SAC Minutes for October 31, 2016
Review and Acceptance of Previous Minutes-After making minor spelling corrections, Ms. Soffer made a motion to accept the minutes and the minutes were approved.
Principal’s Report – Mr. Marlow spoke about the SMART Bond funds. He said that teachers would be receiving new laptops within a month and he discussed how the new technology would be distributed to the staff. He also spoke about the STEM program that we are participating in in conjunction with Deerfield Beach Middle School.
School Literacy Presentation – Fulton/Jackson gave a PowerPoint presentation about our students’ current progress on Florida State Literacy Standards. The data indicates that students across the board struggled with two-part questions. Mrs. Jackson offered strategies for parents to assist their students at home. There was a discussion regarding struggling readers. Saturday school and initiative programs for students were also discussed. It was also mentioned that the RACC program has been aligned with the IFCs and benchmark assessments.
Scheduling Options for 2017-2018- Mr. Fulton advised SAC of the scheduling options for the 2017-2018 Academic School year. He explained that on November 3, 2016 the faculty would vote to determine if they were willing to explore different scheduling options. Mr. Fulton reviewed the most common scheduling options that are used in Broward County High Schools. He also shared the Scheduling Voting Timeline with the committee.
Department Report – Math: Ms. Shaw spoke about teachers working at the same pace and using the labs for math assessments. Reading: Ms. Jackson spoke about the upcoming Literacy Week, the Book Drive,new reading teachers within the department, and 9th grade proficiency increase from last year. Science: Mr. Livingston spoke about the new Biology teacher, using USA Test Prep for Biology assessments and our STEM program activity with Deerfield Beach Middle School that occurred on November 3, 2016. Testing: Ms. Eade spoke about upcoming testing dates. ESOL: Mrs. Delance spoke about new ESOL reading programs, new students enrolling in the program daily, and collecting items for Haiti/donations.
New Business- Ms. Suzette Hyde inquired about funds for the marching band. Mr. Marlow explained that the band had a budget. He informed that the band has already received new band instruments. He explained that he would be willing to meet with her on a scheduled date to discuss new band uniforms and any other details.