- Department Chairs submit Letters of Appointment for adjunct faculty teaching Fall Semester 3 weeks prior to the first day of Fall Semester classes
- Check registration totals to make enrollment decisions
Suggested Activities:
- Communicate with faculty to provide information about scheduled department activities
- Encourage new faculty to participate in New Faculty Orientation programs
- Schedule a retreat or extended meeting to discuss department operating procedures, committee structures, and priorities
- Schedule a social activity after classes begin for faculty, staff and students
- Review department budget and set up monitoring systems
- Department Chairs submit special course fees for spring and summer to Deans
- Provost distributes post-tenure review notifications to Department Chairs
Suggested Activities:
- Develop a regular department meeting schedule and seek input for agenda items
- Plan for use of travel funds for the fiscal year
- Meet with new faculty individually to set expectations and begin preparing for progress toward tenure
- Ensure that student organizations have a faculty advisor who will provide active guidance and assistance
- Review procedures for recruiting and hiring new faculty and staff
- Begin the change proposal process IF your department is anticipating any program changes
- Registrar’s Office distributes First Proof copies of the Undergraduate Catalog to Department Chairs for review
- Department Chairs submit Requests for Curriculum Change to the Graduate Council and to the University Curriculum Committee prior to the start of springcontinuing registration
- Department Chairs submit spring textbook orders to Bookstore by Oct. 15
- Department Chairs forward tenure portfolio and recommendations to the college promotion and tenure committee by Oct. 15
- Provost distributes Call for Sabbatical Applications
- Department Chairs submit post-tenure review documentation to Deans
Suggested Activities:
- Meet with all faculty periodically to share information, answer questions, troubleshoot issues, etc.
- Monitor local and grant accounts in additional to monthly budget expenditures
- Ensure that advisor assignment procedures are in place and that advisors know who their advisees are and advisees know who their advisors are
- Familiarize yourself with the University and College strategic plans and discuss with your faculty and staff how your department is in alignment with both
- Start hiring adjunct faculty for Spring Semester
- Encourage faculty to sponsor undergraduate students’ research projects for the Undergraduate Research Conference taking place April 2017. Abstract applications are due February 2017 for participation in conference.
- Advocate for Department Chairs and faculty to consider living on campus as Faculty-in-Residence; applications are due next month.
- Department Chairs submit Requests for Curriculum Action to the Graduate Council and the University Curriculum Committee to ensure inclusion in the next catalog
- Department Chairs submit supporting materials and application for Emeritus Faculty Status to Faculty Senate for Winter Commencement by Nov. 1
- Deans submit post-tenure review documentation to Provost
- Provost sends post-tenure review letters to Faculty, Department Chairs and Deans
- Faculty submit sabbatical applications and supporting documentation to Department Chairs
- Faculty submit application materials for Faculty-In-Residence positions (including letter of support from Department Chair)
Suggested Activities:
- Assign faculty to march in Winter Commencement
- Ensure that procedures are in place to conduct student evaluations of courses
- Monitor enrollment trends for spring semester and make adjustments as needed
- Submit nominations of faculty for Provost’s Excellence in Advising Award to Advising and Academic Enhancement
- Department Chairs submit spring fee waiver list for all graduate assistantships to Graduate College
- Department Chairs submit sabbatical applications and recommendations to Deans
Suggested Activities:
- Prepare end-of-semester reminders to faculty and staff regarding the exam policy for the last week of classes (i.e. “dead week”), grade posting, etc.
- Provost submits all approved curriculum changes to Registrar’s Office for inclusion in Undergraduate Catalog
- Deans submit requests for special course fees for fall to Provost
- Department Chairs submit Letters of Appointment for adjunct faculty teaching Fall Semester 3 weeks prior to the first day of Spring Semester classes
- Deans submit sabbatical applications and recommendations for review by Sabbatical Committee to Provost by Jan. 15
- Deans notify tenure candidates of their recommendations
- Deans submit tenure materials and recommendations to the Provost
Suggested Activities:
- Check registration totals to make enrollment decisions
- Conduct elections for mid-year committee vacancies
- Plan and conduct a department meeting prior to the start of classes
- Conduct mid-year review of budget to ensure operating funds for the rest of the year
- Registrar’s Office distributes Final Proof copies of Undergraduate Catalog to Department Chairs for review with a one-week deadline to submit final changes and corrections
- Department Chairs submit Requests for Curriculum Change to the Graduate Council and the University Curriculum Committee prior to summer and fall continuing registration begins (changes will not appear in printed 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog)
Suggested Activities:
- Invite students to meet with academic advisors prior to summer and fall class registration
- Schedule information sessions for sophomores and juniors considering graduate school
- Department Chairs submit professional staff annual performance evaluations to Human Resource Services by March 1
- Provost forwards tenure recommendations to Faculty
- Department Chairs submit summer textbook orders to Bookstore by March 15
- Department Chairs provide a written performance evaluation of each faculty member
- Department Chairs submit supporting materials and application for Emeritus Faculty Status to Faculty Senate for Spring Commencement
Suggested Activities:
- Assign faculty to march in Spring Commencement
- Department Chairs submit faculty evaluation report and any performance plans for faculty members to Deans by April 15
- Department Chairs submit first proof of Graduate College content to Graduate College
- Department Chairs submit fall textbook orders to Bookstore by April 15
Suggested Activities:
- Monitor enrollment trends for Summer and Fall Semester and make adjustments as needed
- Ensure that procedures are in place to conduct student evaluations of courses
- Encourage faculty to participate in orientation programs for new students and families
- Department Chairs submit final proof of Graduate catalog content to Graduate College
Suggested Activities:
- Plan summer staffing for administrative assistance, advising, and managing department tasks
- Notify students if department hours of service will be limited
- Remind faculty to provide contact information for the summer
- Department Chairs submit fall fee waiver list for all graduate assistantships to Graduate College
Suggested Activities:
- Take a break!
- Catch up, plan ahead, re-engage in scholarly activities, etc.