In General
- No spelling mistakes.
- consistent in using terminology (no spelling differences).
- consistent punctuation
- lists are proper and consistent (also look at periods and commas).
- Texts have a coherent buildup and are comprehensible.
- Titles of Role plays are consistent. This implies that you don't use a technical aspect (such as 'listening to the customer') one time and a subject ('your first rental car') the next time.
Build-up of the Program
- The weekly build-up of the program is realistic (on average 4-8 roleplays per week).
- The content fits with reality
- Doing a training program is being rewarded (it is included in the appraisal).
Promo and Introduction
- The promo articulates what is expected of the trainee, and why he/she should participate in the program.
- It formulates what the trainee will learn, and for how long the program will last (if necessary, include data).
- The preparation treats All competences that will be tested.
- All competences are explicitly explained. it isn't showing what shouldn't be done, but it shows how it should look like. Example-video's can be helpful.
- For every multiple choice question, one answer is assigned as 'correct'.
Practice – situation & assignment
- The situation fits perfectly together with the assignment video (example: if the video is recorded by a woman, the assignment shouldn't say 'he')
- There is no (hidden) assignment in the situation, in any way. These should be strictly separated.
- The assignment is not too complicated (the trainee doesn't have to keep too many things in mind).
- The assignment is neither too easy nor to difficult
Autocue (optional)
- Check in the preview whether the autocue text is displayed in the right way.
- The checkmark [Allow trainee to modify this text] is set correctly.
- In case 'enable autocue' is checked, there has to be text in the text-window. This can also be [autocue script].
Exisercise - video
- The exercise video doesn't take too much time (When trainees want to retry a roleplay, this can be very frustrating).
Appraisal questions
- The appraisal questions have been clearly introduced (in the preperation and/or the exercise).
- All relevant appraisal questions are inserted and linked to the right competence.
- The appraisal questions are written in first person, in the present simple tense, and are formulated as a statement. Look at this article for drafting good appraisal questions.
Exercise - settings
- For audio-only: Only the microphone is selected.
- The clip ends at the right time (check the exercise video).
- The actor is located in the centre of the video (If important information is outside the centre, check the 'Don't crop the video for mobile' box.).
- The maximum recording time for the trainee is set to the right number of seconds.
- It is clear for the trainee whether there will be coaching (It is deliberately chosen to give or not to give notice of this, at a roleplay).
- It is clear who will be the coach.
Peer feedback
- Trainees are encouraged to ask and give feedback.
- Tests - content
- Tests are being introduced in the preperation.
- It is clear that there are only two attempts and that the second attempt is automatically the definitive try.
- It is clear who will give feedback to the test. This can be a team manager or a Traintool-coach (if it's unknown: 'your coach').
Tests - settings
- For a baseline-test, the week shows 'baseline-test' (and not 'practice')
- For a final test, the week shows 'Final test' (and not 'practice').