Election of Directors
- At each Annual General Meeting, the members shall elect Directors to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting
- The Board of Directors is also allowed to elect new Members of the Board of Directors who will serve until the next Annual General Meeting
Composition and Qualifications of the Board of Directors
Members of the Board should be chosen from areas that are important to the Association, such as:
- School Board
- Health
- Lawyer
- Accountant
- Businesses
- Youth organizations
- Retired people
- Victim Services
- City Council
- Crown Counsel
Members of the Board should reside, work or have a personal interest in the community served by the Chilliwack Restorative Action & Youth Advocacy Association.
Members should have an interest in the rehabilitation of offenders, crime prevention and/or other aspects of the Criminal Justice System.
Members must have sufficient time for Board and Committee duties, such as attendance at approximately 12 Board meetings per year (1.5 hours each), plus 12 Committee meetings (1.5 hours each) and at least 3 events (duration approximately 3 hours per event), e.g., the Annual General Meeting, Board Training and Volunteer Appreciation.
Personal qualities would include the ability to:
- Put forward ideas while respecting the views of others
- Analyze proposals put forward by management, committees, etc., clearly and critically
- Probe proposals assertively, knowledgably and purposefully
- Communicate ideas clearly
- Understand the fundamental and strategic needs of the organization in the current environment
- Participate constructively in discussion
- Act with the best interests of the Association in mind
- Understand the balance between the Board’s role and that of management
- Participate in board meetings, committee meetings, events, negotiations, fundraising, financial planning and other participatory activities of the Association
- Provide a wide range of personal contacts from which to solicit support
Basic Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
- Determine the Association’s mission and purposes
- Select the staff through an established process
- Provide ongoing support and guidance for the Executive Director; review his/her performance
- Ensure effective planning for the Association
- Ensure adequate resources
- Manage resources effectively
- Determine and monitor the Association’s programs and services
- Enhance the Association’s public image
Major Duties of the Board of Directors
Provide continuity for the Association:
- Establish and maintain the incorporation/legal existence of the Association
- Represent the Association’s point of view through interpretation of its programs and services.
Serve as an advocate for the Association
Select and appoint an Executive Director:
- Establish a policy/procedure for selection of the Executive Director and make the appointment of the Executive Director
- Determine the compensation of the Executive Director and all other employees
- Approve the goals and objectives of the Executive Director
- Delegate administration of the Association to the Executive Director
- Evaluate the Executive Director’s performance regularly on the basis of a specific job description. Included in the evaluation are executive relations with the board, as well as leadership in the organization, in program planning and implementation, and in management of the Association (and its personnel)
- Provide administrative guidance, advice and counsel to the Executive Director in the execution of the duties of the position, and
- Determine whether to retain or dismiss the Executive Director
Govern the Association by broad policies and objectives:
- Formulate a mission, policies and goals in conjunction with the Committees and the Executive Director, and a strategy to meet the goals
- Assign priorities for meeting objectives
- Ensure the Association’s capacity to carry out programs by continually reviewing its work
- Acquire sufficient resources for the Association’s operations and to finance the programs and services adequately
- Monitor compliance with policies and procedures
- Ensure the Association operates within the Society Act and other laws governing the Association
Account to the public for the programs and services of the Association and expenditure of its funds:
- Provide fiscal accountability
- Approve the budget, monitor performance against this financial plan, and revise or alter direction through management in light of changing circumstances
- Approve major expenditures, purchases, leases, contracts, sale of assets and other significant financial matters
- Determine which programs and services will be provided by the Association
- Decide on fundraising activities
- Formulate policies related to contracts, etc.
- Accept responsibility for all conditions and policies attached to new, innovative, or experimental programs, and ensure the implementation of appropriate controls
- Initiate corrective action when performance falls short of goals and objectives of the Association, or whenever circumstances warrant such action
- Ensure the integrity of the Association’s internal control and management systems
Basic Job Description for Members of the Board of Directors
- Regularly attend Board meetings and important related functions, and report anticipated absences in advance to the Chair of the Board or Committee with a copy to the Secretary
- Make a serious commitment to participate actively in committee work
- Volunteer for and willingly accept assignments and complete them thoroughly and on time
- Stay informed about committee matters, prepare well for meetings, and review and comment on minutes and reports
- Get to know other Board members and build a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus
- Be an active participant in the Board’s evaluation and planning efforts
- Participate in fund raising for the Association
Board Standing Committees
- Executive Committee
- Programs and Volunteer Engagement Committee
- Community Awareness and Fundraising Committee
Orientation of New Board Members:
- New Members will receive a written package containing the names and contact information on the other Board Members, a list of committees and their functions, a description of the work of the Association, budget, and any other information that would help you as a new Member of the Board to contribute effectively to the organization
- Yearly training sessions will be held