Name ______Date ______
Identifying Clauses Practice
Directions: Highlight the independent clauses one color and the dependent clauses another color. On the line provided, write what kind of sentence each sentence is.
1. The doctor told Charlie to lose weight and exercise vigorously for forty-five minutes a day. ______
2. The doctor was worriedthat Charlie was putting on too much weight. ______
3. Charlie has a hard time sticking to a diet; he really loves rich, sweet desserts. ______
4. In fact, the last timehe tried to lose weight, he ended up actually gaining weight. ______
5. Charlie has decided to hire a personal trainerbecause he is worried about his heart. ______
6. His new personal trainer,whose name is Adriana Bongiorno, thinks Charlie may be a lost cause. ______
7. Thatshe can make him do the exercisesbut not stick to the diet. ______
8. He is very good as long as Miss Bongiorno is around, but he goes to the freezer for ice-cream when she leaves. ______
9. Charlie must learn that eating all those sweets may give him a temporary pleasure but that it's not good for his heart and that he would feel better about himself if he stopped eating all those rich and sweet foods that are not good for him. ______
10. Miss Bongiorno is starting to make a difference, though, and Charlie is starting to make some progress. ______
11. Before Raoul bought his new car, he remembered that his grandmother might give him her old sedan. ______
12. Alicia's wrist began to hurt, and her mother made a doctor's appointment for her.______
13. Zipping around the park in her little sportster, Juditha began to feel, at last, like a millionaire. ______
14. AlthoughJerzy had taken several courses in computer science, he couldn't solve the problems with his hard drive. ______
15. The Celtics have begun their long journey back to championship basketball, working seriously on fundamentals and beginning to attract new fans to the game. ______
16. Ernesto wanted to spend the night studying, but his wife wanted to go to the movies. ______
17. The crowd began to clap and cheeras the team entered through a cloud of smoke. ______
18. Gordy worked his way up to middle managementbut kept on wishing for a better job.______
19. Gesualdo began to leap around the roomwhen his wife fed him the jalapeño peppers. ______
20. Heitor signed the contractbut never agreed to purchase the CDs. ______