Job Ready - Application Form
TransTrain and SRT Logistics are working together to provide this training program for those who are interested in developing skills and knowledge to work in the transport and logistics industry – especially in truck driving roles. The training program provides nationally recognised skills and is supported by the Skills Fund of Skills Tasmania.
This program has been designed to develop a pool of people with critical skills, knowledge, endorsements and licences valued by industry who may be offered work driving trucks but no guarantee of employment is made to any person who participates in or completes this program.
This program has a focus on developing drivers to obtain the skills and knowledge to drive Multi Combination (MC) Trucks. Those with Heavy Rigid (HR), Heavy Combination (HC) or Multi Combination (MC) and heavy vehicle driving experience are encouraged to apply.
Structured training and assessment activities will be conducted from a range of locations including SRT Logistics in Brighton. Follow up assessment may be offered over a longer period of time.
To apply to take part in this program: fill in the details on this form, attach your resume, send to:
or PO Box 300, DEVONPORT, TASMANIA, 7310
If you require assistance call TransTrain: 1300 665 170
TitleGiven Name (First Name)
Surname (Family Name)
Street # and NameTown/Suburb
State / Postcode
Postal address if
different from above
Telephone (Home) / Telephone (Work)
Fax / Mobile
List any experience you have had in Transport, Logistics or Customer Service
(if you run out of space, include more information in your attached resume)YOUR CURRENT LICENCES / ENDORSEMENTS
List current licences and endorsements only - all documents/licences/endorsements to be presented at interview.
NOTE: Minimum requirement is a full manual car driver’s licence (not Learner’s, Provisional or Automatic).
High Risk Work - Forklift (LF) / Yes No / Year Obtained ______/ Expiry Date _____/_____
First Aid / Yes No / Level Details ______/ Expiry Date _____/_____
Other: / Expiry Date _____/_____
Other: / Expiry Date _____/_____
Have you completed any qualifications in the following areas?
Certificate II in Road Transport / Yes No / Year Completed______Certificate III in Road Transport / Yes No / Year Completed______
Certificate II in Warehousing / Yes No / Year Completed______
Certificate III in Warehousing / Yes No / Year Completed______
Qualification Title / Institution/Training provider / Year completed
Current or previous employer / Length of employmentJob Role Held
Contact Person / Contact Phone
Reason for leaving
Previous employer / Length of employment
Job Role held
Contact person / Contact Phone
Reason for leaving
Have you been made redundant in Tasmania in the past 2 years? / Yes No
REFEREES (employment related)
Business Name / Contact NameJob Role of Referee / Telephone
Business Name / Contact Name
Job Role of Referee / Telephone
Are you registered with a Job Active / Employment Service Provider?
No / Yes Provide Details BelowBusiness Name
Contact Name
Telephone (Work) / Telephone (Mobile)
I am looking for work that is: / ☐ Part Time ☐ Full Time ☐ CasualDISABILITY OR SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long-term condition? Let us know how we can support you best.
No / Yes please tell us about your specific support needs below Physical / Medical condition / Vision / Hearing/Deaf
Learning / Mental Illness / Intellectual / Acquired Brain Impairment
Do you have any specific learning needs that we should be aware of to support you in this program? This may include difficulties with reading or writing. No Yes please tell us so that we can discuss with you including exploring options for reasonable adjustment.
Do you have any commitments which may prevent you from attending the full course or work placement which may include weekends during the program period?
No / Yes tell us what day/s (including weekend days) you may not be availableDay/s & times not available
Day/s & times not available
Day/s & times not available
Day/s & times not available
You may be asked to complete a National Police Check as part of this training program
Do you have any criminal convictions? / ☐ No☐ Yes – If “Yes” we will discuss this with you.
I understand that:
- I have completed this form to register my interest in taking part in the 2015-16 Seasonal Industries Transport Industry Job Ready program
- The training program and work placement activities may include weekend days
- TransTrain will consider this application and may then offer me an interview – following this interview I may be offered a place in this training program
- This program is a training program, with work placements available through participating employer/s, conducted by TransTrain
- There is no guarantee of employment either from participating employer/s or others as a result of taking part in this program
If accepted into the program, I agree to:
- Attend and participate actively all training sessions and work placement days
- Always attend training sessions and work placement days in a fit condition not impacted by fatigue, drugs or alcohol
- Meet the costs of travel, accommodation, meals for program days and attendance at training
- Meet costs associated with personal licence or endorsement issue which may include, but not limited to:
- Payment of fees at Service Tasmania for:
- Heavy Vehicle Driver Licence upgrades (TransTrain may provide single step heavy vehicle driver licence training and assessment as part of the program);
- Licence to Perform High Risk Work (Forklift)
- Personal issue of a National Driver Work Diary
- Payment of fees for National Police Check
- Payment of fees for a medical assessment
- Participate in any required medical, drug and alcohol testing
- Tell TransTrain about any issues that I may have that impact on my participation in the training
- Provide my own Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment as required by the course days or work experience placement including:
- Safety boots (steel cap) to Australian Standards
- Leather gloves (“rigger” style)
- Safety glasses
- High Visibility Vest with Day/Night Tape
Confidentiality – I understand that
- TransTrain may discuss this application with my past employer(s) and referees, potential work placement employers and with Employment Service Provider / Job Active Providers
How did you find out about this program (select all relevant)?
Job Active Provider / Gumtree Advertisement / The Mercury Newspaper / SRT Logistics TransTrain Office
Other: / TransTrain Website / TransTrain Trainer/Assessor / Social Media
I give permission to TransTrain to send me newsletters and information on courses, including special offers
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given is true and correct. I understand that inaccurate, misleading or untrue statements or knowingly withheld information may result in me being refused participation in the training including work placement. I understand that this application does not constitute an offer of employment.
Your Signature: / Date:Job Ready Application Form | V2 | Oct-16