RISE Lesson Respect: Self

Objective: We will discuss aspects of respect for ourselves in order to improve on our ability to make positive choices about how we treat ourselves and take responsibility for our actions.

Materials needed: Tree Warm Up, Situation Charts, index cards, and markers/colored pencils/crayons

Warm Up: Tree Worksheet: Fill in the roots with positive attribute about yourself. Fill in the apples with success that came as a result of those attributes. (ex. Friendly in roots= have lots of friends in apple) Make a list on the board/overhead of student responses of Attributes/Successes.Talk to students about how everyone has beliefs about who they think they are. Beliefs about who we are can lead us to feel better or worse about ourselves. These beliefs about ourselves can also cause us to choose options in situations that can lower or boost our self-respect.

Activity: Divide students into 3 groups. Tell students that today they will read or act out situations that occur in school, on the bus, or in their neighborhood that present the opportunity to lower or boost their self-respect. Discuss with them that most difficult situations in life present different options about how to respond. The first option most people think of has to do with revenge or making someone feel as bad as they feel, but that usually leads to them lowering their self-respect even though it may make them feel good for a minute. There is always another more positive option that will help them boost their self-respect.

Pass out one situation chart to each group. Explain that for each situation there are 2 options. The 1st option will make them feel good, but will lower their self-respect in the long run. The 2nd option will make them feel good and boost their feelings of self-respect. For example, if someone says something mean you have at least 2 options 1. Say something mean back-that will make you feel bad later because you will realize how mean you were or 2. Tell the person that you don’t appreciate it- that will boost your self-respect because you stuck up for yourself when you felt someone was not treating you right.

Students will need to create their own situation for their setting. This new situation should be one where there are at least 2 different reactions.

Craft: Acrostic name plate with positive attributes about self (things they like about themselves) or ways to show self respect. They can either write sentences or fragments, a single trait, or a combination of sentences and single traits.

RISE Lesson Respect: Self Feedback Form

The idea with this year’s RISE lessons is to let students explore the ideas of RISE more closely and most importantly; have fun with RISE. In meeting with that, each lesson will have a craft and will be less teacher driven. The PBIS committee would appreciate your feedback on today’s lesson and certainly welcomes your input on the lesson committee if you would care to join. Please take a moment to complete this form.

Today’s Respect: Self RISE lesson:

What went well?

+ ______

+ ______


What did you have concerns about?

- ______
- ______
- ______



You’re forced to partner with others for a project. Each team is to receive a grade, not each individual. You’re doing all the work because you’re the only one who apparently cares about your grade.
What options do you have?
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.
______/ Create your own situation in school where you will have the option to boost or lower your self-respect. The write your options.
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.
You ask someone if help is needed. This person snaps at you and tells you to mind your own business.
What options do you have?
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.
______/ You study really hard to get an A on a math test, but still only get a C. It’s frustrating. What options do you have?
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.


The bus is crowded and you see someone that you sat next to last week has an open seat next to them. As you move closer they put their book bag on the seat and tell you they are saving it. The driver closes the doors and tells you to find a seat fast. What options do you have?
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.
______/ Create your own situation on the bus where you will have the option to boost or lower your self-respect. Then write your options.
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.
You hear a friend a few seats back call someone “fat.” Both your friend and the kid laugh. You happen to know that kid is trying very hard to lose weight and is actually pretty hurt about the comment.
What options do you have?
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.
______/ You’re riding the bus and someone starts kicking your seat.
What options do you have?
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.

In the Community or your Neighborhood

Someone says something very hurtful to you, then tacks on “I was just kidding.”
What options do you have?
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.
______/ Create your own situation outside of school where you will have the option to boost or lower your self-respect. Then write your options.
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.
Someone is spreading a nasty rumor about you that is a severely twisted form of the truth. You don’t know where or how it began, but you feel you’re hearing it whispered everywhere you go.
What options do you have:
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.
______/ Someone twists something you said and it comes back to you through another person. What options do you have?
Option 1: Will make you feel better, but will lower your self-respect.
Option 2: Will make you feel better and will boost your self-respect.