UCC Division, P.O. BOX 136, JACKSON, MS 39205-0136, (601) 359-1621
*IUCC03F* / Instructions for the UCC-3F
(Farm Products)
1.Please type all responses. (Complete Part A for perfection. Complete Part A, Items 1 & 2, and Part B for notice.)
2.If Debtor is an entity other than a natural person, enter name beginning with first word not an article or punctuation mark. If natural person, list LAST name of debtor or person subjecting collateral to security interest first.
3.Please verify and enter Social Security Number for each debtor or person subjecting collateral to security interest. If other than natural person, list tax ID numbers.
4.List complete address to include county code and nine digit zip code.
5.Provide a description of collateral and enter code(s).
6.Enter county codes where product is produced and quantity amount of collateral.
7.County codes and collateral codes must be included in Part B, and are listed below.
8.Form must contain appropriate signatures.
9.Ensure that requirements are met for UCC and Food Security Act.
10.If filing the form in the Chancery Clerk’s office, then submit the form in triplicate. If filing the form in the Secretary of State’s Office, only the original copy of the form needs to be submitted. When filing at either location, the appropriate filing fee must accompany the filing (s).
County Codes / 12 / Clarke / 24 / Harrison * / 36 / Lafayette / 48 / Monroe / 60 / Quitman / 72 / Tunica01 / Adams / 13 / Clay / 25 / Hinds * / 37 / Lamar / 49 / Montgomery / 61 / Rankin / 73 / Union
02 / Alcorn / 14 / Coahoma / 26 / Holmes / 38 / Lauderdale / 50 / Neshoba / 62 / Scott / 74 / Walthall
03 / Amite / 15 / Copiah / 27 / Humphreys / 39 / Lawrence / 51 / Newton / 63 / Sharkey / 75 / Warren
04 / Attala / 16 / Covington / 28 / Issaquena / 40 / Leake / 52 / Noxubee / 64 / Simpson / 76 / Washington
05 / Benton / 17 / Desoto / 29 / Itawamba / 41 / Lee / 53 / Oktibbeha / 65 / Smith / 77 / Wayne
06 / Bolivar * / 18 / Forrest / 30 / Jackson / 42 / Leflore / 54 / Panola * / 66 / Stone / 78 / Webster
07 / Calhoun / 19 / Franklin / 31 / Jasper * / 43 / Lincoln / 55 / Pearl River / 67 / Sunflower / 79 / Wilkinson
08 / Carroll * / 20 / George / 32 / Jefferson / 44 / Lowndes / 56 / Perry / 68 / Tallahatchie * / 80 / Winston
09 / Chickasaw * / 21 / Greene / 33 / Jefferson Davis / 45 / Madison / 57 / Pike / 69 / Tate / 81 / Yalobusha *
10 / Choctaw / 22 / Grenada / 34 / Jones * / 46 / Marion / 58 / Pontotoc / 70 / Tippah / 82 / Yazoo
11 / Claiborne / 23 / Hancock / 35 / Kemper / 47 / Marshall / 59 / Prentiss / 71 / Tishomingo / 83 / Out of State
* These counties have two (2) Judicial Districts
Collateral Codes. If the collateral is not listed below, simply enter the collateral name. The code will be assigned by the filing office.
Crops / 115 / Berries, Blue / 130 / Dates / 145 / Limes / 160 / Papayas / 175 / Rice / 190 / Trees101 / Apples / 116 / Berries, Straw / 131 / Eggplant / 146 / Maple Syrup / 161 / Peahces / 176 / Rye / 191 / Turnips
102 / Apricots / 117 / Broccoli / 132 / Escarole / 147 / Melons, Canteloupes / 162 / Peanuts / 177 / Sorghum Grain / 192 / Walnuts
103 / Artichokes / 118 / Brussels Sprouts / 133 / Figs / 148 / Melons, Honey Dew / 163 / Pears / 178 / Soybeans / 193 / Wheat
104 / Asparagus / 119 / Cabbage / 134 / Flaxseed / 149 / Melons, Water / 164 / Peas, Dry / 179 / Spinach / 194 / Muscadine
105 / Avocodos / 120 / Carrots / 135 / Garlic / 150 / Milo / 165 / Peas, Field / 180 / Sugar Beets / 195 / Pumpkins
106 / Bananas / 121 / Cauliflower / 136 / Grapes/ Raisins / 151 / Mint / 166 / Peas. Green / 181 / Sugar Cane / 196 / Squash
107 / Barley / 122 / Celery / 137 / Grapefruit / 152 / Mushrooms / 167 / Pecans / 182 / Sunflower Seed / 197 / Corn Silage
108 / Beans, Butter / 123 / Cherries / 138 / Hay / 153 / Mustards / 168 / Peppers / 183 / Sweet Potatoes / 198 / Alfalfa
109 / Beans, Dry / 124 / Coffee / 139 / Hops / 154 / Nectarines / 169 / Persimmons / 184 / Tangelos / 199 / Okra
110 / Beans, Lima / 125 / Collards / 140 / Irish Potatoes / 155 / Nutmeg / 170 / Pineapple / 185 / Tangerines
111 / Beans, Snap / 126 / Corn / 141 / Kiwi / 156 / Oats / 171 / Plums & Prunes / 186 / Tara
112 / Beans, Waxed / 127 / Corn, Sweet / 142 / Legumes / 157 / Olives / 172 / Pomegrantes / 187 / Tea
113 / Beets / 128 / Cotton / 143 / Lemons / 158 / Onions / 173 / Popcorn / 188 / Tobacco
114 / Berries, Black / 129 / Cucumbers / 144 / Lettuce / 159 / Oranges / 174 / Rape Seed / 189 / Tomatoes
Livestock / 204 / Ducks / 208 / Guineas / 212 / Mules / 216 / Shellfish / 220 / Turtles
201 / Cattle & Calves / 205 / Eggs, Hatching / 209 / Hogs / 213 / Quail / 217 / Honey Bees / 221 / Emu
202 / Catfish/Fish / 206 / Geese / 210 / Horses / 214 / Turkeys / 218 / Rabbits-Hares / 222 / Ostrich
203 / Chickens / 207 / Goats / 211 / Lambs & Sheep / 215 / Earthworms / 219 / Parrots-Birds / 223 / Rhea
Other / 302 / Eggs / 304 / Grass / 306 / Milk / 308 / Shrubberry / 311 / Cotton Seed / 313 / Kenaf
301 / Cheese / 303 / Flowers / 305 / Honey / 307 / Mohair / 309 / Wool / 312 / Pelts & Products