Grant Application
Rev 9-30-15
Rev 9-30-15
The Jessamine County Educational Foundation (JCEF) awards annual matching grants to institutions of public education within Jessamine County. The goal of
these grants is to provide funding for innovative educational projects which might not
otherwise be attempted due to traditional funding limitations.
The following are eligibility criteria which must be met in order to apply for a grant from the Jessamine County Educational Foundation:
· Institutions represented in application must provide public education within
Jessamine County. This educational institution receiving state and/or federal funding.
· Institutions represented in application can provide educational services to any age group including but not restricted to preschool, K-12 and adult.
· Grant applications must be submitted by October 30, 2015. Late applications will not be accepted.
Completed applications should be clearly identified and delivered to:
Superintendent’s Office
871 Wilmore Road
Nicholasville, KY 40356
· All grants must be submitted on forms provided by JCEF. Use only the space allotted. All grants must be typed in size 12 font. Handwritten documents will not be considered. The application is a PDF editable file; information may be entered directly into it.
· Normal funding from the foundation cannot exceed $500. However, grants, which show exceptional innovation or affect an exceptional number of students, will be considered at the discretion of the board. All matching criteria must be met. Grant funds from JCEF require a minimum of a $1 for $1 match. For example, if $200 is requested, the applicant must document at least a $200 match from some other source. The match may exceed the amount requested from the foundation but cannot be less.
· Matching funding sources must be documented in the application. Matching funds cannot include salaries or items which will be purchased regardless such as textbooks; however, individual classroom instructional funds can be used as a source of matching funds.
· All grants will be evaluated using the attached scoring guide. The foundation reserves the right to partially fund a grant based on the availability of funds.
· All grant recipients will be required to sign “Guidelines for Receiving JCEF Grant Funds.” This document outlines the procedure for payment and must be returned by the specified date for recipient to be eligible for grant reimbursement. Failure to return this document negates the grant application.
· All grant recipients are required to evaluate the effectiveness of the grant. The evaluation section of the application must be completed. The board may request additional evaluation information.
· Any adjustments to awarded grants must be approved by the board, prior to purchasing items.
· All grants must be paid out by June 30, 2016. Unless arrangements are approved by the board in advance, all funds not disbursed as of June 30, 2016, will be forfeited by recipient.
· A copy of these guidelines must be signed and included with the application.
I have read and understand the guidelines for receiving a grant from the Jessamine County Educational Foundation.
By clicking this box, I verify that the above may be considered my valid signature.
Rev 9-30-15
The following scoring guide outlines criteria used to evaluate each grant submitted to the foundation. While these are the specific criteria used to evaluate grants, the board reserves the right to use any additional criteria they feel appropriate. This should not be returned with your application.
Is a creative or innovation approach taken?
Does project provide for extensions beyond the
current curriculum?
Does project encourage higher level thinking skills,
appropriate to the age/grade level?
Does project help create equity or diversity
between classrooms or schools?
Can project be tied to the current curriculum?
Will project provide teacher with teaching tools
not otherwise available?
Does project help meet an unmet need or
curriculum deficit?
Is project age/grade level appropriate?
Can project be done appropriately in space available?
Is JCEF only possible source of funding?
Have matching funds been secured and documented?
What are the numbers of students to be served
THIS YEAR by the project? (One point for each
Year up to 5 years)
How many teachers will use project materials
Rev 9-30-15
Jessamine County Educational Foundation
2015-2016 Grant Application
Cover Page
NAME (Individual(s) submitting application:
School/Organization Agency:
School Address:
City State Zip:
School Phone:
Additional Phone (if desired):
E-mail address:
Project Name:
Project Abstract-Main Objective & Activity (50 words or less):
Number of Persons to Be Served:
Age Range/Grade Levels of Persons to Be Served:
Longevity of the Project: From To
Proposed Project Budget:
Project Funds From Other Sources:
Please Identify Other Fund Sources:
Project Funds Requested from JCEF:
Rev 9-30-15
Jessamine County Educational Foundation
2015-2016 Grant Application
Statement of Need: Please provide a brief statement of need in the space below.
PROPOSED NEED TO BE MET: Please provide a brief description of the program which will address the identified need in this space.
BUDGET: Please provide an itemized, one-year budget to cover the entire operating costs of the proposed project.
*Include specific item description, cost per unit, number of units, total amount, etc.
*After you are notified by letter of your application’s status, you will receive “Guidelines for Receiving JCEF Grant Funds” which must be copied, signed, and returned to Central Office by the deadline date (printed in Guidelines document). This is when you submit vendor invoices and P.O. copies.
Rev 9-30-15
Jessamine County Educational Foundation
2015-2016 Grant Application
Matching Funds Verification
Please list all funding sources providing matching funds for this grant project below. In order to avoid delay in distribution of grant monies, please attach an original copy of a letter from other funding sources(s) stating that the matching funds from that source will be paid and list amount. Include all the information indicated below.
Funding Source Information:
Contact Person:
Obligated Funds:
Rev 9-30-15