Minutes of meeting held at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 19 February 2015.
1. Apologies were received from Cllr Mike Hicks,Richard and Margie Hawkins,Tony and Joe Martin, Jenny Murphy and Jason and Michelle Hooper.
20 members of the parish were present.
2.The minutes of the previous meeting were approved unanimously. There were no matters arising save that the Chairman reported that the proposal to buy commemorative popes from the Tower of London display could not ben be carried out as all of the poppies had been sold.
4.The Chairman reported that the following planning applications had received approval.
5.He also reported that following discussions with DCC the drains in the village especially those outside 3 Ladies Cottage and Minimbar have been added to the monthly jetting list.
6.Councillor Rufus Gilbert reported as follows:-
6.1 It is now planned that Lowerdale Road will be repaired in the spring-there will be another meeting on 6 March.
6.2 The planned increase in council tax in 2015 will be of the order of 1.99% (-44p per week (for a Band E property.
6.3 Cuts of £1 million a week in council-budget cuts are ongoing and difficult. As a result Parishes need to consider taking on small jobs and be self-maintaining although grit bins will continue to be filled.
6.4 The Chairman reported the concerns had been voiced within the Parish about the lack of gritting on the main through road. The school bus route is a major concern. Cllr Gilbert reported that there was unlikely to be any change of policy owing to financial constrains but a grant may be available to assist with the purchase of a Parish gritting machine.
7.1Mrs Alice Blountaddressed the meeting about the proposed development of a Solar Park at Place Barton Farm,Moreleigh. The site will no longer be an agricultural site of 30 acres but a power station of 5 megawatts powered by solar panels. Her objection was largely based on visual amenity as the residences in Capton and Jason and Michelle Hoopers would be most affected. It was also considered that the South Hams had “done its bit” in terms of provision given the massive development a Diptford and other smaller sites dotted around the area. The nearest solar farm to this site is 2.9 miles away.
7.2Cllr Gilbert reported that Sarah Woollaston MP has been working quite hard on the issue but cannot be involved in any decision making.
7.3 The Chairman proposed that Woodleigh parish will consider the application at a meeting when it has been submitted.
8.Mr Ian Bramble is the prospective district councillor for of Loddiswell and Aveton Gifford and gave a short address.
9. The Chairman reported that the following planning application had been notified to the Meeting.
61/0162/15/O - Erection of Permanent Agricultural Workers Dwelling at Grimpstonleigh. Mrs Kim Harvey was in attendance at the meeting and happy to answer any questions. No questions were forthcoming and the proposal was not put to a vote.
10.AOB. Lowerdale Barns - concerns were raised about increased traffic on the road.
11.1The Chairman advised the meeting that he would not be standing for re-election in April and Kathy Latter will be standing down as treasurer also.
11.2 A request from Simon Henderson to pay for a £17.50 for a poppy wreath was approved unanimously.
12. There being no further business the meeting was closed.