea of a sports management intern discussed at our next meeting. Judkins reported that most of the Soccer in the schools equipment has been moved.
Topic:Next Meeting
Discussion:The October 24th Meeting will be held 6:30Marketplace conference Room.
Motion:Nelsonmoved to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded byRichardson; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
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