Office use only: Application Approved Yes No Site No…………

Public Liability Insurance Rec’d Yes No

CouncilRegistration Received Yes No

Acceptance Advised Yes No Date …………...



Which months do you wantto attend?

Please write on the back of this form.

Business name:…………………..………………….………………………………………………………

(If applicable)

Stall holders name:………………………………….……………………………………………………….

Stall holders address:……………….……………………………………….……Postcode…….……..…

Stall holders phone number:……………………………………Mob………………….………………….

Email Address………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Emergency contact name……………………………………….Ph ……………………………………...

What product do you sell e.g. Plants, Craft, Preserves, produce etc. Please be specific.


Signature ( you have read and understood the information below and agree to comply with the markets policy and all associated provisions and regulations).


Note to all Market Stall Applicants:

  1. Casual fees are $25.00 per stall per market.
  2. Stall holders selling hot food or massage services or other goods as advised by the committee, must hold a public liability insurance policy for not less than $10 million dollars. A certified copy of the current policy statement issued by the insurer, or a certificate of currency must be provided to the Hall Committee in order to assess your application.
  3. All stallholders selling food or drinks of any kind must register with Baw Baw Shire and provide a copy of the registration certificate received from council.
  4. Outdoor stallholders are required to provide their own furniture and equipment. Trestle tables will be provided for indoor stallholders.
  5. It is our policy that the market is a “Make it, Bake it, Breed it, Grow it” market. All products must be made by the stall holder. No second-hand or commercial goods will be accepted and only the products listed on the application form are to be sold. You will be asked to remove any products that a committee member deems unacceptable.
  6. Stall areas are approximately 8mx4m. Please stay within your designated area for safety and access reasons. Please be on your site by 8.30am. There will be no vehicle access on the market site after this time.
  7. The stall holder must remove boxes, cartons and rubbish from the market area.
  8. Raffle tickets may not be sold without prior permission from the committee. Permission will only be given to fundraising groups’ e.g. local schools, churches and community groups.
  9. The Committee accepts no responsibility for adverse weather, loss or damaged goods, or injury to any person attending the market.
  10. Your application will be processed and you will be notified of the availability of a stall and the market layout.

Please return by mail to;

The Market Coordinator

Rokeby Hall and Reserve Committee Inc.

PO Box 636, Warragul 3820