Nobel Ridge Condominium Association Annual Meeting held October 12, 2015, 7 PM at the Fitchburg Library

Roll call via sign-in sheet. 11 units represented (1 via proxy) of 22.

Officer introductions

* Mark Schwenn (President)

* Casey Shilling (VP)

* Johanna Draper Carlson (Secretary)

Also Shandar Hoagland (was Nitka) (DSI Real Estate Group management company representative)

Reading and approval of the minutes from the prior annual meeting

Officers’ Reports:

Landscaping - switched from Olson Toon to Capital Landscaping. They are providing regular mowings, and fall cleanup will be scheduled soon.

Requests: Dead bushes at 25 Sinatra, 15 Sinatra need to be replaced; asked for bushes to be removed at 15 and 17 Sinatra and 30 Patrick.


Lori Zemlicka (15 Sinatra, ) and Jean Damrow (32 Patrick, ) volunteered to join the now five-person board. The other three board members will remain.

Unfinished Business:

Driveway replacements on four units are in progress (and one patio step). There are some longer term fixes needed for driveways at 25 and 27 Sinatra and stairs at 16 Sinatra, but they’re fine with waiting for scheduling in a year or more.

Approval of Annual Budget:

Annual fee will be maintained at previous level. Full-year financial statements are mailed out and received in March.

Thompson will begin paying monthly condo fees on the eight new units post dated back to mid-September.

Review of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statements. Budget approved.

New Business:

Fire lane - Thompson will be putting up signs this week. Mark will talk to Rick about making sure the signs don’t obscure doorways. Painting the curb yellow will happen in spring. Association voted to paint one side of the curb.

Parking - Discussion of use of the parking pads by residents. Reminder that uses should be temporary and pads are intended for use by guests and maintenance workers. Unsure how difficult situation will be going forward, so it was suggested we revisit the topic next year after construction is done.

Outside changes to units should be approved by the board - screen porches, front door colors, satellite dishes, etc. General principle is that colors and styles should be consistent with the existing neighborhood.

DSI inspects the property once a month. Shandar will provide a copy of checklist she uses for review and additions if necessary.

Jean reminded neighbors to clean out outside dryer vents and check for radon.

Other neighborhood issues: DSI to review a couple of specific mentioned siding problems, a window leak, a beehive, and a porch that needs painting.

Google Group for neighborhood is voluntary