Room 10 News-Week of 8/18/14
Phonics & Spelling
Phonics:short o, plural –s; consonant s/z/
Spelling words: mom, hot, hop, pot, pop, ox, lock, mop, got, rock
Word Wall Words:animal, get, see, x-ray, not
*Spelling pretest each Monday – if they get all the words correct, they will be in the Star Spellers Club and study the Amazing Words for a Friday test (any words correct will be counted as extra credit in spelling)
*Spelling Test each Friday
Story: The Big Blue Ox
Genre: Animal Fantasy
Comprehension Skill: character, setting, visualize
Comprehension Strategy: Connections/Prior Knowledge (Schema)
High frequency words (HFW): blue, from, get, help, little, use (these are the highlighted words in this week’s story
Fluency: rate
Reading Test each Friday – the reader along with a review/practice sheet will be sent home on Thursdays to study
Timed tests on Tuesday and Thursday
Topic 6: Addition Facts to 12
Chapter 6 Safety
Social Studies
Scholastic News
Writing/Language Arts
Capital letters at the beginning of sentences
End marks at the end of sentences
Nouns are people, places, or things
First 20 Days of Writer’s Workshop
Joke of the week: Q: What do you get when you cross fish and an elephant?
A: Swimming trunks.
Announcements & Reminders:
- We have earned 25 gumballs so far! This means we only have 7 gumballs left to earn a celebration! Great job Room 10!
- Save your BoxTops and send them in to school. We are having a contest to see which class can save the most! Box Tops help us earn equipment for our school! Ask your family and your neighbors to start saving too!
- Your child should have brought home a paper with their Spelling City username and password information. This is a great site to logon to and practice spelling words at home. These games cannot be used on the iPad…only computers, so logon to your computer and have your child play the games.
- There have been a lot of accidents because of shoes being untied and kids tripping on them or stepping on them. Please practice tying shoes at home with your child so they can tie them while they are at school. Also, please double knot their shoestrings so they won’t come untied. This would help out tremendously!
- Things are falling into place this week! Stations are going much smoother and we are making better choices at school! If your child is still getting below green on the behavior chart, this would mean they are having a difficult time following our Maple Grove Rock Star Rules. If that is the case, I will be trying new things in the classroom to help your child be successful. If you have any questions about your child’s behavior, please email me very soon.
- I sent out a Volunteer Spot message to all parents/guardians. If you can and want to, please sign up for a time to help at school. I appreciate all or any help you can give!
Thank you so much for all you do!
Have a terrific weekend!
Mrs. DeHaven