Montana State Genealogical Society

Board Meeting 9 July 2005

Missoula Public Library

Missoula, MT

President Robert Cummings called the meeting of the Mt. State Genealogical Society board to order at 10 am at the Missoula Public Library. Roll call of officers was called. Present were: Robert Cummings, Pres., Verba Valentine, 1st Vice Pres., Carol Woodley, 2nd Vice Pres., Shirley Rogers, Secretary, Nancy Alley, treasurer, Betty Marshall, Immediate Past Pres., Pat Ludwig, External Affairs, Paulette Parpart, Collections Development Committee, Chairperson for 2005 conference.


Shirley read the minutes from the 9 April 2005 board meet. The following corrections were made: Treasurer’s report cash on hand was $8790.97 not $8709.97. Verba made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections. Paulette seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer (attach 1 & 2)

Nancy reported we have cash on hand of $17,220.97 of which $8856.72 is in the First Families of Montana account. She also passed out the 2004-05 budget and requested if anyone has any changes for the next year to let her know. Nancy also said that she has been unable to deliver Thelma Lewis’s check for the work she did on the Death Index. She will return it into the treasury.

Registrar (attach. 3)

Del sent a report showing that we have 425 members. We need to urge Great Falls and Lewistown Societies to join us. Correspondence from Lincoln Co. Genealogical Society requesting clarification on their area set. This was passed on to Robert Cummings.

Betty reported that her and her cousin meant with the members of the 2 societies in Libby the first part of May. They discussed how the state society could help them. Four of them are going to come to the state conference.

Death Index CD

Robert reported that he gets about 3 request every 2 weeks. If people had it in Access and need a different version they can exchange it. We will be running a conference special for $10 for the CD.

First Families of Montana (attach 4)

Vol. II is moving forward fast. We hope to have it for conference. We have sold about 400 copies of Vol. I. Cost for Vol. II for 250 pages is $10 a book if we print 500 books and $9 a book if we print 700 books. So we hope to be able to keep the cost of the book at $20. We need to send an order form to all the libraries so they can get it for their Montana collection.

Anna Mae Hanson Award

The committee for the Anna Mae Hanson Award is Al Stoner, Betty Marshall and Mary Pitch. We need to encourage every society to send in their nominations.

Nominating Committee

Betty reported the following officers were up for election at conference: 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Registrar. We also need a newsletter editor and a query committee. Any suggestions please contact Betty.

2005 Conference (Attach. 5)

Verba and Paulette reported that the conference is on track. When meeting with the hotel they found the cost of meals went up. So we will have to raise the registration fee to $60 members and $70 for non-members. They regret having to do this, but it is the only way to cover the cost. We will have a large room directly upstairs from the Seminar Room for the hospitality area, book frolic and vendor area. There is an elevator available as well as the stairs.

J. Mark Lowe will be covering many topics. Only one will be covering Kentucky-Tennessee research. The other 3 will cover general research information.

Paulette reported lots of fun entertainment. They request each society bring 2 door prizes to be given away. If anyone need a vendor table for their society to let Verba know as soon as possible. There is no charge for member societies. The Anna Mae Hanson Award will be given out at the banquet on Friday night. Society reports will be at the luncheon on Saturday.

The room block at Ruby’s Inn will be held until the 26th of August. After that the hotel said that it will be full. So we urge everyone to get his or her reservations early. Room rates are $73 for 1 Queen and $83 for 2 Queens.

2006 Conference

Plans are going forward for the conference in Gardiner, MT for Sept 15, 16, 2006. We hope to have a selection of speakers by the Missoula conference in Sept.

Bob showed us an Oral History of Pease Bottom, MT. Discussion on what we can do to preserve this so it is not lost in the future. Suggestions were that we make copies for 5 different libraries and give them each 2 copies. Bob will talk to the owners to see what they would like to do and how we can help them.

Great Falls Genealogical Society is having a genealogy trip to Salt Lake City for 5 days in October. If anyone is interested in going be sure to contact them.

Verba gave Carol some information for the etiquette brochure that we are going to do. She will work it up and send it to all board members to proof and make suggestions.

Next board meeting will be Thurs. Sept 15 in Missoula at the conference.

Meeting adjourned at 12:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Shirley Rogers
