St. Ann Catholic Parish

Ministries and Organizations

180 Samuel Blvd.

Coppell, Texas 75019


www. published January 2012

Mass Times

Daily Mass in the Chapel


12 Noon


8am in the Chapel

5pm Vigil Mass in the Church


8am in the Church

10am in the Church

12 Noon in the Church

2pm Spanish Mass in the Church

4:30pm Youth Mass in the Church

7pm Spanish Mass in the Church

Reconciliation Times


After 8am Mass in the Chapel


7pm in the Chapel

St. Ann Catholic Parish

Coppell, Texas

Vision Statement

We are one body transformed in Christ.

Mission Statement

We are a welcoming inclusive Catholic Parish centered in the Eucharist, grounded in prayer, learning, living and teaching our faith in service to the community.

Welcome to St. Ann Catholic Parish, a faith community of almost 8,500 registered households withover 28,000 members. Catholics serving the Church in the far northwest corner of Dallas County. As our parishioners come from a rapidly growing area, St. Ann's continues to expand its Faith Formation programs, and Ministries and Organizations to continually build our community of worship, service and fellowship.

PASTOR; Fr. Henry Petter


The Finance Council is a consultative body authorized by Cannon Law to assist the Pastor in carrying out the material administration of the parish. It has the obligation of planning, and supervising the financial affairs and physical properties of the parish. The Finance Council is concerned with parish resources, the budget, church support, and the effective utilization and maintenance of the parish plant. In addition to its consultative role, the Bishop requires the approval of a Parish Finance Council for construction, major expenditures, etc. The council at St. Ann’s is composed of nine members serving staggered three-year terms.


Parish Office 972/393-5544 x1104

Website > Our Community > St. Ann Leadership > Parish Finance Council


The St. Ann Parish Pastoral Council was created to serve the needs and development of our faith community, with guidance from the Holy Spirit, under the guidelines of Canon Law and the Diocese of Dallas. Pope Benedict XVI gave advice regarding the spiritual renewal and pastoral planning that are necessary in each parish.
“…Parishes are rightly considered above all as houses and schools of communion. This calls for a pastoral promotion of holiness, so that the faithful remain attentive to the will of God, from whom we share true life, becoming participants of the divine nature (cf. Dei Verbum,” no.2").
The Parish Pastoral Council is a prayerful, consultative body assisting the pastor and providing the fullness of vision needed for the Parish’s mission. The work of the Council focuses on planning, developing and implementing a Pastoral Plan to carry out the parish’s Vision and Mission. The Parish Pastoral Council is an important resource in achieving full and inclusive participation of the whole parish in the ministries and activities of the Parish.


Tom Guidry 972/393-5544 x 1866

Website > Our Community > St. Ann Leadership > Pastoral Council

Parish Stewardship Council

The St. Ann Stewardship Committee meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 7pm to 8:30pm. Contact us if you are interested in joining a group of energetic and creative parishioners who assist in developing strategic and tactical plans to make St. Ann a true stewardship parish year round.

Stewardship Committee Mission Statement:

To create a welcoming and inviting parish environment that enables and encourages the giving of ourselves, our God given gifts and our financial gifts, to those needy in our communities.

Dave Lukeman 972/393-5544 x1110


All adults age 21 on up are invited to go.


Tena Allain 972/393-5544 x 1203

Ed McGuire 817/994-1573

Website Serving Others > Mission Trips > Adult Mexico Mission Trip


A series of talks on the Catholic faith. Every 3rd Wednesdays at 7pm in Room 331.


Laney Sherburne 972/393-0341

Website Formation & Education > Adult Faith Formation > Adult Education


The St. Ann’s Alcoholism and Addictions Ministry supports those persons who are struggling themselves with addiction problems, or family and friends who are struggling with the addiction problem of a loved one. This ministry offers education, community referrals, prayer, and emotional and spiritual support, all in a spirit of Christian compassion – and absolute confidentiality.
We believe that the shame about these diseases, combined with a lack of information about addiction and knowledge of resources, keep many people from receiving the help and treatment that is readily available.
We are committed, each member of this ministry personally, to reducing the shame and offering hope through ongoing awareness and education in this parish.
Alcoholism and Addiction 972/393-5544 x1870


Members of this ministry volunteer to launder and press the altar linens, and to replenish the Holy Water fonts in the church and the chapel. Service is provided on a rotating twice-a-week schedule with pickups on Friday (for delivery by Sunday evening) and on Monday (for delivery by Thursday), thereby providing coverage for both the weekday liturgies and the weekend liturgies, respectively.
New members are welcome to join us in this wonderful, rewarding ministry at any time!
This may be YOUR calling.
Why not give it a try?

Marie Murphy 214/284-5661

Website Sacraments & Liturgy > Liturgical Ministries > Altar Committee


St. Ann Parish has a very strong altar server ministry with almost 100 active servers. Interested girls and boys are welcome to begin this ministry as soon as they have completed the 6th grade and are encouraged to continue this ministry through high school. Our website provides information on how to get started for those interested in becoming an altar server. It provides supporting resources for experienced servers. If you need additional information about any aspect of the this ministry, please contact one of the Altar Server Coordinators.


Rick Chagoya 214-502-0695

Mary Hicks 972/355-0052

Lydia Goulas 972/462-8470

Website Sacraments & Liturgy > Liturgical Ministries > Altar Servers


If you are divorced and would like to pursue an annulment of your previous marriage or would like some information concerning annulments, please contact us. The Church does not believe in Divorce but the Church does believe at the time of the marriage, that one or both of the parties may not be able to make the life long commitment that is required for the marriage to be a sacrament. If this can be proved then the Church grants an annulment.


Deacon Pete 972/393-5544 x1810

Cell 214/762-8370

Deacon Ed Scarbrough 972/393-5544 x1807

Infant Baptisms (newborn through age 5 but not in first grade yet) Minimum three month parish registration is required. Usually, an infant Baptism class is required before your child’s Baptism. It is suggested that you take this class during your pregnancy. Please stop in the office to pick up an Infant Baptism Packet.

Contact :

Alicia Saucedo 972/393-5544 x1815

Children's Baptisms (ages 6 through 10) - Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) Children’s Baptism (ages 6 -10): Religious Education has established a Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) process forun-baptized children in which they participate along with their parents.


RE office 972/393-5544 x1204

Baptism for Youth (ages 11-13) - Together in Preparation for Sacraments (TIPS)
SAY has asacramental programfor un-baptized youth.


SAY office. 972/393-5544 x1302

Baptism for Teens Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens - (RCIT) or Veritas grades 9-12.


High School Ministry office 972/393-5544 x 1603
Baptism for Adults Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)


Mike and Laney Sherburne 972/393-5544 x 1895

Website Sacraments & Liturgy > Baptism


BROTHERS IN CHRIST is a ministry dedicated to helping men fulfill their vocations as husbands and fathers in the manner that the Church calls us to be.

Mission Statement

Brothers in Christ is a ministry that was begun in November of 1999 to focus on the Christian role of men. This ministry looks to St. Joseph as a role model to help men become better Catholic husbands and fathers. We meet in a spirit of brotherhood to support one another's efforts to live out our vocations and help strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Why a Men’s Ministry?

Because the role of Catholic men – as husbands and fathers – is under attack by the secular world like never before. Pope John Paul II calls every man to recognize his vocation within his family, teaching, guiding and loving his family the way St. Joseph did 2000 years ago.


Eddie Provencio 682/553-9523

Website > Formation & Education > Men's Faith Formation > Brothers in Christ


A yearly event to promote fellowship and fun. 3 days from Friday at 5pm until Sunday at 6pm. The 1st weekend after Labor Day. Rides, games, silent auction, vendor tents, car raffle, food, entertainment. Come join us the weekend after labor day. Promotes fellowship amongst parishioners and raises funds for the church and the community.


Mark Luenser 972/471-0417 Susan Bahry 817/562-3195

Website > Serving Others > Community Outreach > Carnival


Catholic Charities of Dallas' Mission is to be a family of human services working together to strengthen families. "Providing Help...Creating Hope, regardless of faith." Fulfilling the gospel mandate of welcoming strangers, supporting the weak, serving those in need and celebrating the gifts of every individual and family; Sharing the joy of service by treating every person with respect, dignity, patience and compassion; Enhancing the quality of life for all families and empowering individuals and families to become more self-sufficient; Providing tools and resources to help individuals and families live as productive and responsible members of the community; Calling the community of faith and the community at large to participate in its work through volunteerism, financial support and advocacy.




Deepen our relationship with our Holy Triune God through prayer, praise and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Meetings are held every Monday night.


Cheryl Denise Pumphrey 469/682-6605

Donna Garlock 972/462-0357



(Catholic Scripture Study - offered on Tuesday evenings, and Wednesday & Friday mornings. Also starting in the fall of 2011 there will be a Thursday evening class for engaged couples and young marrieds)

Catholic Scripture Study is a 30-week study program, written by authors such as Dr. Scott Hahn, Mark Shea and Steve Ray. The calendar runs parallel to the average school year with several holiday breaks. Beginners and experienced Bible students study and learn together, in an environment that is totally Catholic and true to Church teachings and doctrines. The Catechism of the Catholic Church and writings of the popes, early Church fathers and the saints are used.


Marianne Southwick 214/763-3882

Website www.stannparish.orgFormation & EducationAdult Faith FormationAdult Bible StudyCSS


Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered year-round during the Saturday night Mass and the Sunday morning Masses. It is geared towards children ages 5 through 8 (Kindergarten through 3rd grade). The children of the parish are invited by Father after the Opening Prayer to follow the Prayer Leader (Catechist) to a room where they hear the Sunday readings in words they can understand. They return to the congregation after the Creed.


Kim Cesario/RE Office 972/393-5544 x 1204



CRHP is a spiritual renewal experience, which brings St. Ann’s adult parishioners together in small groups in order to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and each other. CRHP has been an active program at St. Ann’s parish since 1996, and has proven to be an effective instrument for spiritual growth.

Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) is a process designed to bring members of the parish closer together with Christ. It is an avenue for spiritual growth and friendship. Men’s and women’s renewal weekends, given for parishioners by parishioners, take place each spring and fall. A team that has previously attended a CRHP weekend works together in prayer and love to provide a two day, one night (30 hours overall) renewal experience in the parish facilities. Attendees are invited to continue in a formation process that provides for deepened spiritual growth and fellowship. The weekends are now also available in Spanish.

Doug Golenski

Deacon Pete Markwald 972/393-5544 x1810Website www.stannparish.orgFormation & EducationAdult Faith FormationRetreat: Christ Renews His Parish


"Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the "sacraments of Christian initiation," whose unity must be safeguarded. It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. For "by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.” Catechism of the Catholic Church. The following are the Programs at St Ann that prepare you for the Sacrament of Confirmation.



High School Ministry office 972/393-5544 x 1602

AdultConfirmation - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)


Mike and Laney Sherburne 972/393-5544 x 1895

Website Sacraments & Liturgy > Confirmation


Rite of Confirmation for Adults is a spiritual formation process for practicing Catholics, age eighteen or older, who have been Baptized in the Catholic Church, received First Comminion, and have completed at least through eighth grade school Catholic Religious Education.


Karen Case 972/393-5544 ext 1108


The Ministry of Consolation is currently offering a Support Group for those who have been divorced and/or separated. In a group setting, the sessions are to help you through the many different feelings you are experiencing