P.O. Box 384 511 Mercer Street Dripping Springs, Texas 78620 (512) 858-4725


Public Input Sought through Survey for Dripping Springs

Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan

Date: May 17, 2013

Editor’s Note: If you have any questions regarding this press release, please call City Administrator Michelle Fischer or Deputy City Administrator Ginger Faught at 512-858-4725.

Dripping Springs – The City of Dripping Springs is currently preparing the Dripping Springs Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan 2013-2023 (Plan). Public input is an important portion of the Plan. To ensure the public has an opportunity to voice their opinion, City officials ask citizens living within the City of Dripping Spring, the Dripping Springs Extra Territorial Jurisdiction, and Dripping Springs Independent School District to participate in a short 21-question survey. Answering survey questions will allow individuals to express opinions, wants, and needs regarding City owned and managed parks, the future development of open space in Dripping Springs, and recreational programs.

In 2007, the City produced a similar plan titled the City Dripping Springs Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan which drove substantial improvements in all city parks, including the Dripping Springs Ranch Park and other parkland acquisition. The new Dripping Springs Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan 2013-2023 will direct the next phase of park enhancements and recreational activities for citizens living in and around Dripping Springs. Please complete this survey by indicating the answers that best reflect your attitudes and opinions.

To participate in this opportunity, visit the City of Dripping Springs website at A link to the survey will be available on the City home page. Feel free to share this information with interested parties. The survey will be open to responses from May 18 until June 30, 2013. Your opinion is important. City staff and officials encourage participation, look forward to better understanding citizens’ needs, and want to thank you in advance for taking time to complete the survey.

Preliminary survey results will be presented in a series of town hall meetings. The City of Dripping Springs officials will share the details for the town hall meetings in the coming months.

For more information about the City’s Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan, contact City Administrator Michelle Fischer at City Hall at (512)858-4725 or by email at .