Riverside Fire & Rescue
Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 14
Commissioners Meeting December 12, 2016
In Attendance: Commissioner John Campbell, Commissioner Peter Allison and Commissioner Karen Megran, AC Kira Thirkield, BC Dan Hugo, and Secretary Pat Shandrow
Commissioner Campbell opened the meeting with the Flag Salute at 6:30 p.m.
Guests: None
The minutes of the November 28, 2016 Regular Meeting were approved as read.
Vouchers: Voucher list was reviewed, approved and attached.
Chief’s Report: The Chief’s report waspresented, reviewed and attached.
Old Business:
- Mohave County, Arizona property, - Commissioner Megran has been in contact with Brad Johnson of LandDeals.org. We have agreed on the sale of the property for $495.00.
Commissioner Megran also spoke to Mr. Johnson regarding the Luna County,
Deming, New Mexico property. He has offered $750.00 for the property in
New Mexico. A motion was made to sell the New Mexico property for a total of
$750.00. Approved 3-0. Commissioner Megran will handle the paper work for
the sale of the Arizona and New Mexico properties.
B: Nothing new on the old Gator pump parts. We will check into selling the old
New Business:
- AC Thirkield presented the Commissioners with a list of items recommended to repair Engine 74. These items were discussed and will be prioritized in the order of most needed repair.
Good of the Order:
New dispatch computer system is now in use. It is working well.
The Awards Banquet will be held sometime in January.
We sent the aid car to the Police officer Memorial 12/9/2016
The Santa run was a success raising over $800 and collecting a large amount of food for donation.
Several meetings were attended around the county this month.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
John Campbell, Chair
Peter Allison, CommissionerATTEST:
Karen Megran, CommissionerPat Shandrow, District Secretary
Commissioners Meeting 12/12/16 Pg 2