Roadmap to a Healthier Douglas County
Accomplishment Form
Healthy Food for All Work Group
Lawrence Public Library Meeting Room A
9:00am – 10:00 a.m., April 14, 2017
Agenda items / Notes / Action Items /1. Welcome, introductions, and overview of agenda / Attendees:
2. Healthy pantry project / Elizabeth:
· Created new pantry posters/fliers/promotional materials that were presented to and approved by the group. Thank you, Liz!
· Chris/group discussed using remaining KHF funding to buy ¼ sheet printing and posters of materials.
o Uprinting and Next Day Fliers were mentioned, as well as local printing options like Minutemen Press
· 500 – poster-sized copies will be created
· 100 – plexiglass panels with suction cups to hang posters on donation containers during drives
· 25-30 – window clings as a way to honor participating pantries. These will include logos from the bottom corner of new promotional materials
· Will also look into recipe card holders
· Social media versions of all materials should be made
· In future, could create a secondary campaign for fresh produce donations to area food banks/pantries; identify appropriate donations dates/times on materials.
· Consider including culturally-appropriate foods in promotional materials in future. Sunrise noted that they are starting a community garden with native and foods for different cultures.
Trinity visit:
· Connie will arrange small-sized posters to hang in pantry
· Will engage clients with monthly themes/promotions. Recipe cards, in holders, will be made available with themed items and appropriate spice packets/giveaways will be made available.
· Themes could be made to align with various health months/”holidays” (e.g., heart heath month, diabetes awareness, etc.)
Next draft of pantry self-assessment tool:
· Utilize Google form sent via e-mail in place of paper assessment
· Simplify assessment tool by removing scoring numbers and organizing questions by categories/topics. Scoring would still take place internally. Fun engagement levels suggested (e.g., “18 Carrot” pantry)
· Could offer some way to make the process easier – ex., offer one-on-one assistance/guidance in completing the assessment via phone.
· Kelsey will work to make feedback collected during the focus groups available.
· Marketing materials could be used to persuade pantries to participate by telling them the benefits/supports that could be provided.
· A policy collaborative pantry outreach campaign could be coordinated/funded using a Douglas County Community Foundation Live Well grant. / Liz will reach out to schedule meeting with Karrey Britt to finalize plans for finalizing materials and ordering/printing
3. Food Policy council updates from Helen Schnoes / · Food Systems Plan will go before the city/county commissions for approval in late May or early June. HFFA members are invited to attend these meeting to provide their support.
· An updated draft of the Food Systems Plan was e-mailed to HFFA members. A copy can also be found at .
· A presentation of the Sunrise Project Community coordinator Photovoice project will begin in June. / Distribute urban agriculture guides to pantries/partner organizations. Please let Helen know if you know someone who would like copies.
Note: Tentative June training with PolicyLink and Nick Ward to discuss the community coordinator process.
All: Please review relevant parts of Food Systems Plan and send any feedback to Helen.
4. Just Food Pots and Pan-try / This Just Food initiative has been approved and launched.
5. Other updates / Shelley Mann reported that SB 95 was approved! This will allow voice signature for SNAP and other governmental programs, which can shave days to a week off of the processing time. Great work Shelley!
6. Next meetings: May 12, June 9 / Elizabeth and Kelsey will facilitate the May 12 meeting (Christina will be gone that day).
7. Updates/ Communications / · KSU Research and Extension
o 1 full-time and one half-time position for a SNAP educator at KSU Research and Extension
· Seeding Change – A Community Conversation about Living Well in Douglas County -- Thursday, April 20 – 4 to 6 p.m.
· KU Football Sack Lunch event – Sunday, April 23rd 1 to 3 p.m. at the Lawrence Library Lawn
· Sunrise Project Organic Transplant Sale – Saturday, April 22nd 1 to 4 p.m.
8. Adjourn
Activity / Who will do it? / Status / Notes
Refine menu of options for pantries; combine current ideas with ideas from Harvesters’ list and share with group and pantries for completeness / Kelsey / Complete / Further revisions may be needed based on pantry feedback
Develop Healthy Food Drive Toolkit; incorporate Fuel Good brand / Kait/ intern Madison; will collaborate with Liz and Jessica / Draft complete; revisions in process / Can use PICH, CDRR, or KHF funds for marketing materials; Kait will check on budget(s). Could apply for additional funding from Douglas County Community Foundation.
Invite pantry partners/ representatives to join upcoming focus group / Complete
Better understand what healthy foods pantries are obtaining now / Liz, Kelsey, others / Survey, focus group
Determine method for signage of healthy food choices at pantries (e.g., red, yellow, green magnets?)
Meet with Marilyn Hull, Douglas County Community Foundation re: partnership with healthy pantries project / Christina / DCCF provides funding to some pantries and may be able to encourage use of funds on healthy items
Disseminate Healthy Food Drive toolkits
LiveWell Roadmap to a Healthier Douglas County: 2013-2018 Douglas County Community Health Plan
Strategy / Opportunities for Community Action (2015 revisions) / Outcomes / Objectives / Measures / Indicators related to strategy
Enhance access to healthy food for low-income families / 1. Establish waste minimizing practices and policies with supermarkets, restaurants, cafeterias, schools, hospitals and any other large feeding institutions, restaurants and stores by supplying excess to food banks serving Douglas County (for low-income families)
2. Promote and advocate for changes in local food bank and pantry policies and practices that improve the nutrition and health status of communities, including:
2.1. Implementing choice-based systems
2.2. Providing incentives for selecting healthy whole local foods
2.3. Providing evidence-based case management
2.4. Promoting SNAP enrollment
2.5. Increasing capacity for storing and distributing healthy whole foods
2.6. Establishing new locations
2.7. Improving transit access to existing locations
3. Establish a system that engages low-income families as food growers
4. Establish a system that engages low-income families as small food business operators
5. Establish new opportunities to purchase fresh produce in North Lawrence and other parts of Douglas County with limited options, including farmer’s markets, integration into existing retail options, or opening corner stores
6. Promote and advocate for increased enrollment in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) through efforts including dollar for dollar matching programs, community-wide campaigns that destigmatize food assistance and improve understanding of the benefits of SNAP participation / a. By 2018, increase by 10% the availability of fruits and vegetables in food deserts through retail, gardens, and food banks.
b. By 2018, increase by 5% participation in SNAP/ food stamps. / i. Number of opportunities to purchase or obtain fruits and vegetables (Environmental Observation)
ii. Number of people participating in SNAP/ food stamps (USDA Food and Nutrition Resources)
Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department | 200 Maine, Suite B, Lawrence, Kansas, 66044
Email: | Web: | Phone: (785) 843-3060 | Fax: (785) 843-3161