14 June 2007

Exhibition of Cathedral images

helps launch stunning new book

An exhibition to promote the spectacular images from a newly published Cathedral Souvenir Book have gone on display in the North Transept of the Cathedral.

The Exhibition, called ‘Reflections’, highlights the prominence of the images in the new Souvenir book which boasts three double page image spreads and nineteen single page image spreads in a 48 page publication. The images reflect both the inside and outside of the Cathedral; its architecture, stained glass, monuments and people.

The new Souvenir Book has been a collaboration between the UK’s leading publisher of guidebooks to cathedrals and churches, Jarrold Publishing Ltd, and Truro Cathedral.

Colin Reid, Communications Officer, outlined the concept, “Most heritage sites have a publication that combines the idea of a Guide book with some limited souvenir elements at the back. What Truro Cathedral has done is separate out these aspects and created two distinct publications; One to take you around the building on a guided tour, the other to take home and enjoy at your leisure. “We have been able to include far more information in the Souvenir Book than we could ever have done at the back of a guide book; it’s a real insight into the life and work of the Cathedral”.

Mark Slade, Regional Manager at Jarrold Publishing, declares himself highly satisfied, “The work we have done with the Cathedral, both on the Guide book and the Souvenir Book, has been fantastic, it has been a true collaboration. We have helped with developing the publishing concept, our photographer, Peter Smith, created these wonderful images we see in the exhibition, and our team of designers helped with the format and layout. The Cathedral has also been fully involved in this creative process; contributing ideas and specifically the text. We have created a product that can really do justice to the beauty and serenity of Truro Cathedral.”

Dr Christopher Hardwick, Dean of Truro, is delighted with the results of this partnership, “What we wanted to do is create something that not only reflected the beauty of the building but also gave a flavour of what happens inside such a building; A flavour of the busy life within. I think the Souvenir Book does a brilliant job and everyone involved in its creation can be justifiably proud of the result of their efforts”.

The Souvenir Book complements the short guide to the Cathedral. It is the short guide, which has done so well recently, selling nearly 7,500 copies last year. James Barker, Shop Manager, is anticipating a good reception for the new book, “We have our general guidebook which sells really well and gives visitors a basic history and guide to the Cathedral. But some visitors ask for more information and detail, so together with Jarrold Publishing we have developed this Souvenir book to give greater insight into the cathedral as a building, a place of worship and as an organisation. We are really hoping that it’s going to sell well over the summer.”

The exhibition will continue through the summer with the Souvenir Book on sale in the Cathedral Shop at £5.99 or online www.trurocathedral.org.uk

For more information contact:

Colin Reid, Communications Officer, Truro Cathedral, 01872 245007 or home: 01736 351443

14th June 2007