Web Seminar Trainer Script


Exploring Delphion Research Services

1.  Welcome

Welcome to today’s web seminar, “exploring Delphion research services”. My name is tom wiggins, and I’ll be your host for today’s web seminar. For the next 90 minutes, i’ll be taking you on a web tour of the Delphion research site. / PowerPoint Onscreen
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2.  Agenda

before we get started though, let me give you a quick overview of exactly what we’re going TO COVER.
first We’ll touch breifly on the many ways patent data can be leveraged. THEN I’ll show you the content and collections you’ll find on the Delphion research site, as well as the primary search methods used to access those collections. From there, we’ll dive into a hands-on demo and walk through four different case scenarios. in these examples, we ‘ll cover the topics you see here on the screen. then we’ll conclude our tour with a look at some of other special searches you can do on THE DELPHION site. finally, we’ll wrap up at the end with any questions you may have.
so Let’s get started now with a look at how patent data is being used. / PowerPoint Onscreen
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3.  Patent Research Functions

Today, companies worldwide use patent data to achieve a number of different of objectives. I’m sure many of you with us today can think of several more than we see here. nonetheless, Some of the typical uses include situations like:
·  Inventors and research teams exploring ideas and possibly evaluating a build versus buy decision.
·  also, business Professionals investigating the patentability of an idea
·  there’s also Business users who are looking to gain competitive intelligence
·  and Companies looking to value patents and license them.
·  there’s Financial specialists who use patent data for due diligence on M&A’s and investments
·  and Individuals and companies looking to guard against patent infringements OR PREPARE FOR LITIGATION / PowerPoint Onscreen
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·  Innovation & product development
·  Patentability
·  Competitive intelligence
·  Licensing transactions
·  Financial due diligence
·  Litigation

4.  Patent Collections

When we look AT what’s out there in terms of patent data content, there’s a tremendous amount of information beyond just THE U.S. patent collection. you might ask though, “why Is it important to search more than just the u.s. patent collection?” well, for one, companies who do business worldwide need to have a global perspective. And secondly, from a competitive standpoint, you can often find out about a competitor’s activities through their patent filings in other countries. that’s why Delphion provides you access to all of the resources you see here.
As a result, you can perform a complete, worldwide search from a single source in just one search. Let’s take a look at how you can search all of these collections on the Delphion RESEARCH site. / PowerPoint Onscreen
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·  U.S. Full Text and Images
·  U.S. Bibliographic Text
·  U.S. Backfile (pre-1971) Images
·  EP A&B Bibliographic Text, Full Text and Images
·  PCT Bibliographic Text, Full Text and Images
·  PAJ Bibliographic Text and Representative Image
·  Derwent World Patents Index
·  INPADOC Family and Legal Status
·  Technical Disclosure Bulletins
·  IP.com
·  ISI Technical Journals Links
·  Hoover’s Business Profiles Links
·  Search IP Listings
·  IP Resource Center

5.  Four Primary Search Methods Overview

here on this slide we see the four primary ways you can start an IP search on delphion. they are:
·  A Quick text search
·  a Patent Number search
·  a Boolean search
·  and an Advanced search.
you can access each of these search methods under “IP Search” on the main navigation bar on delphion dot com.
Let’s switch our view now to take a live look at the site where we’ll go through four SENARIOS of delphion research services in action. / PowerPoint Onscreen
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6.  Scenario I (Quick Search, Sort & View Results)

in our first scenario, imagine i’m a financial analyst at A fortune 1000 manufacturing firm. and my company is looking to acquire another company that already holds a patent on a fire detection device. in this case, i want to very quickly scan the marketspace for other patent holders.
the First thing i do is go to the delphion web site. now, While i could enter my search criteria here on the home page, let me take you to the quick SEARCH. I’LL click here on “IP SEARCH”--where by default—we’re taken to the Quick /number Search page. (pause)
The QUICK search page allows you to search for keyword phrases or a query string within the collections you choose. you can choose to search just the FRONT PAGES of the patent documents, OR the FULL TEXT of the patent document including claims.
this full text search feature is a unique feature on delphion. While other research sites offer full text, some do not actually search against IT.
also here in the blue box YOU can choose to limit your search to look at only the COMPANY and INVENTOR fields.
so in our scenario here, let’s search for “fire detector” (pause) in all of the collections (PAUSE) and do a full text search. (pAUSE)
okay. here my results page shows me Delphion has found over ______references of “fire detector” in all of the collections. now at this point I HAVE SEVERAL OPTIONS TO SORT AND VIEW MY RESULTS.
let me scroll down here to the bottom of the page. okay here, i can select additional fields to be displayed on my results page. for now i’m going to add “assignee” and click this “show chosen” button. (PAUSE)
now we see assignees added to my result set display. however my results are still sorted by their relevancy score. you can tell by the underline below the word, “score”. if i want to see my results set sorted by “assignee”, i simply click the BLUE ARROW BY “assignee” at the top of the results list. (pause)
now my list is sorted by “assignee”--see the underline. and if i click the blue arrow to the right of “assignee”, i can toggle my sorting order between ascending and descending.
Also at the top of my results page, I can confirm WHAT COLLECTIONS i SEARCHED AGAINST, AND i CAN further refine my search by adding keywords or editing my query string.
finally if i want to order one or more of the documents, all i’d have to do is simply check the checkboxes besides each patents of interest (PAUSE) and select the format of my choice, (pAUSE) then click the “add to cart” button.
okay. so let’s go to our next scenario. / Website Onscreen
1.  Start at http://www.delphion.com/home
2.  Point at quick search box on home page
3.  Click on “IP Search”
4.  On Quick Search page
5.  Point at Collections
6.  Point at Front pages and Full Text
7.  Point at Company and Inventor
8.  Type “fire detector”
9.  Check all of the collections
10.  Select “full text including claims”
11.  Click “Search”
12.  Wait for Results
13.  On Results page
14.  Scroll down to bottom of page
15.  Check “Assignee”
16.  Click “Show Chosen”
17.  Click the blue arrow by “Assignee(s)”
18.  Click the blue arrow by the word “Assignee(s)”
19.  Point to Query String at top of Results Page
20.  Check checkboxes by a couple of patents
21.  Click on the drop down box next to “Order checked items as”
22.  Click the “Add to Cart button”

7.  Scenario II (Number Search, Integrated View)

in our next example, let’s say i’m an engineer at a disk storage manufacturer. and in a previous search I came across a specific patent that I want to investigate further now. Since I already have the u-S patent number, i’m going TO GO straight to quick/number search page. I’ll scroll down here to the patent number search field, AND TYPE the number right in. (PAUSE) then, i hit “search”. (PAUSE)
here on the results page, i see the patent, so I click the link which’ll take me straight to the delphion integrated view. (pAUSE)
okay here I am on Delphion’s exclusive Integrated View of patent data. from here, i can easily do a number of lookups with just one click. something most research tools won’t let me do.
for example, see this derwent link here. i can click this link and go directly to the derwent record. we’ll talk more about derwent records later.
second, all the legal status action and family information is available from this page view. let me scroll down here and show you. okay see this link “show legal status actions”? i’ll click iT. (pause) now our view is expanded to show all legal status actions OF THIS PATENT provided by INPADOC. IN THIS CASE, THE certificate of correction, the patent, the Assignment of assignor's interest, and other priority data. because this is a u-s patent, all of the legal statuses shown are us actions. also, IF I CLICK on this link HERE, I can easily see the definitions of the status codes for the country where this patent is filed. (pause)
NOW if i scroll down a bit more, we come to a DIRECT link to the family members. let me click the link to expand our view. for those who may not be aware, a family record is a patent filing that exists in another country or with another patent authority for the same invention.
with the delphion integrated view you get a complete listing of all family member records PROVIDED BY INPADOC. you can determine which patent is the priority filing by the bolding, as we see here. we also have a direct link to each of the individual filings. This is a huge advantage, since In other patent systems you have to pay ONCE to view THE record, and then again for another view to see the family members. HERE, If we wanted to view any one of the foreign filings, we’d SIMPLY click the link.
a third major advantage of the delphion integrated view is the access we have to prior art.
there are two key spots within this integrated view where you’ll find prior art listings. first, right down here, where you see u-s references. in this section we can link directly to any of the patents that are cited by this disk storage patent. (pause) and if I click this link “Show the 1 patent that references this one”, I’LL get a results page that lists the other patent that cites this patent. (pause)
the other place within the integrated view where I can see prior art is at the bottom of the page. LET ME SCROLL DOWN.
here at “other references” WE see all of the publications referenced in this patent.
see this first reference, “The Changing Nature of Disk Controllers”? the nine patents link on the right side tells us that nine other patents reference this ISI article. this can be a good clue to just how important the article is, or give me another path to prior art. and when i click the link, i come to a results page listING all the patents. (pause). let’s go back.
additionaly if i were to click this “article info” link, I’d be taken to the isi site where i could EASILY access the article.
now looking down right below the isi article, i see a link to aN IBM technical DISCLOSURE bulletin. when I click the link it takes me to a results page. from here i can go directly to the tdb. (pause)
SO RIGHT HERE IN the integrated view, i can view the COMPLETE DETAIL of THIS patent’S first claim. if I wantED to see ALL THE CONTENT OF the PATENT’S THREE claims, i’d just simply click this link. on many competitive systems you would have to download the patent document to access this valuable information.
here at TOP OF THE integrtaed VIEW, delphion provides the assignee name in a normalized format---in this case, toshiba corporation.
this hyperlinked name will take US DIRECTLY to a results page where we can see ALL the u-s PATENTS HELD by toshiba.
also, right below where you see “News, profiles, STOCKS”---this is a direct link to hoovers online, a website where we could go to find more details about this company.
this HIGH RESOLUTION OPTION IS A NEW FEATURE to the Delphion Integrated View.
okay. you should see a NEW BROWSER WINDOW opening up.
right now THE patent document is loading into an Acrobat Reader viewer.
(PAUSE) so, here’s our hi-resolution image. to the left, we can see thumbnail snapshots of the various pages. (PAUSE) and with this tool, i have the ability to zoom in and out of the image. (PAUSE) also IF a page IMAGE IS ON ITS SIDE, i can easily rotate THE PAGE with this tool, for better viewing with this rotate button. (PAUSE)
now, if i want to print out this document i have two options.
first, i could print the document one page at a time from here in the acrobat viewer. or, i could click this “Order” link and get a pdf version that would allow me to print the entire document all at once. (PAUSE)
Okay, the last thing i want to point out IS the ipc class and patent codes for this patent.
notice how the ipc class CODE IS hyperlinked. by clicking the linked ipc class, i can go directly to a results page that lists all the patents within the same class or code.
this is a great feature for helping to find similar innovations. imagine, for example that after looking at A patent document, i determined it was similar to technology i’ve considered building. so AS part of my thorough prior art search, all i’d have to do IS SIMPLY the hyperlinked IPC class code. (PAUSE)
and here on the results page we see class definitions and all the other patents associated with this class.
1.  In nav bar, click on “Quick/Number”
2.  Type in Patent Number “5963522”
3.  Click “Search”
4.  Click on Patent Link
5.  On Integrated View page
6.  Point to “Derwent…” link
7.  Scroll Down to Legal Status
8.  Point to link “Show legal Status”
9.  Click “Show Legal Status” link
10.  Point at Legal descriptions
11.  Point at link “List all possible codes for US”
12.  Scroll down to “Family”
13.  Click “Show known Family members” link
14.  Point to Bolded Patent number
15.  Point to Patent number links
16.  Point to a patent number link
17.  Scroll down to “US References”
18.  Point at References
19.  Click one of the patent references
20.  Click browser’s back button
21.  Point at link “Show the 1 Patent that References this one”
22.  Scroll down to “Other References”
23.  Point at first reference
24.  Point at “9 patents reference this”
25.  Click“9 patents reference this”
26.  Click browser’s back button
27.  Point to “Article info” link
28.  Point to “IBM TDB”
29.  Click the TDB link
30.  Click browser’s back button
31.  Scroll back up to Claims
32.  Point to “Show all 3 Claims” link
33.  Scroll back up to top of page
34.  Point to “Toshiba Corporation”
35.  Click “Toshiba Corp” link
36.  Click browsers back button
37.  Point to “News, Profiles, Stocks and More” link
38.  Point to High and low resolution links.
39.  Click on High resolution link
40.  Expand New browser window if necessary
41.  Point to thumbnails
42.  Zoom in and zoom out
43.  Go to page 8 of the patent
44.  Click the rotate button
45.  Point to Acrobat’s print icon
46.  Point to “Order” link
47.  Close pop-up browser window
48.  Scroll down to Class Codes
49.  Click on the IPC Class code
50.  On the Results page, scroll down to reveal list of patents.
51.  From Results page, click browser’s back button

8.  Scenario III (Boolean, Text Clustering, and Patent Lab)