Cost Centre:
Fac. Health Sciences, School of Medicine / Department:
Support Services / Location:
School of Medicine / Area Supervisors:
Tadija Petronijevic and Angela Binns
Plant / Equipment / Procedure:
pH Meters / Compiled by:
Angela Binns / Date: 15.07.13
Probability - Risk Factors → / Consequence (cons) - Risk Factors → / Risk Assessment
Very Likely (V) / Probably occur immediately or within a short period of time / Fatality (F) / May cause death or loss of facility / Probability
V / L / U / H
Likely (L) / Probably occur in time / Major (M) / Severe injury or illness or major property damage / Cons. / Fatality / H / H / H / M
(M) / H / H / M / M
Unlikely (U) / Could eventually happen / Minor (m) / Minor (usually reversible) injury or illness resulting in days off work or minor property damage / Minor
(m) / H / M / M / L
Negligible / M / M / L / L
Highly Unlikely (H) / Has potential to occur, but probably never will occur / Negligible (N) / Minor injury, possible first aid / Remember to Consider
Equipment / Plant
Worker Competency
Item / Hazard / P / C / RA / Control / Action by / Date
1 / Electrical Hazards / H / F / M / Ø All electrical items tested and tagged by Testel as required.
Ø All servicing completed by trained personnel in Biomedical Engineering. / Environmental Services / 2006
2 / Hazardous Chemicals / U / m / M / Ø Read SDS for hazardous chemicals in use.
Ø PPE of gloves, lab coat, closed shoes, and eye protection (if needed)
Ø Dispose of any used hazardous chemicals as per Laboratory Safety Manual guidelines.
Ø All containers must have appropriate Chemgold labels with risk phrases included. / Angela Binns / Feb 2007