Caroline Kuzemko, Short Curriculum Vitae
29c Windy Arbour, Kenilworth, CV8 2AT;
Professional and Teaching Appointments
2016-Present: Assistant Professor in International Political Economy, University of Warwick and PI of ‘Distributing Powers: Local Energy Governance & Sustainability’ project
2012-Present: Senior Research Fellow, EPSRC funded IGov project, University of Exeter
2011-12: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, GR:EEN (EU FP7), University of Warwick
2010-13: Module writer and lecturer, ‘Energy in Global Politics’, WBS Energy MBA
2010-12: Module writer and lecturer, ‘Global Energy Challenges’, Exeter MSc programme
1994–2002: Director, Head of Latin American and East European Equity Sales, UBS, London
Journal Articles:
(2017) ‘Policies, Politics and Demand Side Innovations: the Untold Story of Germany’s Energy Transition’, Energy Research and Social Science 28, June 2017, 58-67 (lead author; with C. Mitchell, M. Lockwood and R. Hoggett)
(2017) ‘The governance of industry codes and energy system innovation: the case of codes in Great Britain’, Utilities Policy, DOI:10.1016/j.jup.2017.06.008(M. Lockwood/lead author, C. Mitchell and R. Hoggett)
(2017) ‘Historical Institutionalism and the Politics of Sustainable Energy Transitions: A Research Agenda’, Environment and Planning C, 35:2, 312-333(M. Lockwood/lead author, C. Mitchell and R. Hoggett)
(2016) ‘Governing for Sustainable Energy System Change: Politics, Context and Contingency’, Energy Research and Social Sciences, 12 (2016), 95-105 (with M.Lockwood, C. Mitchell, R. Hoggett)
(2016) ‘Energy Depoliticisation in the UK: Destroying Political Capacity’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations (BJPIR), DOI:10.1111/1467-856X.12068
(2015) ‘Climate Benchmarking: the Emergent and Contingent Politics of Climate Norm Creation’, Review of International Studies, 41:5 (Special Issue), 969-992
(2014) ‘Measuring and Explaining Policy Paradigm Change: the Case of UK Energy Policy’, Policy & Politics, 42:4, 513-530 (with Florian Kern and Catherine Mitchell)
(2014) ‘Politicising UK Energy: What Speaking Energy Security Can Do’, Policy & Politics42:2, 259-274
(2014) ‘Ideas, Power and Change: Explaining EU-Russia Energy Relations’, Journal of European Public Policy 21:1, 58-75
Monographs and Co-Authored Books:
(2015)The Global Energy Challenge: Environment, Development and Security. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave MacMillan (a textbook with Andreas Goldthau and Michael Keating)
(2013) The Energy Security-Climate Nexus: Institutional Change in the UK and Beyond. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan
(2012) Dynamics of Energy Governance in Europe and Russia.Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan (co-edited with A. V. Belyi; M.F. Keating and A. Goldthau)
Selected Book chapters:
(2015) ‘How and why do policy paradigms change: and does it matter? The case of UK energy policy’, in Michael Howlett and John Hogan (eds.) Policy Paradigms in Theory and Practice: Discourses, Ideals and Anomalies in Public Policy Dynamics. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan (with Florian Kern and Catherine Mitchell)
2016: Principle Investigator ESRC Future Research Leader award (£95,000)
2014: Co-Investigator, UK Energy Research Council granton EU Energy(£200,000)
2008-2010: Co-Investigator: ESRC International Training and Networking grant (£35,000)
2013-Present: part of a team that won funding from the Political Studies Association to establish and run a new research network on ‘Anti-politics’
Editorial Positions
2016-Present: Associate Editor, Energy Research & Social Science
2014-Present: Co-editor of ‘Progressive Energy Policy’ pivots, Palgrave Macmillan
Awards and Appointments
2016-Present: Member of Steering Committee, Warwick Research Priority Group: Energy
2015: Policy & Politics’Bleddyn Davies prize for best article by an early career academic
2015-present: Member of Advisory Board of the EPSRC funded ‘Welfare, Employment and Energy Demand’ project
2014 (July): Visiting Fellowship, IASS, Berlin
2012-2014: Visiting Fellowship, CSGR, University of Warwick
2012-13: Member of the Industry and Parliament Trust’s Energy Commission
Selected Impact and Outreach
2017-Present: Member of West Midlands Combined Authority Policy Commission
2016 (March) Presentation at the Ofgem Sustainability Seminar Series: ‘Governing for Demand Management in Germany’,
2015(Nov) Presentation of evidence to the Environment and Sustainability Committee of the Welsh Assembly: (
2015 (June): invited member of advisory team to the Welsh Assembly’s Environment and Sustainability Committee on ‘The Energiewende and Local Energy in Wales’
2015 (May): Led the Energy Policy Group Response to Ofgem’s Consultation on‘Non-traditional business models: Supporting transformative change in the energy market’
2014 (November): member of ‘The Energy Debate’ panel at the Energy Institute
2014 (October) presentation on the ‘Politics of the German Energiewende’ at Ofgem
2014 (13 April): interviewed on One O’Clock News programme, CTV News Canada
2014 (6 March): Guest on ‘World Have Your Say’ Programme, BBC World Service
2009 (December): member of Advisory Panel on International Energy Strategy for the ‘2050 Vision’, Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)
Selected Networks
2013-present: Co-founder and Treasurer of the ‘Anti-politics and Depoliticisation Special Group’ (APDSG) sponsored by the Politics Studies Association (PSA)
2009-present: Founder and convenor: international and inter-disciplinary ‘Political Economy of Energy in Europe and Russia’ (PEEER) network
2007-2011:PaIS, University of Warwick: Doctor of Philosophy. Thesis:
UK Energy Governance in the 21st Century: Unravelling the Ties that Bind
2002-2004: PaIS, University of Warwick: MA, International Political Economy (part-time)
1990-1994: King’s College, London: BA Combined Honours in Russian and German (2:1)