1. Call to Order @ 3:38
  2. Roll Call – Check secretary’s records
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. 12/4/12 – Nicole S. motion, Travis second
  5. 2 Abstain: Mike M., Tom; 0 Opposed, motion passes
  6. Guests
  7. MNSA
  8. Requesting reimbursement of $800 for Nursing Pinning
  9. Refreshments for students and their families
  10. Maham motion, Jimmy second
  11. Originally denied because it was an academic event
  12. Department is funding most of it, has cut back significantly
  13. Open to students but really for Nursing students
  14. Money is coming from Student Activities Fees, nursing students already have a fee outside of this
  15. Has roughly $40,000 in fundraising account, they plan on using for conferences and other expenses (one of which is already covered by their budget)
  16. Abstain: Mike M., Tom M.
  17. In Favor: Juliana
  18. Opposed: 25
  19. Motion denied
  20. Thank you for your presence on campus!
  21. Treasure of MNSA to meet with Cortes
  22. Quidditch Club
  23. Francesca - $200 for hoops
  24. Equipment was thrown out from last semester by maintenance. Hoops are made by the club and were made again before money was motioned for. Coming to MSG for reimbursement.
  25. Budget was submitted before they realized the hoops were thrown away
  26. Joe motion for $210, Mike L. second
  27. Discussion: could have used the money less recklessly. MSG should be last resort. Has enough money in their fundraising budget to use for supplies.
  28. Joe amending his motion and change it… stayed at $210, Shequanna second
  29. 0 abstain, 6 oppose: Nicole A, Amanda F, Lisamarie, Cortes, Maham, Epstein, motion passes
  30. Rugby – Barge
  31. This Friday: Dinner 7-10 PS MPR $5 students, $10 for non students
  32. Fundraising for Rugby to go to Ireland
  33. Thank you for the announcement!
  34. Committees
  35. Priorities & Planning (P&P) – cancelled for today
  36. Financial Resources
  37. Undergraduate Academic Policies & Programs Committee (UAPP) – entire committee wants to come to talk about midlestates next semester
  38. Email Lisamarie and Amanda
  39. Community & Campus Life – Joe to meet with Bob
  40. Looking into banning cigarettes from campus
  41. Email Joe if you are in support
  42. Alumni Association – date being set for March 4 (tentative), no January meeting and a potential meeting in February
  43. Legislative Officer Reports
  44. Residence Hall
  45. Nicole – Thank you for the card!
  46. Public Relations
  47. Jimmy – Thank you for the card!
  48. Community Service
  49. Santa’s Workshop – last Saturday, December 8
  50. Between 90-100 kids
  51. Got Toys for Tots
  52. Thank you to Rugby Team and for everyone who helped out
  53. Academic Board
  54. Evaluations – at 30% so far, keep it going! Spread the word!
  55. We need 65% to keep it, 70% is our goal
  56. Get a blanket from Student Affairs once you complete
  57. Class Officers
  58. Seniors
  59. Senior Apparel Sale Numbers – Total of $286 in profit
  60. Orders should be in by the end of finals
  61. Juniors
  62. No Update
  63. Sophomores
  64. Sweatshirt Sale – Sale ends the end of this week
  65. Order coming in over the break
  66. Disperse next semester
  67. Freshmen
  68. No Update

5.Executive Board Reports

  1. President – Maham motion to move agenda behind secretary’s, Joe second, 0 abstain, 0 oppose, motion passed
  2. Thank you – not goodbye, just see you later!
  3. Thank YOU, Brian! Have an amazing and SAFE trip!
  4. Vice President
  5. Christmas Party 12/22/12 @ 7:30pm
  6. Jim Breur – come to Molloy for $15,000 on April 29th (end of the year performer)
  7. Was sold out the last time he was on campus in Hays
  8. Will sell out Madison too, now that we have the room
  9. Lisamarie motion for $15,000, Epstein second
  10. Cheaply charged for students
  11. Programming can still host an end of the year performer
  12. May be able to get him for a little cheaper
  13. Ryan, Juliana abstain, 0 oppose, motion passes
  14. Movie nights featuring him up until the event
  15. Winter Conference 1/11/13 @ 10am-3pm
  16. Mandatory conference, talk to Lisamarie and Amanda
  17. Member of the Month (November)
  18. Congrats to Maham!
  19. Office
  20. Clean it up! By Thursday
  21. Maintenance won’t come in and clean because it is so gross
  22. Will be reorganized for next semester
  23. Blizzard of Bucks – February 11, 2013
  24. Co-sponsoring with Student Media
  25. People from event walk around the day of the show
  26. Up to $500 of winnings ($250 minimum), completely self contained – staff and supplies, etc.
  27. Will be taped live!
  28. Lisamarie motion funds not to exceed $1,327.50, Juliana second
  29. Student media is paying half and the video will be on Facebook, YouTube, etc.
  30. 0 abstain, 0 oppose, motion passes
  31. Display racks
  32. Printer to print posters from Cody
  33. Use for PR and other clubs…
  34. 12 racks for $1,850
  35. Will be in all buildings on campus
  36. Lisamarie motion, Jimmy second
  37. Email sent to MSG what it looks like
  38. 0 abstain, 0 oppose, motion passes
  39. Thank you, Cody!
  40. Treasurer
  41. Budgets and Fundraised – current numbers

Budget / Fundraised
1. / MSG / $ 59, 708.52 / $ 23, 444.00
2. / Programming / $ 26, 126.28 / -
3. / Seniors / $5, 625.81 / $ 737.00
4. / Juniors / $ 2,734.00 / $ 858.00
5. / Sophomores / $ 2,930.72 / $ 932.00
6. / Freshmen / $ 2,045.05 / $ 166.00
  1. Junior Class
  2. All money has gone to fundraising
  3. Try to do 2 fundraising events next semester
  4. Ipad raffle counts for this semester
  1. Student Activities Coordinator
  2. No change
  3. Programming Coordinator
  4. Night Student Event – sign up sheet for this Thursday 6-9pm
  5. T-Shirts given out if completed evaluations
  6. Secretary
  7. Christmas Card – emailed out today to all students, faculty, staff, administration, etc.
  8. Merry Christmas! Have a happy and safe holiday season

6.Old/Unfinished Business

- Mad Men shirts: ordering the one that Jess made, ordering after the meeting

- ECC has Molloy as #1 attendance

- Games tomorrow! 5:30 & 8:00

- Fill out event evaluations

7.New Business


- Francesca: recital tonight in reception room, Quidditch club showing Harry Potter tomorrow night @ 7:30 in the amphitheater

- Lisamarie & Amanda inducted into President and Vice President, respectfully

- Lisamarie continues to run the meeting /


  • RENT! Fantastic job, Ryan!
  • Merry Christmas to everyone! Have a safe and restful holiday!
  • Happy birthday, Amanda!
  • Thank you, Brian!
  • Secret Santa

9.Adjournment @4:38 Epstein motion, Francesca second, 0 abstain, 0 oppose, motion passes