Position Description:
As a member of the College middle leadership team, the Faculty Leader shares responsibility for the leadership of the school’s vision, mission and strategic priorities and contributes to the life and good management of the school. The Faculty Leader is delegated responsibility by the Principal for the co-ordination and supervision of teaching and learning within the department. The Faculty Leader exercises this responsibility under the supervision of the Deputy Principal. The Faculty Leader collaborates with the department team to develop best practice in learning and teaching across the College. More broadly, the Faculty Leader supports the goals of the College Strategic Plan to pursue enhanced outcomes for students.
Key Accountabilities:
The Faculty Leader is required to:
- Support adherence to the College Code of Conduct by modelling a high standard of professional behaviour, refrain from any behaviours that would impinge negatively upon a person’s dignity, morale or work effectiveness, be respectful and tolerant and engender fairness and respect in relationships with other staff, students, parents and members of the public;
- Give personal witness to the teachings of the Gospel and to Catholic values in day-to-day personal interactions with staff, students and the College community;
- Promote a positive climate within the spirit of the Edmund Rice Tradition by contributing to the development of a learning and teaching environment that is welcoming, hospitable, life-giving and just;
- Be knowledgeable of College policies and procedures relevant to this portfolio;
- Participate in the development and implementation of key curriculum goals such as differentiation and external testing;
- Monitor and support others to observe appropriate Child Protection policies and procedures;
- Monitor and support others to observe appropriate Workplace Health & Safety policies and procedures;
- Monitor and support department staff to help them meet their mandatory training and compliance obligations;
- Develop a vision, strategic and annual improvement plan for the department;
- Lead their department team collaboratively and with a commitment to best practice in teaching and learning;
- Promote high morale among the staff and students by appropriate leadership and regular positive communication;
- Support through efficient administration an ordered teaching environment;
- Give commitment to lifelong learning and professional development; and
- Perform other duties appropriate to the role as may be directed by the Principal.
Key Skills and Abilities associated with the Position:
- Excellent classroom practitioner with extensive knowledge of boy-friendly pedagogy within their subject area;
- Committed to a personal faith journey with an understanding of and commitment to Catholic education in the Edmund Rice Tradition;
- Strong people management skills;
- Ability to manage conflict constructively and a willingness to challenge poor performance in staff and students;
- Strong verbal and written communication skills;
- Ability to build and direct a team of colleagues within their department;
- Good administrative and organisational skills; and
- Capable of inspiring others to a shared vision and ambition for their department.
Associated Duties:
The Faculty Leaderwill exercise Leadership for Learning by OVERSEEING and/or MANAGING the DEPARTMENT to:
- Develop the teaching and learning program including:
- Design the scope and sequence chart for each subject;
- Create units of work and lesson plans;
- Implement new technology and initiatives in curriculum;
- Design, construct and evaluate assessment tasks;
- Design report outcomes for assessment tasks;
- Ensure differentiation of teaching and learning within their department;
- Conduct tutorial sessions for students to support assessment tasks; and
- Enter marks into the College electronic markbook;
- Organise Panel submissions and facilitate feedback;
- Conduct Curriculum Activity Risk Assessments (CARAS) and maintain the necessary documentation;
- Meet appropriate standards of Workplace Health and Safety within the department’s area of responsibility including:
- Monitor, report on, and maintain departmental equipment in good repair;
- Maintain the quality of the learning and teaching environment by ensuring compliance with the College Housekeeping Policy;
- Communicate effectively with parents on assessment, behavior, classroom matters and absenteeism;
- Plan, co-ordinate and conduct excursions and incursions; and
- Manage department special events.
A. TheFaculty Leaderwill exerciseLeadership for Learning by being RESPONSIBLE for:
- Attend Panel meetings and QCAA workshops, when applicable;
- Ensure department compliance with College academic requirements and QCAA standards;
- Analyse student performance data – including OP results and NAPLAN;
- Maintain assessment banks to assist with differentiation of teaching and learning;
- Co-ordinate department input into subject selection evenings;
- Liaise with Deputy Principal and fellow Faculty Leaders to prepare assessment schedules;
- Ensure the quality and proper conduct of student assessment by:
- Allocate team leaders and assessment responsibilities to staff;
- Check assessment tasks prior to distribution to students;
- Approve exam papers and arrange the marking schedule with department staff;
- Ensure an equitable distribution of duties;
- Oversee the quality and consistence of marking;
- Process marks;
- Process letters of concern, warning letters, and late assessments; and
- Determine the outcome of student appeals.
- Create class lists in streamed classes, where applicable;
- Counsel students on subject selection;
- Support staff to manage student behaviour within classrooms;
- Liaise with Pastoral Leaders on student behaviour, when required.
- Supervise the quality of teaching practice through activities such as collegial planning, moderation, classroom observation and facilitation of reflective teaching practice.
B. TheFaculty Leaderwill exercise HumanResource Leadership by being RESPONSIBLE for:
- Conduct performance management processes within the department;
- Supervise the work of the departmental assistants, where applicable;
- Orientate, induct and mentor new staff entering the department;
- Mentor teachers in need of classroom support;
- Create resources to support teachers relieving for staff absent in emergency or extreme conditions;
- Resolve conflict within the department – between teachers, teacher and students and others;
- Identify needs and facilitate professional learning opportunities for staff.
C. TheFaculty Leaderwill exerciseOrganisational Leadership by being RESPONSIBLE for:
- Plan, conduct and document department meetings;
- Ensure department compliance with relevant College and Queensland College of Teachers policies:
- Ensure departmental staff are compliant with mandatory training;
- Ensure correct departmental use of digital resources consistent with College policy.
- Approve curriculum-based excursions and other out of class activities (incursions);
- Prepare end of year OP results and rankings for Year 12 students;
- Determine subject prize winners including the year group dux;
- Create rosters and schedules for accessing resources such as specialist rooms and teaching spaces;
- Prepare and manage department budgets:
- Approve the purchase/purchase of departmental resources and supplies, including texts, online resources and other curriculum materials.
- Participate in Faculty Leader meetings;
- Develop and update the subject handbook;
- Manage departmental records – online and physical;
- Maintain, review and improve the department’s report package comment bank;
- Produce the annual department/subject report for the College magazine;
- Promote the department through the offering of co-curricular events such as competitions, clubs and activities.
The Faculty Leaderwill ASSIST(the Principal, Deputy Principal, College Leadership Team and Deans) by:
- Co-ordinate department input into subject selection evenings;
- Participate in Parent Information nights;
- Liaise with the College Counsellor to support students and staff;
- Contribute to decisions on staff allocations to subject and year classes;
- Ensure compliance with professional standards, as required;
- Approve changes to subject selections;
- Proof-read comment banks for their particular subject;
- Assist with the communication of change of classes as applicable due to staff changes such as leave;
- Conduct the academic grievance, discipline and variation process;
- Conduct formal performance/grievance procedures within the department;
- Participate in staff recruitment, if requested.
Fixed Term Appointments
These positions of special responsibility are for fixed terms: initial appointment for four years and subsequent appointment of four years dependent upon effective performance in the role.
Performance Appraisal and Review
Regular performance reviews and appraisals for Faculty Leaders will be held according to a published schedule and consistent with College policy and relevant enterprise bargaining agreements. A formative review will occur in the second year of appointment, a summative review in the fourth year of the contract.
Last Revised 26/6/2015