Risk Assessment Form for Coaches
1 Venue and Riders
Name of group/activity: / Durham Primary Interschool CompetitionDate and time of activity: / 12:30 – 14:30 15/04/15
Riders: / Estimated No.: / approx. 100 / Ability: / novice / Age: / 10-11
Lead coach / Name: / Alex McLean / Telephone: / 07534281257
Date of risk assessment: / 21/03/2013
Venue / Name: / Meadowfield Sports Centre
Address/location: / John St NMeadowfield, Durham DH7 8RS
0191 301 8304
Postcode: / DH78RS
Obtained and reviewed the venue’s: / Health and Safety Policy: / Yes No
Normal Operating Procedures: / Yes No
Emergency Operating Procedures: / Yes No
Existing risk assessments for venue, activities or equipment:
Location of toilets: / In main building
Location of changing rooms: / In main building
Location of nearest telephone and how to dial out: / Mobile phones
First Aid / On-Site First-Aider: / Name: / Alex McLean / Telephone: / 07534281257
Location of first aid: / On Site
First aid kit available / / Yes / First aid kit adequately stocked and maintained / / Yes
Venue contact person / Name: / Telephone:
Person conducting risk assessment
Name: / Alex McLean / Telephone: / 07534281257
Signed: / Alex McLean / Date: / 28/09/12
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2 Risk Assessment/Review
2A Risk Assessment / 2B Review & ImplementID / Location of Hazard / Description of Hazard / People at Risk
(coaches, cyclists, spectators, others) / Level of Risk
(high, medium or low) / Advice on Hazard Required? / Resolution/Action / Resolution Implemented By / Dated Reviewed / Implemented
1 / Field / Wet grass may cause riders to slip and skid. / Cyclists, coaches, users of fields / medium / / No
If yes, who / Use firm ground where possible. Make course appropriate for the riders. Make sure riders have appropriate tyres. / Alex McLean
2 / Wooded areas / Tree roots will be bumpy slippery when wet, low branches / Cyclists / low / / No
If yes, who / Make sure route is appropriate for the ability of the riders. Don’t use the trees if considered dangerous on the day. / Alex
3 / Around school/park grounds / Street furniture eg bins, fences, benches / Cyclists / low / No
If yes, who / Keep route away from such features / Alex McLean
4 / Outside / Weather extremes eg heatwave, thunder storms, snow/ice, gales / All / Medium / No
If yes, who / If the weather looks like it may be a safety hazard, stop activity and send everyone indoors. Participants told what clothing to bring. Large tent for shelter. / Alex McLean
5 / Anywhere / Collisions between cyclists / Cyclists and coaches / medium / No
If yes, who / Brief riders. Take bike away from riders that behave dangerously or deliberately fail to follow instructions. / Alex McLean
2A Risk Assessment / 2B Review & Implement
ID / Location of Hazard / Description of Hazard / People at Risk
(coaches, cyclists, spectators, others) / Level of Risk
(high, medium or low) / Advice on Hazard Required? / Resolution/Action / Resolution Implemented By / Dated Reviewed / Implemented
6 / Paved/tarmac areas / Possible risk of skidding especially when wet or icy / Cyclists / Medium / / No
If yes, who / Don’t use in the ice. Warn riders of potential risks / Alex McLean
7 / Anywhere / Spectators getting in the way of riders / Cyclists / Medium / / No
If yes, who / Keep course away from any areas that are likely to get busy or crowded. Have a designated ‘pen’ for non-riders / Alex McLean
8 / Anywhere / Rider loss of control resulting in crash/fall / cyclists / high / No Yes
If yes, who / Helmets must be worn at all times by active riders / Alex McLean
9 / Other / Members of the public/ tethered horses / Cyclists, public, pets / low / No Yes
If yes, who / Stop for horses, give members of the public right of way, stay in quiet areas when possible. Use marshals with experience of sport and/or dealing with public. / Alex McLean
10 / Other / Large areas of water (rivers, lakes) / Cyclists / low / No Yes
If yes, who / Keep riders away from waterside especially if travelling at speed or on narrow tracks / Alex McLean
Please use additional sheets if required
Page 1 of 327 April 2005